Feminine guys are not new but they’re still often misunderstood. Here’s everything you need to know and understand them better.
A man who shows his sensitive side is great. Some girls love the feminine guys because he’s so in touch with his sensitive side. And then, there are other girls who just can’t stand the signs of a feminine man who displays even a hint of “womanliness” in his behavior.
You may be a guy who wants to know the traits of a feminine man, or a girl who wants to avoid dating one. It doesn’t matter what your reasons are but we’ll help you recognize a feminine man instantly, so you can be well-informed. [Read: Meaning of dating: How it works, types, 42 signs & ways to date someone right]
What’s Femininity, Anyway?
Femininity traditionally referred to qualities like softness, nurturing, and emotional expression—traits historically associated with women.
Back in the day, society linked these attributes to fixed gender roles: women were expected to be caregivers and graceful, while men were expected to be tough and stoic. These definitions were rigid and left little room for individuality.
But here’s the thing—times have changed. Today, femininity is no longer confined to women, and masculinity isn’t boxed into outdated stereotypes. Modern society recognizes that qualities like empathy, creativity, and emotional openness are human traits, not gendered ones. [Read: Reasons why empathy is important in a relationship]
Feminine guys, for example, are challenging these norms by embracing a softer, more fluid version of masculinity, proving that strength can come in many forms.
Pop culture and social media play a huge role in this shift. From celebrities like Harry Styles rocking traditionally feminine fashion to influencers openly discussing emotional health, the spotlight is on individuality over conformity. These platforms amplify the message that masculinity and femininity can coexist—and look different for everyone.
This evolving perspective is breaking down barriers and opening the door for more inclusive, authentic expressions of self. Whether it’s feminine guys showing their softer side or anyone breaking away from old expectations, the conversation about femininity and masculinity has never been more exciting.
The Biggest Signs That Scream You’re One of the Feminine Guys
If you are wondering if people see you as one of the feminine guys, these are signs that might not always scream it, but subtly whisper to those around you that you aren’t just okay with your feminine side, but instead you are trying to steal a woman’s thunder. Being sensitive is way okay, being too feminine is definitely not.
1. You Use a Lot of Skincare Products and Possibly Cosmetics
While there’s no problem in looking after yourself, if a man uses a lot of skin and hair care products, and even dabbles in a little makeup now and again, it’s likely that he’s quite feminine on the inside. That’s no problem for a lot of people, apart from the fact he might use his girlfriend’s makeup! [Read: Effeminate men: What it means, 4 types & 25 signs a guy has a softer side]
2. You Like to Sit Back and Allow the Other Person to Take Control
If you’re a woman who likes a masculine man, i.e. someone who takes control and leads the way, you may find this sign a little off-putting.
A traditionally feminine man has no issue with someone else taking control and steering direction. It’s not that he’s particularly submissive, he simply doesn’t feel the need to dominate either. [Read: Divine masculine: What it means, 37 qualities, signs & secrets to awaken it]
3. You Have No Problem Showing Your Emotions Outwardly
Most men have a problem with crying in front of people they don’t know well. If a man has no issue with showing his feelings via tears, that’s one of the signs of a feminine man. Again, it’s a good thing to let everything out from time to time, so maybe women will find this attractive.
Of course, when something tragic happens in your life, or if you lose someone, we are okay with seeing you cry. But, if you cry because someone flaked on you, or just really at will, that signals that you’re one of the feminine guys all the way.
4. You Can Easily Talk About Your Emotions
Traditionally, a man doesn’t like to open up and talk about his emotions. He will instead deflect the conversation somewhere else, usually with humor as a shield. A man who has no problems talking about his feelings is likely to be quite feminine in his character. [Read: How to be a man: 25 traits to define manliness the way it should be]
While not a particular deal breaker, if you’re posting selfies and quotes, it’s likely that you’re showing your feminine side to your followers! Most men don’t really care about likes and shares. A feminine guy is likely to do so.
6. Your Style is Flamboyant or Out There
A traditional female trait is the ability and desire to explore fashion and show off their personality via clothing and accessories. If a man does this, it’s quite likely that he’s feminine.
If you want to show off your personality via colorful clothing, different designs, and pieces which are far less traditionally masculine, chances are, you’re a feminine guy.
7. You have far more female friends than male friends
One of the biggest signs of a feminine man is that he has a lot more female friends than male friends. If you’re feminine, chances are, that’s because you connect better with females and bonds more easily. [Read: What do guys think of their female friends? Secrets revealed]
8. You Take a While to Get Ready When Going Out
You can easily find a masculine man who takes a while to get ready. This is far more likely to be the case if a man is more feminine. If you take longer to get ready than your girlfriend, that’s something to look out for.
9. You Don’t Connect With Anything Considered Masculine
If a guy is feminine, he’s likely to find things traditionally masculine either a waste of time or possibly even offensive. Football, contact sports, video games, no? Fair enough.
10. You’re Very Coordinated in Terms of Clothing and Accessories
Most masculine men won’t really care if their shoes match their shirt. However, a feminine man will show far more concern in their outfits.
If your shoes match your shirt, belt, watch, ascot, and you even know what an ascot is, then it is time to examine your feminine side. [Read: Metrosexuality: What it is & the signs and benefits of being a metrosexual man]
11. You Take Things Personally
If you are easy to offend, take things personally, or are sensitive in general, these are all clear signs of a feminine man. Toughen up and take it like a man or you will just come across as a sissy.
12. You’re Far More Likely to be a Cocktail Drinker Than a Beer Guzzler
When you’re out on the town, if you prefer the typically feminine drinks, take notice of that sign! Of course, one cocktail doesn’t make a guy feminine. But if this is your go-to drink of choice, that’s a clear sign.
Fru-fru drinks have feminine written all over it. If you want a fancy cocktail, have the bartender put it in a whiskey glass. It will taste the same, and no one needs to know. [Read: Girly drinks: 33 best & most common staples every girl’s gotta know]
13. You Love Your Man Bag
Do you carry a bag around everywhere you go? I’m not talking about a backpack full of sports clothes. If you’re a fan of regularly carrying a satchel-style bag, usually containing, wallet, beauty items, etc, then that’s a pointer towards femininity. And no, it isn’t a fanny pack, or a satchel or a man bag, it is a purse. Period. [Read: What is chivalry? The real meaning, 21 knight’s codes & modern rules for men]
14. You Cry at Chick Flicks
While normal to sniffle a little when a film is sad or harrowing, if you can’t help but sob at rom-coms and other emotionally-charged films, it’s likely that you’re particularly feminine.
15. You Always Want the Relationship Talk
A masculine man is far more likely to go with the flow and see where things end up. However, one of the signs of a feminine man is a willingness and eagerness to have a chat about where a relationship is going and where he stands.
Girls want you to be sensitive, but not clingy. Don’t jump the gun, it isn’t masculine and again, makes you one of the feminine guys. [Read: The unexpected benefits of dating sensitive men versus a masculine man]
Everyone needs to go shopping from time to time. But if a guy finds an afternoon out at the local mall to be a great use of his time, and a stress-buster, that’s a sign he’s in touch with his feminine side. Bad news for your masculine side.
17. You Decorate
The home of a feminine guy is likely to be tidy, clean, and extremely attractive. This guy isn’t someone who can live with dirty clothes on the floor or dishes in the sink!
And when it comes to arranging your place, a few essentials neatly arranged is okay. If you are feng shui-ing, then you might want to take a good look around, it screams feminine guy. [Read: Nice guys finish last: The real reason why girls dislike a fake good guy]
18. You Hold Petty Grudges
Okay, it’s one thing to hold a vendetta or a long term grudge against someone and work your way to the top to be the alpha dog. But if it’s something small like your friend eating all your fries when you take a trip to the restroom, punch it out and get over it.
If you are someone who is holding grudges over the smallest of things, that is definitely not masculine. [Read: Immature men: 53 manchild signs, why he’s a pain to date & ways to help him]
19. You Sit in the Passenger Seat All the Time
Girls like a guy who likes to take control! Obviously, if you have been drinking and she is the designated driver, it makes sense *although she probably doesn’t appreciate that unless decided upon upfront*. But if you hop in the passenger’s seat and let her take the reins ALL the time… not masculine, dude. [Read: 29 secrets to be way more masculine & manly without being an a-hole to others]
20. You Care About Your Hair More Than Girls Do
If a guy cares more about his hair than girls do, and it prevents him from being adventurous or outdoorsy, that is way too feminine for most women’s taste. Forget your fade and just let it go!
21. You Use Kissy Emojis All the Time
Unless you’re texting your loved ones, you shouldn’t be using emojis to blow kisses, make sad faces or wave your hands. [Read: Defining true masculinity – What does it mean to be a man?]
22. You Wear Pink and Aren’t Tough
As sexist as this sounds, pink is for girls. And unless you literally leak masculinity from your pores, you can’t pull it off.
Only tough guys can wear pink. If you don’t have the rugged appearance of a man who looks like he can axe a wood stump in half with one blow, leave the pink shirts for the muscle heads.
23. You Eat Neatly
Guys should eat like a hunter and gatherer, not like they are having tea with the queen. If your plate is neater than anyone else, you wipe your mouth a million times with the corner of your serviette, and you put way too much emphasis on how to roll your spaghetti, you need to learn to roll with it.
24. You Get Your Butt Hurt When Someone Teases You
Guys are not supposed to take things personally. If you call him a name, he is supposed to shoot right back. If you get your feelings bruised at everything that is said, that is more girl than guy behavior.
25. You Are Too Affectionate With Your Mother
While there’s nothing wrong with this, it still makes you a feminine guy and a momma’s boy. If you cling to your mother, hold her hand tenderly, or even refer to her as “mother” as if she is the mother of all mothers, that isn’t very manly. [Read: Mommy issues in men – What it is and what to look for in a guy]
26. You Gossip More Than Girls
Sure, all guys like locker room talk. But if you are gossiping about who is sleeping with whom at work or about what someone said to someone else, then you need to stop. If not, you’re definitely one of the feminine guys.
27. You Wax Your Eyebrows
Ummm, really? Do I even need to explain this one?
28. You Notice When Someone Has an Awesome Purse
If you notice that a girl has a really cool purse and admire it silently, then you are probably one of the feminine guys.
29. You Will Only Buy Name Brands
It doesn’t show everyone that you have money. It says that you’re a regular follower of fashion trends and fashionable social media accounts, which is so not masculine. [Read: How to manscape: 43 manscaping tips most guys don’t know but girls like]
30. You Are a Wine “Connoisseur”
It is okay if you are really serious about wine and over 50, but if you are a “winer” then it isn’t very manly, just pretentious and makes you one of the feminine guys.
31. You Have a Man Bun
Don’t care if your favorite celebrity does it, buns are for women only. And of course, feminine men.
32. You Love Romance Novels
Can’t keep up with the latest Danielle Steel book? Think about it.
33. You Have a Subscription to a Magazine, and It’s Not a Man’s Mag
If you read People, Us, or anything in between, then you are way too worried about the all the “interesting” things going on in the world of gossip. And if you’re talking to guys about the things you read, are they even listening to you?
34. You Have a Toy Dog
At home? Why a toy dog? And do you carry it around in your “purse”?
35. You Own Hand Creams, and Not to Jack Off
If your fingers are softer than a baby’s bum, then you should really think about the signals you are sending, because you are one of the feminine guys.
36. Your Workout Outfit is Prettier Than Your Girlfriend’s
When a guy “works out” he is supposed to wear his ripped Led Zeppelin t-shirt, not his fancy performance wear. Look like a guy when you are working on those biceps, please. [Read: Benefits of exercise on your mind, body, and libido]
37. You Have Super Neat Cursive Writing
And you use it frequently on thank you cards and “just to check in” cards! Very interesting, and definitely a feminine guy trait.
38. You Plant Flowers to Add a Pop of Color
If you are all about making your home curbside appeal awesome, that may be too much for coolness. And to top that, do you wear gardening gloves to plant flowers? Men are supposed to get their hands dirty… what are you thinking? [Read: What is masculinity? 46 manly & toxic traits women love & despise in men]
Two things that are essential for guys growing up. Even if it was your parent’s fault, don’t let anyone know.
40. You Fold Your Laundry With Corners and Edges
It isn’t that we don’t want our guys to be neat, or to do their own laundry, it is just that you end up putting the women in your life to shame with your organizing skills!
Why It’s Still Tough for Feminine Guys
Even though society has come a long way in embracing individuality, feminine guys still deal with their share of challenges. Here’s a breakdown of some common struggles and how things are slowly *but surely* getting better:
1. Judgment and Stereotyping
Feminine guys often face judgment for not fitting into the traditional mold of masculinity. People might label them as “too soft” or assume they’re trying to get attention.
These stereotypes can be exhausting and isolating. Thankfully, more conversations about gender fluidity and representation in media are normalizing diverse expressions of masculinity, helping to combat these unfair assumptions. [Read: Gender stereotypes about males we need to let go of for good]
2. Bullying and Harassment
From school hallways to online spaces, feminine guys are sometimes targeted with bullying or harassment. This can range from verbal abuse to outright exclusion in social settings.
On a positive note, schools and workplaces are increasingly implementing anti-bullying policies, and online communities are stepping up to create safer, more supportive spaces for everyone.
3. Stereotypes About Sexuality
A common misconception is that being a feminine guy automatically defines someone’s sexuality. This assumption not only oversimplifies identity but also reinforces harmful stereotypes.
Education and awareness campaigns about the diversity of gender expression and sexuality are slowly helping to break down these barriers, encouraging more nuanced conversations.
4. Pressure to “Man Up”
Feminine guys often deal with constant pressure to “man up,” whether it’s a father encouraging them to act tougher, friends joking about their interests or society setting narrow expectations of what a man “should” be. [Read: Weak & strong men: What it means & 56 signs of a weak man in a relationship]
Imagine a guy who loves fashion and creative self-expression but constantly hears remarks like, “Why don’t you try something more manly?” These comments might seem harmless to some, but over time, they can create feelings of shame and self-doubt, making it hard for someone to fully embrace who they are.
5. Lack of Representation
For many feminine guys, turning on the TV or scrolling through social media can be a bit disheartening. While there’s been progress, the number of relatable, nuanced portrayals of feminine guys in media is still pretty limited. It’s not just about visibility—it’s about seeing authentic representations that reflect their experiences, struggles, and individuality.
Without that representation, it’s easy for feminine guys to feel like they don’t belong or that their way of expressing masculinity isn’t valid. [Read: The toxic dangers of social media & 19 signs and ways it makes you insecure]
Here’s What It’s Really Like to Date a Feminine Guy
If you’re dying to know what it’s like to date feminine guys, we got the tea for you. Here’s a list of what you can expect when dating a feminine guy:
1. They’re Emotionally Open
Feminine guys are often more in touch with their emotions, which means they’re not afraid to talk about feelings or show vulnerability. This can lead to a deeper connection in relationships since they value open and honest communication.
2. They Love Breaking Gender Norms
Dating a feminine guy means experiencing a relationship free from rigid gender roles. Whether it’s splitting responsibilities equally or embracing non-traditional date ideas, they’re all about doing what feels right, not what’s expected.
3. They’re Great Listeners
Feminine guys often have a knack for empathy, making them amazing listeners. They genuinely care about what you’re going through and are there to offer thoughtful advice—or just be a shoulder to lean on. [Read: How to express your opinions without seeming cocky]
4. They’re Not Afraid to Express Themselves
From bold fashion choices to creative hobbies, feminine guys are all about self-expression. They’ll inspire you to embrace your own unique style and interests without fear of judgment.
5. They Value Equality in Relationships
For feminine guys, relationships aren’t about one partner being “dominant” or “submissive.” They believe in mutual respect and teamwork, creating a balanced and healthy dynamic.
6. They Face Misunderstandings from Others
Dating a feminine guy might mean your relationship raises a few eyebrows—whether it’s strangers giving confused looks, family asking unnecessary questions, or friends making awkward comments. Some people might not fully understand or accept their unique expression of masculinity, and that can sometimes lead to uncomfortable situations.
While this can be frustrating or even hurtful, it’s also an opportunity to stand together as a couple and challenge outdated stereotypes.
When both partners support each other and openly embrace their relationship, it sets an example for others. Over time, those initial judgments often turn into curiosity, and eventually, acceptance, as people realize there’s no single way to define love or masculinity.
7. They’re Big on Romantic Gestures
Feminine guys often have a natural flair for romance. From planning thoughtful surprises to dropping heartfelt compliments when you least expect them, they love making their partner feel cherished. And here’s the thing—they’re not worried about coming off as “too cheesy” or “over the top.” [Read: 67 sweet yet small romantic gestures that show love in the biggest way]
For them, showing affection is about creating meaningful moments and making sure you know exactly how much you’re appreciated.
Whether it’s writing you a sweet note, planning an intimate dinner, or just holding your hand unapologetically in public, they embrace romance with confidence. Their approach to love is refreshingly authentic, and that sincerity is what makes it so special.
8. They’re Passionate About Their Interests
Whether it’s fashion, art, or music, feminine guys bring passion and enthusiasm to the things they love. This energy can be contagious and might even introduce you to new hobbies or interests.
9. They Champion Emotional and Mental Health
Feminine guys tend to prioritize emotional and mental well-being, both for themselves and their partners. They’re supportive of therapy, self-care, and open conversations about mental health, creating a safe and supportive relationship.
10. They Redefine Masculinity in Love
Dating a feminine guy means being with someone who’s actively reshaping what it means to be a man in a relationship. What this means is you’re dating someone secure enough in their masculinity that they’re not bothered by societal expectations or judgments.
They’re comfortable expressing vulnerability, prioritizing emotional connection, and ditching outdated notions of what men “should” or “shouldn’t” do in love.
This authenticity translates into a relationship filled with kindness, emotional depth, and mutual respect. By rejecting traditional roles and embracing individuality, feminine guys show that masculinity isn’t about being tough or stoic—it’s about being real, compassionate, and fully present for their partner. [Read: What makes a man a man: 20 manly & relevant traits that defy stereotypes]
11. They May Overthink Situations
Feminine guys are often deeply in touch with their emotions, which can sometimes lead to overthinking or reading too much into situations.
They might second-guess how you feel or worry about things you haven’t even thought of. While this can mean they care deeply, it may also require extra reassurance and open communication.
12. They Might Struggle with Confidence
Feminine guys can sometimes feel self-conscious, especially if they’ve faced judgment in the past for being “different.” This insecurity might occasionally show up in your relationship, such as hesitating to take the lead or worrying about whether they’re meeting your expectations. Patience and encouragement go a long way here.
13. Disagreements Can Get Emotional
When conflicts arise, a feminine guy’s emotional openness might mean arguments feel more intense. They may express their feelings deeply, which could be overwhelming if you’re someone who prefers to keep things calm and logical. [Read: Why fighting in a relationship is important & how to do it right]
14. They May Rely on You for Validation
Because feminine guys often live outside societal norms, they may lean on their partner for extra support and validation. While this can create closeness, it might also feel like pressure to constantly reassure them. Striking a balance between supporting them and encouraging their self-confidence is important.
15. They Can Be Sensitive to Criticism
Feminine guys are often more introspective and sensitive, which means criticism—however small—can hit harder than you might expect. Even casual feedback, like suggesting a different approach to something, might be taken personally.
Nothing Wrong With Being in Touch With Your Feminine Side
There’s a notion and concept that this idea of what “being a masculine man” means, can cause more harm than good to society at large. There’s constant pressure on men to not behave weakly, never to show their sensitive side, and to behave more like a “man” and to stop “being a girl” if they display hurt behavior or cry.
[Read: Dating a highly sensitive person: 20 things you just can’t ignore]
If you’re a feminine guy, remember that it’s not bad, it’s just what you prefer, and that’s okay. If you notice a few of these signs of a feminine man in yourself, that’s completely fine too. You’re simply in touch with your feelings better than most men. But if you’d rather bask in masculine energy, it doesn’t hurt to keep track of the feminine energy inside you.