My Life

27 Secrets & 20-Point Checklist on How Not to Be Awkward for the Quirky Ones

Not everyone can walk into a room and be as poised and confident as they come. Some of us are just plain awkward. Here’s how to stop being so awkward.

Social Butterfly: 37 Tips to Be One, Pros & Cons of Being Outgoing and Friendly

Being a social butterfly isn’t a goal everyone has, but maybe it should be. There are many advantages to being the one person everyone talks to.

How to stop Feeling Guilty All the Time

Feel Guilty All the Time? 30 Causes, Signs & Ways to Stop That Nagging Feeling

If you’re someone who always takes the blame no matter the situation, you might want to learn how to stop feeling guilty all the time.

Get Your Life Back on Track

22 No-Nonsense Tips to Get Your Life Back on Track After a Big Change

Do you want to get back on track? Many people have been there, and sometimes it might feel impossible, but it’s not. Here’s how you can do it.

how to trust yourself

How to Trust Yourself: 35 Psychology Secrets, Steps & Whys of Self-Trust

Do you need to learn how to trust yourself? It should be simple, right? But here’s the kicker – actually doing it is where the real challenge lies.

how to overcome lust

25 Warning Signs, the Science & Secrets to Overcome Lust and Be In Control

Lust can take over your life sometimes. But you can find effective ways on how to overcome lust. Here are all the tips you need to do it.

how to stop nagging

Stop the Nagging: Why We Do It, 50 Ripple Effects & Better Ways to Be Heard

No one wants to constantly pester their partner to do something. Luckily, you can learn how to stop nagging and start letting go for a happier union.

how to control your emotions

45 Secrets to Control Your Emotions, the Psychology & Steps to Master It

One very important skill to have is how to control your emotions. But it’s not that easy for a lot of people. Here are some tips to help you.

44 Secrets on How to Be Comfortable in Your Own Skin & Not Give a F*ck

Learning how to be comfortable in your own skin can be a long process. But it’s beyond worth it for your happiness. Here’s how to not give a fuck.

How to Have a Difficult Conversation

25 Calm Must-Knows to Have a Difficult Conversation & Not Lose Your Nerve

Nobody likes the potential for conflict, but learning how to have a difficult conversation will steer you towards a positive outcome.

how to speak clearly

How to Speak Clearly: 30 Secrets, the Psychology & Hacks to Master It

Are you afraid to give speeches? Speaking in public is a very common fear. But if you learn how to speak clearly, then it will make you more confident.

we accept the love we think we deserve

We Accept the Love We Think We Deserve: 28 Whys & Fixes to Change It

To get love, you must open yourself to it. We accept the love we think we deserve. It’s up to you to accept it.



Fake Friends: 26 Signs to Tell Apart People Who are Fake from the Good Ones

It’s hard when you realize someone you thought was your friend turns out to be a fake one. So, it’s important to spot the signs of friends who are fake. 


How Long Do Condoms Last? 23 Tips & Mistakes That Make Them Expire Fast!

Do condoms expire? Can you use an expired condom? Here are all the answers to how long condoms last, their shelf life, and the common mistakes we make.


55 Secrets & Self-Love Habits to Build Confidence and Realize Your Worth

Confidence will improve your life in every single area. But learning how to be confident can sometimes be a challenge. Time and effort will get you there.


Fearful-Avoidant Attachment Style: What It Is, 39 Signs & How to Deal with It

All people need to have emotional connections with other human beings. But for people with the fearful avoidant attachment style, it’s much more difficult.


34 Secrets to Make Someone Like You & Draw Anyone In the First Few Minutes

Do you have a crush and you’re desperate for them to feel the same? Learn how to get someone to like you and you’re halfway there!


27 Secrets to Focus on Yourself, Grow as a Person & Create Your Own Sunshine

Do you feel like you’re losing your identity? Here’s how to focus on yourself and find your own sunshine when you feel like you’re losing yourself.


YOLO: What It Means & 23 Secrets to Live Life Like You Only Live Once

What’s the meaning of YOLO? Find out the true meaning of YOLO, and learn how to live like You Only Live Once.


Heteroflexible: What It Is, Why It Isn’t Bisexual & the Truth about Attraction

You might know all about bisexuals, homosexuals, and even asexuals, but heteroflexible is one sexuality you might know nothing about—but should.


13 Common Birth Control Methods, 25 Pros, Cons & Ways to Pick the Best One

No one wants to have an unwanted pregnancy, so that’s why you need to know all about birth control. Here is your go-to guide to make you feel safe.


Being Taken For Granted? 71 BIG Signs, Why It Happens & Ways to Stop Them

Do you feel like you’re being taken for granted? Learn the reasons why and make some key changes in your life. Nobody deserves to feel this way.
