Is dating a MILF meant to be funny, or a fantastic experience? We’re looking at 7 reasons why you should honestly consider dating a sexy older woman.
There are many things that make a girl dateable, but what are the most important points? What makes that special girl stand out for you?
Just like guys, girls are also looking for someone who will take their breath away. To truly understand how to be the hot guy, you need to embody the total package.
For many young men, learning how to seduce an older woman is their ultimate fantasy. Many don’t know how to do it, but it’s not as hard as you think it is.
Texting is an art, an art that most guys struggle with. If you’re texting someone you want to date, then follow these texting rules for guys.
Are you afraid that you might be the rebound guy? If you want a relationship with her, then this is a nightmare. Here’s how to figure out if you are.
A girl is sleeping over at your place for the first time and you’re not sure what matters or how to arrange your room? Here’s everything you MUST know!
We all know that trust is the foundation of a serious relationship. But when you finally meet that special girl, how do you actually win her trust? Find out here!
Sick of the typical strippers and bar crawls? Try these fun bachelor party ideas and you’re guaranteed to have a crazy time!
What does it mean to be a Beta Male? Think emotional intelligence, relationship depth, and a knack for conflict resolution.
Want to get a girl to open up? You’ll need to ask the right open-ended questions to get her talking. Let’s dive into deep, serious questions to ask a girl.
So, you’ve heard the word and thought to yourself, ‘exactly what is a chode?’ Don’t worry… you’re about to find out.
If you’re trying to woo a girl, you’ll need to know how to make a good first impression on a girl. Here’s how you can leave her love-struck.
The friend zone sucks, we all know that. But if your friend’s feelings are more than platonic, here’s how to friendzone a girl without making it too hard.
Being a dad is great, but it’s not always easy. Being a parent takes practice! Here are some signs of a good dad, so you can be at your best for your kids.
A low maintenance girl is one who doesn’t take herself too seriously and doesn’t need much to be happy. If you find one, count your lucky stars!
There are just some things you should know about your girlfriend, okay? You see her every day or at least quite often. So, learn these things.
Was your girlfriend fiery in the sack, but now you feel her flame has fizzled? Here’s why your long-time girlfriend refuses to have sex and what you can do.
Sick of taking selfies that just look wrong? Want to look great on camera? Check out our guide on how to take a good selfie for guys!
You’ve probably heard of the alpha male and beta male personality traits. But there is another type that is equally as interesting – the sigma male.
You want your woman to groom herself, but do you manscape and shave your body hair as well? Use these manscaping tips to trim and groom yourself!
Don’t try too hard when you flirt with the girl you like. Just make her laugh by using these corny, funny and cheesy pickup lines.
Do you find older women attractive? If so, you probably want to know about cougar dating. Here are all the rules and tips you need to do it right.
Do you want to learn how to be an alpha male? Here’s everything you need to know, including the good and the bad, to bring out the best alpha traits in you.
Let’s be honest, does penis size matter to women? The truth might surprise you, but learning how to use your penis to the best effect is more important!
Wanna know how to talk to a girl and get her to enjoy talking to you? Here’s a full guide on how to talk to girls and impress them with your words!