My Life

Life Partner vs. Spouse: 23 Ways to Tell Them Apart & Decide What Works

If you’re stuck choosing between a life partner and spouse, we’ve got the insights to clear your confusion and guide you!

The Perfect Best Friend: 31 Traits that Make One & Why You MUST Have One!

Best friends are few and far between. But what is a best friend? Here’s how to know your buddy is the best you’ll have and no one can compare.

how to avoid being socially awkward

Socially Awkward? 49 Things to Know to Stop Being One & Nail Every Interaction

Shyness and awkwardness in social situations can be debilitating to your emotional wellbeing. But fear not, here’s how to avoid being socially awkward.

how to handle and resolve conflict

31 Must-Knows to Resolve Conflict, Cut the Drama & Handle Your Emotions

We may love watching drama unfold, but no one wants to be involved in one. Here’s how to resolve conflict if you happen to get yourself in any drama.

law of polarity

Law of Polarity: What It Is, 30 Secrets to Use It & Where Couples Go Wrong

Have you ever heard of the Law of Polarity? Many people haven’t. You can find out here how it can enrich and balance your relationships.

conniving person

33 Signs of a Conniving Person & Secrets to Outsmart Their Sly Tactics

What is a conniving person and how can you ensure you don’t fall for their tricks? Dive in to uncover, understand, and stay steps ahead!

Machiavellianism Traits

Machiavellianism: The Good, The Bad & 51 Tips to Spot & Dodge Their Tricks

How can you tell if someone has Machiavellianism traits? If you think someone you know fits this personality type, here’s what you need to know.

how to fix a marriage and repair it

25 Secrets, Signs & Steps to Repair and Fix a Marriage that’s Falling Apart ASAP

Learning how to fix a marriage isn’t easy, but with commitment and the right strategies, it’s possible to repair and strengthen your bond.

dating in your 20s

Dating in Your 20s: 36 Must-Knows About What It’s Like & the BIG Problems!

You’re no longer a kid, so finding a partner is a bit more difficult. So, if you find dating in your 20s difficult, you can make it easier for yourself.

timing in a relationship

Timing is Everything in a Relationship: 30 Secrets to Get It Right in Love

Like that famous song said, you found the right love at the wrong time. Here’s why timing in love is more important than most people think.

ready to have a baby

Ready to Have a Baby? 49 Questions, Signs & Steps to Know You’re Prepared!

Do you feel like you’re ready to have a baby? Starting a family is a big decision because parenthood isn’t easy. Here are some things to consider.

sex is never just sex

Just Sex: Why We Crave It & 26 Truths Why Sex Can Never Really Be Just Sex

For those of you who use the excuse that it’s just sex, you can no longer justify yourself that way. This is why sex can never fully be just a physical act.



Pansexual: What It Is, 26 Truths, Myths, Signs & What It Feels Like to be One

For years, people thought that there were three sexualities: gay, straight, and bi. However, pansexuals and pansexuality is one of many more you must know.


How Soon Is Too Soon to Move In Together? 41 Signs You’re Both Ready!

How soon is too soon to move in? Whether dating or married, moving together is a big step to take. Here are the signs and tips you’re ready to cohabitate!


Low-Key Secret Relationship: What It Is and the Reasons & Signs You’re in One

Being in a secret relationship is very different from simply keeping things low key for an understandable reason. You don’t deserve to be hidden away!


Opposite Sex Friendships: 24 Rules, Boundaries & Where We Go Wrong

Opposite sex friendships are tricky, but as long as you know the rules and gender boundaries, you can have a perfectly platonic and enviable friendship!


10 Main Types of Narcissism & 18 Steps to Treat and Help a Narcissist Change

Not all narcissists are the same, although it might seem that way. Learn the different types of narcissism and treatments to create positive changes.


True Friendship: 37 Real Friend Traits & What It Takes to Be a Good, Loyal One

Everyone needs friends, but how do you know when someone is a true friend? Once you know all of the characteristics, you’ll never let them go. 


Empathic Narcissist: What It Means, 15 Unique Traits & How to Cope with Them

Most people think that a narcissist is not capable of feeling or showing empathy. But have you heard of an empathic narcissist? They really do exist.


Malignant Narcissist: 48 Scary Traits, Causes & What Makes Them So Bad!

If you come across a malignant narcissist – run, don’t look back! They’re dangerous, but these signs and traits can help you recognize and deal with them.


32 Truths to Emotionally Detach From Someone & Not Feel Hurt Anymore

You know, as hard as it is, sometimes we have to know how to emotionally detach ourselves from the people we love. But that’s easier said than done, right?


Dark Triad Personality: What It Is and 25 Signs & Ways to Deal with Them

Dark triad, what is it, and what are the personality traits? We will teach you how to spot them instantly even without the dark triad personality test!


42 Secrets to Communicate Better in a Relationship & Ways to Fix a Lack of It

A lack of communication is a major problem in any situation, but learning how to communicate in a relationship is key if you want to avoid issues.
