Love Couch

Breaking Up Via Text? 41 Things You Must Know Before Hitting Send

If you’re considering breaking up via text, here’s what you need to know to handle it thoughtfully and respectfully, ensuring both parties can move forward.

How to Avoid Being Cheated On… Again: 25 Ways to Protect Your Heart

Being cheated on feels so awful that you might end up swearing off relationships forever. Here’s how to avoid being cheated on again.

Signs Your Friends Are Ruining Your Relationship

Seeing Signs Your Friends Are Ruining Your Relationship? 41 Things To Know

They may seem nice and trustworthy, but do you see signs your friends are ruining your relationship? Use these traits to see if they’re bad for your love.

breakup anxiety

Breakup Anxiety: The 2 BIG Types, 38 Signs & Must-Knows to Overcome Them

There are two types of breakup anxiety – one happens before a breakup and the other happens after. Both are equally damaging.

missing your ex

Why Do I Miss My Ex: Why You Miss Them & 41 Ways to Forget Them for Good

Your ex was unforgettable—or just great in bed! Wondering, “Why do I miss my ex?” More importantly, how can you forget them for good?

loveless relationship

Loveless Relationship: 54 Signs, Causes, Reasons & Steps to Fix It ASAP!

Do you have to fall in love to be in a relationship? Or can you exist in a loveless relationship knowing that you don’t harbor any romantic feelings?

signs that you're about to get dumped

40 Bad Signs You’re About to Get Dumped & What You Must Do ASAP!

Wondering what are the signs that you’re about to get dumped? Here’s how to read the good and bad signs, and immediate steps you MUST take to repair it.

gaslighting in a relationship

Gaslighting in a Relationship: 38 Signs, Types & Why People Gaslight in Love

Gaslighting in a relationship can damage your emotional well-being in no time. Learn how it works, types, signs and the best ways to deal with it here.

monkey branching

Monkey Branching: What It Is & 33 Signs You’re Being Branched for Someone Else

Do you sense your partner monkey branching and swinging towards someone else? Here’s what it means, the whys, the subtle signs and what you must know.

Three Year Itch Relationship Bump

Three Year Itch: What It Is, 29 Bumpy Signs & Ways to Fix the Relationship

Ever wondered why relationships seem to hit a ton of roadblocks once you hit the three-year mark? We’re here to shed some light on this phenomenon!

lying about cheating and signs of a cheating partner

30 Infidelity Signs of a Cheating Partner & Must-Knows to Tell If They’re Lying

Do you think that your partner is lying about cheating on you? If you do, that’s the worst feeling in the world. Here’s how to figure it out.

on and off relationship

On and Off Relationship: What It Is, 37 Yo-Yo Signs & Why It’s So Bad For You

You’re together one moment, broken up the next. Then you get back together– and the cycle repeats. You’re in an on-off relationship, and you need to get out.



Broken Heart Syndrome: The Truth to Know If You Can Die from Heartbreak

When your heart is broken, it’s easy to assume that life is never going to be the same again. This is broken heart syndrome. How serious can it get?


Stashing in a Relationship: What It Is, 26 Signs You’re Stashed & What to Do

Have you wondered if the person you’re dating is hiding you from the people in their life? If so, then you are probably being stashed. Here’s what to do.


60 Must-Knows to End a Relationship on Good Terms & Not Leave It Messy

You’re not happy with your partner, and so you want to know how to end the relationship. Here is everything you need to know so that it ends well.


Ghostbusting: What It Means & 17 Ways to Get a Dating Ghoster to Respond

Wondering what ghostbusting means? Want to be a ghostbuster in the dating arena and call out those who went ghost mode on you? Here’s what you should know!


Gaslighting: What It Is, How it Works & 33 Signs to Spot It ASAP

If you wonder if you are a victim of gaslighting, we have all the answers you need. Gaslighting is emotionally abusive and you should never tolerate it.


58 Life-Changing Secrets to Get Over a Breakup & Heal Your Broken Heart

Learning to get over a breakup, heal your heartbreak and get over someone may seem hard. But these secrets will help you move on and start feeling better!


Love Bombing: What It Is, How It Works & 21 Signs You’re Being Manipulated

If you meet someone charming and they start love bombing you, know that it is a manipulative form of affection. Understanding the signs is vital.


Should I Break Up With My Boyfriend? 36 Signs You MUST To Be Happy

Should I break up with my boyfriend? You’re probably in a rough patch and wondering if you should break up with your partner. Here’s what you need to do.


42 Signs & Ways to See Manipulative Behavior & Stop Being Used By People

Do you think that your partner is using manipulative behavior on you? If you do, then it’s time to start thinking about leaving. You deserve better.


30 Secrets to Get Over Someone You Love Fast & Not Give A Damn Anymore

Yes, there are 30 ways, and you can learn how to get over someone you love fast, and get to the stage where you just don’t care about them. Try this!


47 Reasons Why People Cheat & Steps to Recover & Heal from the Infidelity

Have you ever wondered why people cheat? Maybe you were cheated on or are the cheater yourself. Here are some reasons why people are unfaithful.
