It may be difficult to learn how to wear your heart on your sleeve, but when you do, it can be one of the best things you do for yourself. Here’s why.
Are you someone who stays on the cautious side of life, never giving too much of yourself to others? Never wearing your heart on your sleeve? After all, why would you be openly honest if you don’t know how things will play out in the end, right?
It’s only natural to build walls around yourself to protect your heart from getting hurt by rejection. But this subconscious coping mechanism might be holding you back from all of the good things life has to offer!
If you’re opposed to the idea of wearing your heart on your sleeve, you might have the wrong idea about the concept in general. It’s often mistaken as a weakness, as having no control of your emotions. But that couldn’t be farther from the truth.
Wearing your heart on your sleeve is a conscious decision you make to be authentically you. So instead of seeing your vulnerability and openness to others as a weakness, see the silver lining in your personality style. [Read: 70 true secrets to have a happy life & enjoy everything you do]
What does it mean to wear your heart on your sleeve?
Before we dive into the reasons why you should wear your heart on your sleeve, let’s first explain what this expression means. No, it doesn’t mean to literally wear something resembling a heart on your t-shirt.
To wear your heart on your sleeve is a figurative phrase meaning to openly show your emotions. When you openly show your emotions, you’re being vulnerable by letting your feelings be seen.
Someone who wears their heart on their sleeve is confident in exposing all of their feelings. They want others to know their intentions and they are committed to showing their true emotions.
The phrase “wearing your heart on your sleeve” may seem like common slang now, but it actually has a long history.
It was first recorded in Othello, a play written by Shakespeare. He used this expression to convey that his character’s emotions were openly revealed, making him vulnerable to attack. But is this a phrase Shakespeare founded himself?
Historians argue not.
They believe Shakespeare’s concept to “wear your heart on your sleeve” originated from medieval times. When participating in a joust, the chivalrous knights would wrap the armor covering their arm in an item belonging to the lady of the court who they favored. [Read: What is chivalry? The real meaning, 21 knight’s codes & modern rules for men]
Why you should wear your heart on your sleeve
You’ll get way more out of life by being vulnerable than by facing the world on guard. Here are the top reasons why you should embrace wearing your heart on your sleeve!
1. You have to experience the bad to appreciate the good
When someone refuses to wear their heart on their sleeve, it’s almost always because they are afraid of being hurt. Ironically, being open to hurt is what makes wearing your heart on your sleeve so rewarding.
To truly appreciate the good things in life, you have to understand what it feels like to be without those things. When you fail, you grow to be better. If you don’t try, you set yourself up for failure down the road.
You don’t know what kind of opportunities lie ahead if you don’t take the leap and go for what you really want! [Read: How to be yourself – 26 steps to un-fake your life & love being you]
2. Others will get to know the real you
Relationships are meaningless if you pretend to be someone you’re not. Only when you find solace in being wholly you are you able to form true and meaningful connections with others.
Wearing your heart on your sleeve prevents drama and mind games in your relationships. You’re able to rest easy knowing that those you keep in your circle adore all of your quirks and flaws. Not only will you be living your best authentic life, but the relationships you keep will be authentic, too.
3. Your time on earth is more meaningful
Those who wear their heart on their sleeve tend to live more meaningful lives. Humans were put here to make connections.
If we weren’t, then we wouldn’t have been given the skills to communicate, nor would we need one another for survival.
When you make yourself vulnerable, you are living life to the fullest and finding meaning in reaching out to others. You’ll recognize the importance of the things you have, the people you meet, and be more inclined to follow your goals.
Even when things don’t go your way, you know that it’s not the end of the world. You have learned that chasing your dreams only makes them that much closer to reality.
4. You take more chances
If you are always on guard and suspicious without putting it all out there, then you will probably never take the same chances as someone who can make themselves vulnerable.
Someone who wears their heart on their sleeve is comfortable with voicing their feelings.
You have to be willing to face rejection to put yourself out there. Otherwise, it’s nearly impossible to take chances. By wearing your heart on your sleeve, you don’t stop yourself from what you want. Instead, you give it your all. [Read: Fear of rejection – 56 signs, causes, and ways to overcome and get over it]
5. You are a good friend
People who wear their emotions on their sleeves are very familiar with identifying their feelings, making them the perfect candidate for compassion and empathy. Having a high sense of empathy, you understand what people are going through.
Since you have likely run every gamut of emotions possible, it makes you a good sounding board and someone who can put yourself into someone else’s shoes and help them through the tough hurdles in life. This is a key quality of being a good friend.
6. People trust you
If you are someone who wears your heart on your sleeve, the people around you most likely know that when you are saying something, you are being honest.
Saying what you mean and meaning what you say is the motto that you live by.
Rather than just saying things to make people feel good, you say them because you mean them and are okay with being true to yourself and others. This quality builds trust with those around you and puts strangers at ease. [Read: 45 positive & negative personality traits that can change your life forever!]
7. You know what you want
One of the best parts about putting yourself out there is that you aren’t afraid to do or say what you want because, well, you know exactly what you want. Feelings are nothing new to you, so you don’t let the possibility of consequences hold you back.
After you’ve put your heart on your sleeve, you start to get a sense of your self-worth. You have lived a lifetime of learning to navigate those emotions, you aren’t stuck trying to figure things out. You’ve set your boundaries. [Read: 17 confident ways to be more assertive & speak your mind loud and clear]
8. You will excel at certain careers
In the careers that you are likely to seek out, you are going to excel specifically for the talents that you possess.
Although not many people think of wearing their heart on their sleeve as a talent, it is.
Not everyone is capable of allowing themselves to be vulnerable and experience life to the fullest. That is not a weakness, but a strength, especially in managerial positions where having confidence and being empathetic are important.
9. You are more intuitive
Highly sensitive individuals have a heightened sense of intuitiveness. They can see things that others can’t.
Like a foreseer with psychic abilities, someone who wears their heart on their sleeve can spot bullshit a mile away. They can also tell when someone is not being genuine.
10. You’ll have more fun flirting
If you tend to build walls between yourself and potential partners, flirting can be dreadful. You tend to second-guess the “right” things to say and end up wallowing in your own insecurity.
But when you wear your heart on your sleeve, the opposite happens. You gain newfound confidence because, hey, why not? Why not start initiating conversations with people you are attracted to?
When you overcome insecurity and are in tune with your emotions, the dating process can be really exciting *and rewarding*! [Read: The flirtiest ways to be a tease, catch anyone’s attention & stay on their mind]
11. You never have to worry if the right one passed you by
When you are on defense in a relationship and try to protect yourself, you can sometimes make rash decisions to end things when they get too up close and personal.
On the other hand, a person who puts themselves out there without fear never has to worry if they’ve allowed the right one to pass them by simply because they couldn’t be vulnerable because to be in a relationship. You have to be able to open your heart, no matter how much losing love might cost.
12. You have more persistence in relationships
Someone who wears their heart on their sleeve is more apt to continue to hold a relationship together. There are times when someone who is vulnerable can see things that others can’t.
When someone hurts your feelings, you can put that into perspective and see that people sometimes react out of fear and say things that they don’t mean.
Since you are capable of forgiving yourself for being too sensitive, you are more willing to do the same for others.
That gives you more persistence to work through things that may not be comfortable. [Read: How to forgive and forget? 24 thoughts to decide on the right step]
13. It will inspire others
When you’re comfortable being your most authentic self, others will take notice. Your unwavering confidence has the power to inspire others who may need it the most.
Like a smile, wearing your heart on your sleeve is contagious. You never know who around you may be struggling and find help through your expressions.
14. You love fully
The important aspect of wearing your heart on your sleeve is that you no longer repress your feelings. Instead, you become in tune with them. So, you can approach love with less defensiveness and more openness.
When you let down your barriers and have access to all of your emotions, you will be able to love wholeheartedly.
Not only in romantic relationships, but you will find genuine love for your friends, family, workplace, hobbies, and any other part of your life that brings you joy.
15. You have greater self-awareness
When you wear your heart on your sleeve, you are no stranger to yourself. You can easily identify what kind of things set you off and be able to explore their causes to better yourself.
Overcoming any flaws or traumas from your past will be easier when you have a greater awareness of who you are, what you’ve gone through, and what you deserve.
16. You handle rejection better
Being in tune with your feelings, you are able to evaluate any rejection you face head-on. This habit is life-changing because it builds on your self-awareness as well as allows you to develop healthy coping mechanisms for unfavorable situations.
Instead of being discouraged by rejection, you know how to face it and move on. [Read: 36 healthy ways to handle rejection & respond positively even if it hurts]
17. You can get past the hurt quicker
Because you have put yourself out there so many times, you know that feeling hurt comes with the territory. Someone who wears their heart on their sleeve can usually move on much quicker than others.
Not holding a grudge or deciding to toughen up and not let the next person in, you aren’t usually affected as intensely by the fallout of a relationship.
Wearing your heart on your sleeve is the best thing you can do
Expressing your feelings is too often mistaken for a weakness. Truthfully, it is a strength to be vulnerable and let your feelings loose. It is a strength to show the world the real you.
Being true to yourself is the greatest benefit of wearing your heart on your sleeve.
You no longer have to wear a mask in front of others, you don’t have to spend your energy upholding walls you’ve built throughout life. You get to be authentic and embrace every part of life.
Sometimes, the things that seem to deficit us are the very things that make us as spectacular as we are. Instead of trying to protect yourself and take that heart and put it back in your chest where you think it belongs, think of all the benefits you are gaining from being true to yourself.
[Read: 55 secrets & self-love habits to build confidence and realize your worth]
Despite what some may believe, being emotionally vulnerable to others isn’t a weakness, it’s a strength. When you wear your heart on your sleeve, you can move freely through life without regrets.