Want to seduce her subtly and make her horny and wet? Try these dirty questions to ask a girl, and you’ll be surprised just how powerful they can be.
Texting each other all the time is a norm these days. And when you like someone, 24/7 can feel like a blip. Of course, you’ve had naughty thoughts while talking to a girl over phone or while texting her. But do you ever wonder how you can initiate dirty talk or ask a few naughty questions without turning her off for going way too far too soon? Well, that’s where these dirty questions to ask a girl can make all the difference!
How to initiate dirty talk and ask dirty questions
Don’t make the mistake of jumping right in, and asking something really sexual too soon. Unless she’s eager to talk dirty, chances are, she’ll be put off or may just change the conversation.
But instead, discreetly warm her up with the right kind of questions. Do that, and you’ll see that seducing a girl is rather easy if she believes you’re a great guy.
Learn how to be subtle, and you can make a girl fall for you or even turn her on in just a few conversations. But here, we’ll talk about seducing a girl with just 20 simple questions, preferably via texts.
If you’re looking for a huge list of questions to leave her wet and horny, try this guide on the 111 sexual and dirty questions to ask a girl and make her horny.
But if you want to seduce her slowly and subtly, you just need to work your way from the subtlest questions we have here, and get to the questions where she’ll be craving to have you by her side. And all in a matter of minutes! [Read: How to seduce a woman with words and leave her weak in her knees]
Don’t believe this will work? Try it, and prepare to be shocked and awed!!
How to make a girl really wet and horny just by asking a few subtle questions
It’s easy to ask these 20 dirty questions to ask a girl when you’re sitting next to her. But if she feels uncomfortable or starts to feel like you’re trying too hard to get naughty, you may end up blowing your chances. And you’ll have a hard time getting her to reciprocate sexually again. [Read: How to trick a girl into thinking of you sexually after getting close to her]
On the other hand, by texting a few sexy questions to a girl, you can always make it seem like a joke if she doesn’t warm up to you.
It’s easy, safe and a foolproof way to turn a girl on from a distance. Use these questions, and you can charm the pants off her and make out with her by the time you reach the twentieth question!
Just another tip here. If you’re sitting next to her, here’s a foolproof guide on how to arouse a girl and make her wet just by casually sitting next to her. Try it when you’re spending time with her, and you’ll see her getting flustered and horny by your mere presence!
The right kind of dirty questions to ask a girl
Use these naughty questions and keep the conversation going by answering any other questions she asks you in return. It’ll all work out in your favor if you play it carefully and stick to these 20 questions all along the way, preferably in the same order. [Read: How to flirt with a friend – 15 ways to tease her without being weird]
And the best part, it’ll work wonders if she’s your girlfriend or even if she’s someone you’re just flirting with. Ask her these questions late at night for the best results!
Now sit back, hold your phone in your hand, and type away. By the time you’re done with these dirty questions to ask a girl, you’ll either be having phone sex or spending the rest of the night with her! [Read: How to make a girl want you and think of you sexually]
1. Are you alone?
This question is perfect to understand if she’s idle and all alone at home. You obviously can’t flirt or talk dirty if her friends are around her.
Say something flirty and naughty like “ah, I wish I could be there with you” or “I wish we could be hanging out instead of texting right now…” when she reciprocates with an affirmative and you know for sure that she’s all alone.
2. What are you doing right now?
Play it nice and slow. This can help you be certain that she’s alone and bored enough to give you her complete attention.
Okay, but is this a dirty question to ask a girl? Of course, it is, because you’re setting the stage up for an orgasmic explosion! But if you want to get straight to the dirty lines, try this – 50 naughty text messages that’ll make her wet and wild for you
3. Do you like cuddling when you lie in bed?
Warm her up to a flirty conversation without overstepping the line. Open her up by talking about cuddling with someone, even if it’s not you right now.
4. What do you wear when you go to bed? / What are you wearing?
A curious dirty question that’s perfect to ask a girl when she’s in bed already. It’s personal, and yet not too sexual. Say something like “Gosh, I can only imagine how cute you look right now” when she describes herself.
If it’s your girlfriend, ask her what’s she’s wearing and if she doesn’t mention any details about her lingerie *which she may not without a bit of coaxing*, ask about her lingerie. A perfect setting to use these dirty questions to ask a girl.
5. What do you think you look sexiest in?
Get a girl to talk naughty by talking about what she finds herself sexiest in. It’s flattering and definitely sexual. [Read: How to seduce a friend subtly and see if they’re into you]
6. Have you ever watched someone else make out accidentally or on purpose?
This naughty question gets both of you in the mood. And yet, by directing it towards a third person, you avoid any uncomfortable silences at the start.
7. Have you ever run your hands against someone else *or let someone else feel you up* while dancing at a club?
Okay, this may seem like a weird question to ask, and she may even wonder where this is going. But that’s the whole point.
If you go straight into the dirty questions, she’s going to know exactly what you’re up to. But keep things vague to begin with. You’re getting her to think dirty without ever making it seem like you’re initiating any kind of sexting in the first place.
Of course, she’s made out with a guy or a girl at a club. You can answer something like “I wish I could have been that guy!” after she tells you about an incident she recollects. [Read: 14 things to do around a girl to make her sexually desire you]
8. Have you ever hooked up with someone just because you were horny at that moment?
Yes, it’s all fun and games with these dirty questions to ask a girl, until boom, she realizes she’s kinda horny and doesn’t know why! So find out if she’s okay with having a fling thing in the heat of the moment.
9. If you had a pair of x-ray glasses, which part of a guy’s body *below his shoulders* would you see first?
Time to get naughty with the questions. Really, how many things can a girl take a look at below a guy’s shoulders? Let her answer the question, so you always make it seem like she’s the one talking dirty and not you.
10. Do you like boxers or briefs?
This is a cliché question. Even if a girl doesn’t care about it, she’d most probably say that she likes a boxer. Answer this question by telling her what you’re wearing. The whole focus here is to get her to think of your package. Without really making it obvious, of course! [Read: Boxers or briefs – What girls like and how to make it work for you]
11. What’s your secret move to turn a guy on?
By asking her to visualize making out with a guy and describe it to you, you’re making her fantasize about sex. And you’re making her imagine you. Bonus for you, if she goes into details just to prove how good she is sexually.
12. If there’s one place a guy should touch you to make you horny, which is that?
This goes straight to sex and arousal. And if she does answer this truthfully, in all probability, she’s already aroused. [Read: 10 minutes and 10 moves – Make her want to kiss you!]
13. Does a massage make you wet?
Okay, a relaxing body massage can make anyone feel a tingle in the loins. You’re relaxed, the blood flow increases down there, and everything’s humming and horny.
You can always say something like “Just so you know, I came first in my masseur class and I would love to give you a massage. And don’t worry, now that I know you get horny while getting a massage, I’ll linger in all the right places.”
14. If I kissed your lips accidentally, would you mind it?
Make her imagine your kiss. It’s a perfect question to get her to pucker up. Even if she just laughs it off, she’s just thought of kissing you, AFTER imagining getting a massage from you… where she’s getting wet and horny. Things will definitely get warmer here. [Read: 6 ways to kiss a friend accidentally and get away looking cute!]
15. Do you like giving oral or getting one?
No matter what she answers, you can always answer with the opposite of what she says. If she likes giving oral, say you like getting it. If she likes getting it, tell her you love giving it!
Chances are, she’s going to tell you she likes receiving it. So when you tell her you like giving oral more than receiving one, she’s going to visualize you in between her legs even if tries not to imagine it.
Ah, the ease of using a few dirty questions to ask a girl, and make her imagine kissing you, getting massaged by you, and getting oral from you. Now, she’s imagined it all with you on her mind, and we’ll just keep going!
16. How do you think my body would look better, shaved or natural?
Isn’t it a nice thought to know that the girl you like is picturing you naked the minute you ask her this dirty question? [Read: How to arouse a girl and turn her on by exciting her mind]
17. What should a guy do to make you wet?
Get straight to the sweet spot. And when she does answer this question, talk about question 12 again and get descriptive about her pleasure spots.
18. I’m turned on reading your texts. If I were whispering all these questions in your ear, would you be turned on too?
If you’ve got the conversation going this far, she’s obviously wet already. But you don’t want to embarrass a lady! Ask her this question, and no matter what she says, you’re talking about how wet she is. You know you’ve done really well so far already!
19. If I were with you right now, would it be okay if I kissed you?
This dirty question to ask a girl can actually get you into her bed. But you need to wait for the last question to get an invitation from her.
20. If a guy wants to come over to your place and make out with you right now, would you like that?
Don’t talk about yourself just yet, unless you already know she wants you to come over. If she answers “yes,” go full speed ahead to her place. Otherwise, play the seduction game for a few more minutes before telling her you want to come to her place right that instant.
[Read: The full guide on how to go from talking to a girl to having sex with her in no time]
Just use these dirty questions to ask a girl and you definitely would make her wet. And if you’re charming and lucky, you could also get into her bed that very night too! But even if you don’t meet her the very night, you’ve set the stage for a lot of fun and horny times together!
Want to take this sexting to a whole new level of horniness and make her desire you like never before? Learn how to get a girl to have sex with you by arousing her just a little everyday.
If you’re hanging out with her, and want her to sit closer and make out with you, use these sneaky moves on how to cuddle with a girl so it always leads to sex.
And finally, if you do get her in bed with you, make sure you’re focusing on these 21 tips to make love to a woman and make her moan for more.