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10 Kinky Sex Positions for a Wild Night Every Day of the Week

If you want to heat things up in the bedroom, trying some kinky sex positions will definitely do the job. These are must-tries for spicing things up.

Kinky Sex Positions

When it comes to sex, it can get very boring very quickly. There’s only so many times you can do the same position before it stops being exciting. The best way to avoid this is to throw in some kinky sex positions every now and then.

Keeping your sex life interesting is extremely important. You connect and bond with your significant other through sex. It’s vital to make sure you’re both satisfied. If you’re both bored, it can end up causing riffs in other areas of your relationship as well.

Everyone has some kink in them somewhere

We all get a little kinky every now and then. There are certain things we all like that can be deemed as a little “freaky.” This doesn’t mean you’re crazy in bed or anything else. It just means you like something interesting and wild every now and then.

This is normal. You can’t hide this part of you simply because you’re concerned about what your partner thinks. If they truly care about you, they’ll make an effort to please you in bed. That means they’ll be willing to try some freaky stuff every now and then. [Read: How to be a freak in the sheets without being creepy]

Kinky sex positions to spice up your nights together

If you’re not the type to get wild often, you probably have no ideas about what’s considered to be kinky sex positions. Here’s our list of the best kinky sex positions to try every night of the week.

1. The butter churner

This is a very interesting position and by that, I mean it’s very kinky. If you want to try this sex position, you’ll want to be very close to your significant other, as it displays much of the lady bits.

Girls, get down on the ground and roll onto your back so your shoulder blades are only on the ground. Your legs will be folded across your body so they’re touching the ground near your head, and your butt will be in the air.

The guy will then put himself in you from above in a downward motion. Basically, he’ll be the one churning and the woman is the butter. His legs will be on either side of you. [Read: Sex positions that’ll impress your man and drive him wild]

2. X position

If you know what scissoring is between two women, this one will be pretty easy for you to do. All you have to do is lay down and on your back. Then, have your partner turn on their side and move into you with one of their legs above and below your body.

You’ll basically be like an X shape. The guy can enter this way and you can both work to move with one another. It’s definitely kinky, but one of the simpler positions.

3. Waterfall

If the guy is flexible and the girl loves being on top, this is the way to go. It’s an easier one of the kinky sex positions we have for you. Basically, the guy will lay on a piece of furniture with his back bent over the edge.

He’ll be doing a backbend of sorts. Then, the girl hops on top and rides him while he’s “falling” off the piece of furniture. Hence the name, waterfall. [Read: 16 erotic sex positions you’ll need to try out]

4. The hot seat

Remember the butter churner? We’re about to reverse those roles a little bit. The guy will roll onto his back with his junk in the air much like the woman did in the butter churner.

This time, however, the woman will turn away from the man and sit on his member, which should be straight up in the air at this point. Once again, you’ll want to be a bit more comfortable with your partner for this one.

5. Wheelbarrow

If you’re looking to make your sexcapades a workout, this is the best of the kinky sex positions for you to try out. The woman will be propped up on her hands so she’s nearly upside down. Her legs will be wrapped around the guy behind her.

He’ll hoist her up by her thighs and penetrate her. Think of this like doggy style, just with the guy lifting up the woman until she’s holding herself up on her hands and he’s got her thighs wrapped around him. [Read: 30 different sex positions for a 30-day sex challenge]

6. Spider

Remember when you used to go on the swings and straddle someone? That’s the basis of this next kinky sex position. The woman will straddle the guy while on the bed or floor. The difference here is that the girl will lay back so her body is relatively flat.

The guy will stay propped upright, while leaning back on his hands slightly. Both of your legs should be bent a bit and you can work together to thrust into one another. It’s kinky, but not too wild.

7. Pretzel

This is a super fun sex position that’s pretty relaxed for the women. The girl will lay on her back with her hips tilted to one side. The guy will be upright on his knees. He’ll slide in with one of the girl’s legs underneath him and the other curving around his hip on top.

This one gives the guy a great view while allowing the girl to sit back and relax. It’s also perfect for control, too. You can go as fast or as slow as you want and it’ll feel great either way. [Read: 12 easy sex positions that won’t break your neck or worse]

8. Exercise ball bouncing

If you really want to make things interesting, grab an exercise ball. This is super easy but it adds a layer of kink when you grab a bouncing ball and add it to the mix.

All the guy has to do is sit on the ball. The girl will back up to him and sit down on top of him. You can bounce your way to orgasms together. This one is especially great simply because you can alter your position and it’ll still be fun.

9. The bridge

Get ready for a workout if you’re a guy because this is all about your strength and flexibility. What the guy has to do is lay on the ground and push up into a backbend so his chest, stomach, and manly bits are in the air.

Then, the woman straddles him and rides him from the top. If the girl is really short, this might be a difficult one to accomplish. However, if you can, give it a try even for just a minute so you can get the sensations it offers. [Read: All the sex positions men love for a night all about him]

10 Kiss of life

This is all about the lady’s pleasure here. The man gets down on his knees and the girl will basically straddle his face. She’ll be completely off the ground with her legs resting on his shoulders and her lady bits right on his mouth. If you like oral, this is a very kinky position for you.

[Read: All the kinky things you can try together in bed]

Sometimes you just need to spice up your sex life. These kinky sex positions will definitely get the job done. Don’t be afraid of some of these. Give them a try and you might find your new favorite position.

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Natasha Ivanovic
Natasha Ivanovic is an intimacy, dating, and relationship writer, and the creator and author of her short stories on TheLonelySerb. She completed her first degr...
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