Natasha Ivanovic is an intimacy, dating, and relationship writer, and the creator and author of her short stories on TheLonelySerb. She completed her first degree in Criminology and continued and finished her Masters in Investigative Psychology, but then decided to follow her true passion of writing.

Latest Features by Natasha Ivanovic

dating a milf

40 Hot Reasons Dating a MILF Will Rock Your World & How to Date One

Is dating a MILF meant to be funny, or a fantastic experience? We’re looking at 7 reasons why you should honestly consider dating a sexy older woman.

Natasha_Ivanovic by Natasha Ivanovic
how to be a slut

How to Be a Slut: 17 Unapologetic Ways to Own Your Body and Pleasure

“Slut” has often been used to tear women down. But there’s a lot of freedom you gain when you learn how to be a slut. Should we take a page out of their book?

Natasha_Ivanovic by Natasha Ivanovic
Ways to Pick Up Guys

35 Flirty Ways to Pick Up Guys That All Women Should Have in Their Arsenal

It’s the 21st century, ladies! There’s no reason to sit and wait for them to make the first move—learn how to pick up guys!

Natasha_Ivanovic by Natasha Ivanovic
How Not to Be Awkward

27 Secrets & 20-Point Checklist on How Not to Be Awkward for the Quirky Ones

Not everyone can walk into a room and be as poised and confident as they come. Some of us are just plain awkward. Here’s how to stop being so awkward.

Natasha_Ivanovic by Natasha Ivanovic
social butterfly

Social Butterfly: 37 Tips to Be One, Pros & Cons of Being Outgoing and Friendly

Being a social butterfly isn’t a goal everyone has, but maybe it should be. There are many advantages to being the one person everyone talks to.

Natasha_Ivanovic by Natasha Ivanovic
communication techniques

20 Powerful Communication Techniques That Will Transform Your Relationship

It’s not easy getting someone to talk to you. But open communication is vital in relationships. Here are some communication techniques that can help.

Natasha_Ivanovic by Natasha Ivanovic
Anal Orgasm

Anal Orgasm: How It Works, Feels & 34 Must-Knows to Help You Experience It

Some people claim they can orgasm from anal sex alone. Are they being serious or is something else happening? Find out all the dirty answers here.

Natasha_Ivanovic by Natasha Ivanovic
taking a shit in your boyfriend's house

Pooping at Your Boyfriend’s House: 25 Girl’s Guide to Sneaky Bathroom Moves!

Worried about the bathroom situation after sleeping over at your guy’s place? Here are ways to get away with pooping at your boyfriend’s house.

Natasha_Ivanovic by Natasha Ivanovic
Tease and Denial

40 Tease and Denial Secrets You Need in Your Arsenal to Hook That Guy

Doing everything to get a man with no luck? Maybe it’s because you don’t know the allure of tease and denial. Stick around, we’ve got what you need to know.

Natasha_Ivanovic by Natasha Ivanovic
how to make a good first impression on a girl

35 Secrets to Make a Good First Impression on a Girl & Leave Her in Awe

If you’re trying to woo a girl, you’ll need to know how to make a good first impression on a girl. Here’s how you can leave her love-struck.

Natasha_Ivanovic by Natasha Ivanovic