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Eternal Love: What It Means, Does It Exist & 13 Truths to Make You a Believer

We’re all in love with the idea of a love that lasts forever, otherwise known as eternal love. But does this love really exist, or is it just fiction?

Eternal Love

While it may sound like something out of a fantasy romance novel, eternal love can be real. That’s why there have been so many successful books and movies about it. Lasting love is, after all, one of the most sought-after things on this planet.

If you’ve experienced love for a significant period now, it might cause you to believe one of two things – that love can’t last a lifetime or that it can. Whether this reignites your faith in love or not, we’re here to tell you that eternal love does exist, and it isn’t just something you see in movies and books. [Read: What is true love? 22 signs of love to know if your love is real]

What is eternal love?

Eternal love is just a love that never ends. It’s a love so powerful that nothing in the world can stop the intense feelings that two people have for each other. Some people even refer to it as love so strong that it’s still there even after death. It might sound like a myth, but it’s real.

It’s basically the kind of love most people go looking for their whole lives, the kind of love that never dies. It’s a love that’s so powerful that it’s where the concept of “love conquers all” comes from. [Read: 25 reasons to love someone and hold onto them forever]

Why we want to believe in eternal love

Who doesn’t want to believe that love can last a lifetime? It sounds so perfect. But where do these beliefs of eternal love come from? Well, movies. Growing up, we watch all these movies that tell us that love is beautiful and its eternal. That you meet someone, and then there’s that click, and you instantly know that you’ve found your person.

These movies make love look so amazing that we hold on to what they tell us. We apply these ideas of love to all our relationships because we so badly want these movies to have love right. That there’s a love so powerful that it can, in fact, conquer all.

We want to believe this exists because if it does, regardless of whether you’re a hopeless romantic or not, it just makes your heart go soft. But does eternal love exist off the screen? Yes, definitely. [Read: True love stories – My true love]

Can eternal love really exist?

There are many skeptics on this topic. In fact, there are many skeptics who doubt whether love is real in the first place.

Of course, it’s easy to be doubtful and pessimistic about love when you’ve experienced the opposite – pain, loss, devastation, or anything along those lines. When you’ve been dealt the worst cards, it can lead you to believe that eternal love doesn’t exist.

But while love is a real feeling and emotion, can you truly love someone forever? Or does our biological makeup and instinct to survive and procreate get in the way sometimes? Which is stronger? Love or our DNA?

Here are the answers to these complex questions. [Read: Experienced words of advice for everlasting love]

All the proof you need that eternal love exists

For all of you folks out there who constantly wonder if love is a real feeling or just a made-up trick, here’s the definitive proof that love is real.

1. There’s proof everywhere

You don’t have to be a scientist to see that love exists everywhere. Love doesn’t have to be romantic, either. There are so many different ways you can feel and express your love for other people in your life. [Read: Lust vs love – 21 signs to know exactly what you feel for each other]

We focus so much on the bad experiences we’ve had that we forget love is also a beautiful and extraordinary feeling.

It’s a mixture of both good and bad, and that’s what makes it so real. You love your family, your pets, your hobbies, and your significant other; these types of feelings can’t be made up and can’t be denied.

Love is literally everywhere. You just need to know where to look. So before you question if love exists, look around you first. You’ll be surprised how much love really is in the air. [Read: Real signs of true love in a relationship]

2. Science even says it’s real

That’s right. You can’t deny the facts of science, people. A study was conducted on couples who were still together after 20 years and on those that were newly in love. They were shown pictures of their significant others to see which parts of their brain would light up. And guess what? They found that the brain scans of each group were identical.

What does that mean exactly? Well, that couples who had been together for upwards of 20 years were still just as in love with each other as fresh couples who were still in their honeymoon phase. This just proves that love is real and can be present even after many, many years. You know what it’s like when you first start dating someone; the intensity of your love is exhilarating.

Knowing that those feelings can last 20 years and that this is proven by science, how could you not think that love is eternal? [Read: The rules of attraction has explained by science]

3. Love actually changes the chemical makeup of your brain

Speaking of science, let’s talk about the chemicals in your brain. When you love someone, everything about your brain’s composition changes. All of the regular ‘happy’ chemicals, like dopamine, get fired off tenfold when you’re in love. That’s why falling in love feels so exhilarating.

Not only that, but your brain will also fire off a chemical that scientists believe is specifically linked to love – oxytocin. Oxytocin is responsible for all the warm, fuzzy, happy feelings you experience during acts of intimacy, like cuddling, and the release of it hits the roof when you fall in love.

Just compare anyone’s brain before and after they’re in love, and you’ll see what we’re talking about! Love is so real and extraordinary that it changes your mental functions.

When shown pictures of a person you love, your frontal lobe—the part responsible for all your decision-making skills—actually shuts down. You actually throw all reason and logic out the window in the name of love! That is why people in love do the craziest things – all for the sake of love! [Read: Love chemistry and sparks in love]

So what about eternal love?

So we’ve established that love is a real feeling and actually does exist. But can that feeling last forever? Can the remnants of that love still linger long after both people have left this earth?

Here’s everything you should know about eternal love.

1. It’s not a fairytale

As fantastic as all of those fairytale books sound, eternal love can exist in real life. Take the brain scan research mentioned above as just one prime example. This isn’t just a fictional fairytale compared to all those movies and books about love, this is real.

This is real life we’re talking about, and that’s what makes it even more extraordinary. It’s scientifically proven that love can last a lifetime, so why not believe in it? [Read: How to fall in love slowly like you’re in a fairy tale]

2. It’s different from person to person

Eternal love isn’t a standard thing that feels the same to everyone. As each person loves differently, we all have different capabilities of feeling and finding eternal love. Some people are simply better than others at being open enough to allow eternal love into their hearts.

Every person is shaped by different beliefs and experiences with love. So it’s only natural that each person’s experience of eternal love is also going to be different. In some situations, an individual can be so guarded that they often miss out on having that kind of connection for fear of getting hurt.

Specifically, if they had an awful experience with love, it could prevent them from opening up altogether. [Read: 19 signs of emotional damage and ways to get past them]

3. Our DNA says that we can love multiple people

Our bodies are programmed to do whatever is possible to ensure our race’s continued existence. This means that in order to be able to reproduce, we have to be able to fall in love.

And since the existence of our race depends on our ability to reproduce and make many diverse beings, we can fall in love with multiple people throughout our lifetimes. This might sound weird since the ideal is loving just one person our entire lives, but that rarely happens.

So don’t be disheartened if, for whatever reason, you feel like you’ve missed out on the one chance of having pure, unconditional, eternal love. We can fall in love over and over and over again; in fact, as many times as it takes to get it right. [Read: Polyamorous dating: Everything you need to know first]

4. But our willpower prevents us from doing so

Now, the above may make it seem like eternal love can’t exist because we can fall in love with different people at any given time. But the unique thing about humans is that our willpower is more powerful than our instincts and genetic code. That allows us to MAKE ourselves only to love one person and remain faithful to them – for eternity.

What makes eternal love so special is even if we can stray, we still choose to commit to that one special person. Even as years pass by, the love continues to be so strong as if no time has passed at all. [Read: The meaning of love – Defining true love]

5. So, eternal love is somewhat of a choice

As we just mentioned, it’s our willpower that determines our ability to love only one person. That being said, eternal love is somewhat of a choice. While we may not be able to control or choose who we fall in love with, we do control that we only love that person and for how long.

If we want to love someone for eternity, we have the capacity to do so. With the constant debate of whether love is a feeling or a choice, you eventually learn that it’s more of a choice. It’s the reason why love can become tough – because when the feelings fade, it’s easy to give up entirely.

So if you want to experience eternal love truly, you have to choose it. Love is about making a constant decision to love them every day, even when things get difficult. Nobody ever said love was supposed to be easy, after all. [Read: Why relationships are such hard work]

6. There’s century-old evidence that shows that eternal love exists

If you’re a lover of love, you’ve no doubt stumbled upon that picture of two 2,000-year-old skeletons buried holding hands. This is not only proof that eternal love is real and can be felt for thousands of years, but it also shows that it has been around for many, many years. It’s nothing new.

Love is so concrete and powerful that it can last for thousands of years. Now, isn’t that something?

7. Belief in eternal love can differ between cultures

Western societies romanticize the idea of love and expand on it as much as possible. But different cultures don’t take love into account at all. So before you doubt the existence of it or the meaning of eternal love altogether, ask yourself first if your culture believes highly in love or not.

Because if not, then there’s your answer. If you want to experience or see for yourself the proof of a love so powerful that it can last forever, explore other cultures. You’ll soon see what we’re talking about! [Read: FYIs for dating someone from another culture]

8. Yet, eternal love is still found within the cultures that don’t believe in love

We’re sure you’ve heard of arranged marriages, how some people are set up to marry a person from the day they were born. It’s not that these cultures don’t believe that love exists, but rather, they’re of the opinion that who they marry and have children with will determine their success.

But then why do we see so many people running away from their families and these arranged marriages in order to be with someone else – whom they love? Even when love isn’t practiced, love can still be found amidst it all.

We assure you that these don’t just happen in movies, but in real life too! [Read: 20 questions to ask each other before getting married]

9. Eternal love is felt, not seen

The meaning of eternal love is that it’s not a tangible thing you can touch, see, or even smell. However, it’s something you can feel – and that’s what makes it so unique and beautiful. You can’t just look at two people and see that they have a bond of eternal love.

You definitely can be in the presence of two people and just FEEL their undying love for one another. There’s just something about eternal love that’s so immense that it can be felt in the room, even felt by others around them.

10. Overall, YES, it exists

No matter who you are or whether or not you have felt such a powerful love in your life yet, you can’t deny the definitive proof that eternal love genuinely exists in many forms all over the world.

No matter what experiences you’ve had with love and what you’ve been led to believe growing up, eternal love isn’t merely fiction or myth. It’s very much real, and it’s the most magical feeling you can have in this world. After all, love is all around us, and it’s the best thing we can have. [Read: How to prove that you love someone the right way]

What do you think about eternal love?

Eternal love is when the love between two people lasts a lifetime. It’s so powerful that even after death, the love persists and continues. Love is powerful enough, but eternal love? That’s on an entirely different level.

[Read: The 20 kinds of lovers that exist in the world]

Eternal love seems like it’s just purely fictional and a myth, but that’s not the truth. Eternal love exists in all kinds of ways; you just have to open your eyes to be able to see the evidence around you.

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Natasha Ivanovic
Natasha Ivanovic is an intimacy, dating, and relationship writer, and the creator and author of her short stories on TheLonelySerb. She completed her first degr...
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