The Anonymous Kitty is a naughty secret. She’s the voice of inappropriate thoughts, awkward confessions and racy minds… or she’s probably just too embarrassed to associate her name with her mischievous words.

Latest Features by Anonymous Kitty


Do Women Like Anal Sex? Mostly No, Sometimes Yes & What to Know

There is one question most men want to know – do women like anal sex? The answer? It depends on the woman. For the most part, men are more enthusiastic!

Anonymous Kitty by Anonymous Kitty
best sex positions for beginners

10 Best Sex Positions for Beginners to Instantly Feel Like a Pro

If you’re a sex newbie, you may be in the dark on the best sex positions for beginners. Well, it’s time you learned, and I’m here to enlighten you.

Anonymous Kitty by Anonymous Kitty
how to swallow cum

How to Swallow Cum without Gagging & Go From Spitter to Swallower

Wanna know how to swallow cum and actually enjoy it without feeling sick about it? Here are all the tips and ways to do it without having to spit it out!

Anonymous Kitty by Anonymous Kitty
How Long Does a Crush Last

How Long Does a Crush Last? The Steps to Get Over Someone ASAP

You can’t seem to get your crush out of your head, and you’ve liked them for months. Is this normal? How long does a crush last and can you move on faster?

Anonymous Kitty by Anonymous Kitty
cheated on my boyfriend

I Cheated on My Boyfriend and Feel a Lot Better!

I cheated on my boyfriend and experienced a few things that could help you, if you’re thinking of cheating on your man or have done just that.

Anonymous Kitty by Anonymous Kitty
Should a Girl Accept a Drink from a Stranger?

When a Guy Buys You a Drink at the Bar: What He Expects & What You Must Do

Have you ever been offered a drink by a guy while you’re alone and waiting for someone at a bar? As flattering as it may seem, should a girl accept a drink from a stranger?

Anonymous Kitty by Anonymous Kitty