Are you wondering if a certain guy misses you? You can learn the signs that he misses you so that you know just how much he cares.
Whether you’re in a long-distance relationship or you’ve broken up, knowing the signs he misses you badly can reassure you of his feelings.
So, we’re going to go over all the signs that your boyfriend or your ex-boyfriend misses you in this feature.
But first, how many men do you know who stubbornly put aside their feelings and attraction to the woman they love without at least giving it a shot? If you are wondering “does he miss me?” the signs are all there. You just have to read them.
If he’s your ex-boyfriend, then he may have to keep his pride intact and not come running back. But there are other behaviors he exhibits worth more than any beg-back session.
Why do we like being missed?
Guys tend to hide their feelings. This is especially true when it comes to missing their significant others and their ex-girlfriends. So, he may not vocalize his feelings often. This can leave you very confused about where his feelings for you actually lie.
[Read: Male body language – 48 subtle signs to instantly read a man’s thoughts]
So when a guy you like misses you, it feels good to know it. It reassures you that he still cares and thinks of you often.
And most importantly, the fact that he misses you means he really wants you around him instead of some other girl. How can anyone not feel good knowing this truth? [Read: 17 gestures that speak louder than words when a guy loves you]
Why do you want to know if a guy misses you?
Sure, it’s always nice to know that you matter to someone and that they miss you when you’re not with them. But you should also think a little deeper than that.
Why exactly do you want to know if this guy misses you? Is it because he’s your long-distance boyfriend and you feel like he’s pulling away? Or you’re not sure if he’s all in with the relationship?
Maybe he’s your ex-boyfriend and you regret the breakup and want him back. [Read: Dumper’s regret – a timeline and stages of remorse of dumping someone]
But why do you want him back? Did the reasons for your breakup change? If you got back together would it be any better than it was before?
It’s fine to want him to miss you. But you should just do some self-reflection as to why it matters to you so much.
How long does it take a guy to realize he misses you?
How long it takes a guy to miss you really depends on the guy, the relationship, and loads of other factors. [Read: When does an ex start to miss you and 8 truths that make them want you more]
For example, if he’s a sentimental person who likes constant companionship, then he will miss you pretty quickly. But if he wasn’t happy in the relationship and is independent and likes his space, then it will take him longer.
To sum it up, some of the most important factors that will determine how long it takes to miss you are:
1. How emotionally available he’s made himself to you
2. How long the relationship is/was [Read: How to make someone miss you and regret ever leaving your side]
3. How much time you spent together
4. How distracted he is
5. How in-tune with his own emotions he is
6. How significant you are in his life
So, the bottom line is that there is no definitive answer to this question.
Some guys start to miss you within weeks, but others don’t until months later. [Read: 34 subtle signs your ex wants you back and misses you but won’t admit it]
Regardless, they start to miss you when they finally understand how important you are *or were* and how much your absence affects their lives.
Reasons a guy misses you
There are a lot of reasons a guy might miss you. Some of it depends on the individual guy, but there are some common reasons.
1. Sex
Well, this probably isn’t a big surprise, right? Most guys really like sex. And when they aren’t with their partners, then they aren’t having sex anymore *unless they are getting it from another girl.* [Read: When you miss someone – 35 signs and things you MUST do to learn from it]
2. Companionship
There is that stereotype that guys are independent and like their space. While that’s true to some extent, guys also like the companionship of their girlfriends. They always have someone to do something with, and it’s comforting to know that.
When that companionship isn’t readily available, they’ll feel that absence.
3. Break in routines
When a couple is together for a long time, they develop some routines together. Whether it’s when they eat dinner, go to the gym, or see a movie every weekend. Whatever it is, their routine is broken when they don’t see you, and that can be quite a jolt to experience.
4. Love
This is the best reason of all for a guy to miss you, isn’t it? [Read: Does he still love me? 25 questions to reveal the truth instantly]
If he genuinely is in love with you, then he will definitely miss you when you’re not with him. We always miss the people that we love, and guys are no different than girls on this one.
Why missing each other is important for a healthy relationship
If you’re in a long-distance relationship, you probably wonder if your boyfriend misses you when you’re apart.
Well, believe it or not, you do need to miss each other. You can’t be around someone 24/7 and expect the relationship to be perfect.
That’s just not how it works. If you’re always with someone, it’s too difficult to appreciate them. You forget how they have affected your life in a positive way. [Read: 20 subtle moves to make a guy miss you a lot more and leave him obsessed]
Instead, you end up taking them for granted. That’s why couples should spend some time apart every now and then.
Take a vacation with just friends so you can really miss each other. And know the signs he secretly misses so that you can determine if your relationship is actually healthy.
Guys don’t always make it easy to know if they’re missing you
Ladies, does your boyfriend or ex-boyfriend have a way of never communicating his feelings? If you answered yes, this is the advice you need, to know the signs he misses you. [Read: 16 signs a guy thinks about you a lot even if he’s playing it cool]
If he struggles to share his feelings in the easiest of times, there is a good chance he really falls flat when you’re apart or broken up. Whether you live far apart or recently broke up, spotting the signs he misses you can help you out.
Yes, he does need to work on his communication skills. Until that happens, it is on us to read between the lines and find the signs he misses you.
Looking for subtle hints and signs he misses you?
When it comes to spotting the signs he misses you, it is not that hard. There are lots of places to look for these signs. [Read: 33 secrets to forget a guy when you miss him but you know he doesn’t care]
If you aren’t sure where they are, that’s what we’re here to show you. Other than trying to read between the lines of his texts, figure out the more abstract signs he misses you by using these clues here.
It is likely that the places to look for signs he misses you are the same places you show him that you miss him. Shocking, right? [Read: 30 weird facts about guys, their deviant minds, crushes, and love life]
Now for those of you in a long-distance relationship, let’s take a look at the signs that he misses you when you’re apart.
The subtle and yet strongest signs your boyfriend misses you badly
Annoyingly, your boyfriend can play it really cool even though they’re dying to be with you. If your boyfriend is a master at hiding how he feels, these signs he misses you can help you figure him out.
These are the signs that your boyfriend misses you. [Read: I miss my boyfriend – 20 warm ways to get through it when you miss your man]
1. How’s he texting?
This is probably one of the biggest signs he secretly misses you when you two aren’t together. How often is he texting you now? Has the frequency increased? [Read: What to think when suddenly your boyfriend texts less often]
This is even more obvious if he isn’t one to text all day long, to begin with. But since you’re not together, he’s texting you a bunch.
This is mostly because he just wants to talk to you. He wants to know what you’re up to and he wants to feel like he’s involved. [Read: How to tell if a guy likes you through texting]
2. He calls when he normally hates talking on the phone
If you’re getting a call from your man and you know how much he doesn’t like talking on the phone, it’s a big sign he misses you. He just wants to hear your voice.
However, keep in mind that he may also just be busy, and talking on the phone is a lot faster. Overall, you have to pay attention to what he says on the phone.
Is he just making small talk or is he giving you quick, need-to-know information? The former proves he misses you. [Read: Why do men hate talking on the phone?]
3. He is very curious
This doesn’t mean he is behaving curiously. Instead, he is curious about what is going on with you. He may not come out and say he misses you, but he wants to know the scoop.
He wants to know how your day was. And he wants the latest gossip with your friends and how your aunt’s surgery went.
He asks about everything and remembers everything you say. Taking the time to care and think about you when you aren’t together are signs he is missing you. [Read: The 16 sure signs your man is smitten with you]
4. He interacts with all your social media posts
Whether you post a cute selfie or an Instagram story of your lunch, he is on it. He likes and views everything you post. He may even message you or comment about it too.
He’s doing this because he’s using any chance he can to start a conversation and interact because he misses you.
If he tags you in memes and posts he thinks you’re interested in, he misses you. [Read: Social media and relationships – the good, the bad, and the ugly]
Say he is scrolling to Twitter or Instagram, if something catches his eye and he thinks you’ll find it cute or funny or just slightly relevant, he will send it to you. This shows you are always on his mind even when he is mindlessly scrolling.
This is just a clear sign he totally misses you. Seeing all of those memes and immediately thinking of you shows you that his mind is already on you. [Read: The happy couple’s guide to social media etiquette]
6. He texts you after seeing that you’ve been active online
Your man might be relatively quiet all day until you hop on Facebook. Once he sees you sharing and liking pictures, he’ll text you if he misses you.
This is one of the top signs he secretly misses you purely because he wants to be included. He knows you’re available and wants to get in on some of the fun. So, he’ll send you a text or he’ll even call you. [Read: How to be the best girlfriend ever – 25 awesome ways to leave him addicted to you]
7. He talks about random stuff just to keep the conversation going
A great way to know if your man misses you is to pay attention to what he’s talking about. If he’s just rambling on and on about stuff that’s normally pointless to both of you, he misses you.
He’ll do this because he wants to keep the conversation going. He wants to talk to you.
That’s the whole point of basically anything he does when he misses you. He wants to hear your voice to just chat and joke with you. [Read: 25 signs he loves you even if he doesn’t say it out loud]
8. He suggests video chatting
If hopping on Facetime and other video chatting apps is completely his idea, then he misses you more than you know. It’s a time-suck to video chat. You can’t do anything else besides sit there and talk.
So if he’s making it a point to video chat with you, he totally misses you. You’ll also know this is true if he starts complimenting you and flirting right when you start the video.
9. He mentions the old days
When you talk, he always brings up times when you were together. If he mentions when you first met or a great date you had and is all about reminiscing, he truly misses you. [Read: Old love letters and memories – keep or throw them?]
If he is thinking about times when he didn’t miss you, he may be trying to relive those memories because he misses you so much right now.
10. He reaches out without a reason
Most people have a reason to reach out to their loved ones via call or text. Either they have a question or news or they’re making plans. If he just reaches out to say what’s up or grasping at straws to talk to you, he misses you and wants to talk.
If he can’t come up with an excuse to talk to you other than asking what’s up or how did you sleep, he definitely misses you. [Read: 15 things to do when you miss your guy but can’t talk to him]
11. He’s always quick to respond
You interact with your man all the time. You know how long it normally takes him to answer texts and calls. So, a great way to know if he misses you or not is to pay attention to his response time.
Is he responding right away or does he take forever? If he texts you back a minute or two after you send the text, he misses you.
It’s like he’s sitting by his phone waiting for you to contact him. And that’s because he wishes you were there. [Read: 15 ways guys text differently when they like you]
12. His friends tell you he misses you
Whether you share friends with him or not, his friends will show signs he misses you. Whether they come out and say it or not, you should be able to read the signs.
Depending on his friends, they may reach out to you because they want to know you better as you are so important to their friends. They may not like you because all he does is talk about you.
If his friends add you on social media, reach out to say happy birthday or really anything of the sort, it is because your guy is talking about you. A lot! [Read: How to accept your guy’s friends and get them to accept you]
13. He shares news
It is normal for a guy you have a long-distance relationship with to call and let you know he got a promotion. If he’s reaching out for even the smallest news like a killer breakfast burrito, he misses you a lot. [Read: 25 signs he loves you even if he’s never said it out loud]
Informing you of big news is one thing, but if he calls you right after he sees a movie, eats lunch, or goes to the dentist to fill you in, he is dying to talk to you and misses you badly.
14. He will do anything to make plans
He could live across the country or down the street, but if he is willing to do anything to see you, he misses you. [Read: 40 cute texts to make a guy miss you and think of you more often]
This could mean he is willing to take a connecting redeye flight to see you for 24 hours. Or he is willing to drive you to the mall to buy your grandma a robe just to hang out with you.
He will offer to go grocery shopping with you, build an Ikea shelf, or do pretty much anything to make sure he sees you.
15. Drunk texts and calls
As has been said for years, the drunk mouth is the sober mind. If he is reaching out to you when he has had a little too much to drink, it is because he has lost all chill.
Usually, when a guy drunk texts you in general, it means you’re on his mind quite a bit. He’s taking time away from their friends and drinks to show you how much he’s thinking about you. [Read: Drunk texting – how to avoid the awkward drama of drunk texts]
16. He schedules calls
This does not sound romantic, but it’s a definite sign he misses you. If a guy is showing signs he misses you, he makes time for you.
If he has a busy schedule, he will tell you he’ll call at six or even schedule a daily or weekly chat so you are always talking even if you can’t be 24/7. [Read: 15 cell-phone rules every couple has to follow to build real trust]
17. Making date plans
Another thing your man will talk about when he misses you is what he wants to do when you’re together again. He’ll bring up new date ideas. He’ll ask about what you want to do.
Mostly, he just wants to envision you two together again. This is because he misses you so much and misses going out on a date. [Read: Perfect date – 36 secrets to be a good date, plan an ideal one, and impress them]
The best way to pinpoint this as one of the signs he misses you is to determine when he brings it up. Is it completely random? Then he misses you.
18. He wants to see you
He will ask for photos continuously. Sure, this could be sexual or not. A guy that truly misses you will be happy seeing a warped Snapchat picture of you.
They will prefer FaceTime over talking on the phone and will take any opportunity to see your face. [Read: Obsessive love: 15 ways to tell if it’s real or unhealthy]
19. He wants you to know he’s thinking about you
For some guys, just saying he misses you is too vulnerable. They would just rather show it. And he won’t always be subtle about it.
He may send you flowers randomly or surprise you with a trip or gift. If he misses you, he won’t hide it for long.
20. You’re his influencer
You like a movie and you suggested it to him? He’s watched it already. You like a certain kind of music, and now he tells you he gave it a listen and likes it too? [Read: How guys flirt – 15 things they do differently to impress a girl they like]
If he starts to like all of your tastes and visits all of your favorite restaurants or falls in love with the desserts you love, it clearly shows just how much and how often he thinks of you!
21. His face brightens up
Is he excited to see you when you meet him? If a guy has been missing you, his face will light up with a big grin and a spring in his step. He may not say it straight, but his enthusiasm may give away the signs he’s been missing you.
22. He buys you thoughtful gifts just because
So he was away for a couple of days and got you a souvenir? Or was he out shopping and picked up a cute scarf for you in the exact shade that you love? [Read: 20 secrets guys wish girls knew about guys]
It’s not the expense that shows he misses you, it’s the gesture and the thoughtfulness that went into the gift that shows you just how much a guy misses you and remembers the little details about you even when you aren’t around.
23. He remembers
Does he remember all of your special days, the events going on in your life, and even the smallest details like your dentist appointment that’s on Thursday at 11 am?
Seriously, it’s like he misses you so much he’s given a special space in his brain for thoughts about you that run continuously 24/7! Of course, he misses you! [Read: 15 romantic anniversary ideas to leave your love speechless]
24. He tells you
And last but not the least, let’s talk about the most obvious sign. If a guy tells you he misses you, and you’re seeing a few of these signs already, not only does he mean it, he probably means it a lot!
A guy may not want to wear his heart on his sleeve and reveal something he considers vulnerable. But if he says he misses you, that’s a very good sign he wants you to know that. And also, that he cares for you!
Now that we’ve looked at the signs that a long-distance boyfriend misses you, for those of you who have just broken up, let’s take a look at the signs that an ex-boyfriend does. [Read: Signs he’s telling the truth when he says he misses you]
Does he miss me? The ways your ex-boyfriend says he misses you without saying a word
If you want to know if your ex misses you, look at what he does. Look at where he went since you left, and whether he moved on or stayed stuck.
If he is in the same position, doing the same things, or even doing stupid shit uncharacteristic of him, those things all say, “God, I wish I had her back.”
1. He hasn’t found anyone else
You’ve been broken up for almost six months. Although you hear of him dating some girls, he still hasn’t found anyone to share his bed with at night. [Read: 20 signs your ex wants you back in their life]
A guy occupies his lonely space, but if he hasn’t found anyone to catch his eye for very long, then you may just be taking up that space in his mind.
2. He’s sleeping around
This is something you may not want to hear. But, guys who miss the woman they can’t have often exhibit careless behaviors. Like sleeping with anyone and everyone to get the girl they love off their mind.
The problem is that no one is you, but they continue trying anyway. If he wasn’t a player before you, and suddenly turned into one, there is something behind his drive to screw everyone in town. [Read: Perfect tease – How to keep a guy interested after sleeping with him]
3. He pops up in unexpected places
If you notice him popping up in unexpected places, like your work or at the gym, there is a good reason to believe he hopes to get a look at you and make sure you are still around.
His way of maintaining his distance and not giving in, but don’t underestimate those small “bump into meetings.” You likely never saw him there before, so now is no different. [Read: 24 subtle signs he misses you badly every time you aren’t around]
4. He hasn’t changed his Facebook status
Okay, not every guy is hung up on social media, but many are. When a guy is ready to move on, he makes it known to everyone around him.
If he did it right up front, that might have been a brash decision, and he likely won’t change it back.
But, if after a couple of months, he still hasn’t changed his committed relationship status, then that may be a sign he is waiting for you to return. [Read: How to be friends with an ex without any complications]
If he still sees your friends and can’t help but ask about you, that probably isn’t simply a concern for an old friend.
Continually pumping for an update about who you are seeing, if you are okay, or how things are going with you means he is probably trying to weigh his odds of making his way back into your life.
6. After repeatedly asking, he hasn’t returned your things
When a relationship is done, you signal the end by divvying things up. If you repeatedly asked for some of your things back, and he refuses to oblige, he is trying to hold onto a piece of you.
If he didn’t miss you or hope someday to win you back, he would just give them back and be done. [Read: Deleting pictures of an ex – The psychology behind it and why we do it]
7. He regularly drunk dials
If you get a call at two a.m. from his number when he has been out drinking, then you know when his inhibitions are down, you crawl right back up into his head. Don’t think that it is just about a booty call.
If you are the first thing he thinks about when his brain goes to la-la-land, that means you aren’t out of his picture yet. Be cautious if this happens only once, but more than that is a pretty big sign.
8. He still has pictures of you all over the place
If he still has your picture up in his living room, by his bedside, or even on his social media, then he is definitely not over you. [Read: Is your ex still thinking of you? All the signs to know]
Keeping your picture around would be irritating to him and scare away other girls if he was ready to move on. An inability to remove those items has “miss you” written all over it.
9. His friends tell you he isn’t doing well
His best friend’s job is to help him get past his old girlfriend and move on to the next. If you see his old friends, and they sing you a sad story about how unwell he is, take note.
Maybe they tell you how he is depressed and isn’t himself anymore; that is their signal to you that you should step in to help. [Read: How to get over a bad breakup and start feeling really good again]
If he didn’t miss you, his friends would barely say more than “hi” and make idle conversation.
10. His life has fallen apart
Guys think they are so tough that they can let someone they love go and will be totally okay. The problem is they don’t understand how much they rely on and need someone until they are gone. By then, it’s too late. [Read: 20 happy ways to make someone think of you and desire and miss you]
If he is depressed, his apartment and job have gone to shit. He looks like a woodsman who hasn’t changed his clothes in a month, those are all signs he misses the time you had together.
11. He makes a point of apologizing
One of the biggest indicators that a guy misses you is if they come back to apologize for the way they treated you. It takes a lot of courage, and the loss of a lot of pride, for a guy to admit he is wrong. [Read: How to forgive and forget – 24 thoughts to decide on the right step]
He may not say “I miss you” or “come back”, but those two words, “I’m sorry” are sometimes even more powerful than begging. [Read: How to get your ex-boyfriend back after a regretful parting]
When you are really done with someone, you go about de-friending them and kicking them out of your world.
If you are still friends, he is still on your feed and still a follower of your accounts, he is still interested in what you are up to. That typically means he still misses you. [Read: Deleting pictures of an ex – The psychology behind it & why we do it]
13. He’s jealous if you’re dating someone
Whether you have mutual friends or he just sees you out on a date with another guy, he acts like he’s jealous.
He may or may not even try to hide his jealousy. But even if he tries to hide it, you can probably figure out that the green-eyed monster is on his shoulder.
14. He talks about “the good old days”
If you are still speaking with him, he might talk about old memories. [Read: How to heal from the pain of loving someone who doesn’t love you back]
He might say things like, “Remember how great our first date was?” or “That weekend we went skiing was so much fun.”
If he is reminiscing about how much fun the two of you had together, you better believe he is still thinking about you—and missing you.
15. He hints around at missing you
Just as we discussed with talking about the good old days, if he hints around a lot like that, then that is a sign he misses you. [Read: How to tell when a guy is jealous – 25 hints he just can’t hide]
He could say things like “I wish I could find someone to hang out with that I have as much fun with as you.”
He might not want to come out and tell you directly how he feels. But he hopes that by being indirect and hinting around, you will come to the realization that you miss him too.
16. He tries to make you jealous
If you have a mutual friend group, he might show up to a party with another girl on purpose. Not only that, but he might also have his hands all over her, all while giving you looks from across the room. [Read: How to make a girl jealous and leave her begging for your attention]
Doing all of these things are unnecessary, and he’s probably just trying to make you jealous.
If he didn’t miss you or still care, he wouldn’t bother trying to do that because it wouldn’t be worth the effort. [Read: How to make your ex jealous and leave them begging for forgiveness]
17. He wants to meet and catch up
Whether you speak to him regularly through text or it’s once in a blue moon, he wants to meet up to see how life is going for you.
He might suggest getting a coffee or going to happy hour. But if he’s trying to keep it casual like he’s just another one of your friends, you can rest assured that he is missing you.
If he didn’t miss you, he wouldn’t want to see you, right? [Read: How to tell when a guy is jealous – 25 hints he just can’t hide]
18. He texts to “see how you’re doing”
Maybe you don’t see him anymore or even text him much. But if he pops up here and there on occasion to ask how you’re doing, it could be that he’s not doing well and wants to see if you feel the same. [Read: How to tell what a guy wants from you – the guy decoding guide]
It’s normal for people to occasionally like or comment on other people’s posts or photos on social media. But if he’s being blatantly obvious that is practically stalking you, then you know he misses you.
20. He always seems happy to see you
If you run into him at the store, on campus, or at a restaurant, he always has a big smile on his face and greets you with open arms.
This means he is still feeling warm feelings of affection for you and has no bitterness at all. In fact, he has nothing but warm fuzzies when he sees you. [Read: 49 fastest steps to get over a breakup with your ex-boyfriend and forget him]
21. He jokes about getting back together
He might say things like, “I know you want me back, don’t you!” If he says that, then it’s probably because the opposite is true—he wants you back.
Or he could say things like, “Oh you know we’re still going to get married, right?” Joking around like that is an easy way to get the truth out because it’s masked in humor.
22. He can’t move on
He might be dating people, maybe a lot of different people. If he can’t settle on just one, that means he can’t find anyone to replace you. [Read: Does my ex miss me? 23 signs your ex is clearly not over you yet]
He could be comparing them to you. Or maybe he is just trying to distract himself and keep busy. If he doesn’t want another serious relationship, then it’s probably because he misses you.
23. He talks about “what ifs”
Maybe when the two of you were together you planned a big trip, but it never happened because you broke up. If he brings it up by saying, “If only we didn’t break up, we could have gone on that trip.”
Or, he could say things like, “What if we had gotten married?” Do you think we would have had kids? What do you think they would have looked like?” [Read: How to make your ex miss you – 17 subtle ways to make them want you]
If he does, then it’s a clear sign that he hasn’t moved on.
24. He wears and shows off the gifts you gave him
If the two of you were together for a while, you probably gave him many gifts for special occasions such as birthdays, Christmas, and other popular holidays.
So, if you notice that he wearing a shirt, shoes, watch, or anything else that you gave him, then he misses you. Maybe he’s trying to give you a signal by showing these off. Or he could just feel more comforted because these items remind him of you.
25. He tries to sext with you
Sure, he might just be horny and so that’s why he wants to sext with you.
However, he would have to be pretty dumb to do that if he didn’t want you back. Because think about what message that sends to you! [Read: 23 hot ways to sext a guy and 48 naughty examples to make him hot and hard]
So, if he’s trying to get you to sext or is sending photos of his private parts without you asking, then he is hoping you will miss him too. Of course, it’s up to you whether or not you want to participate in sexting with him.
26. He flirts with your friends to make you jealous
If you have similar friend groups, he might try to flirt with your friends. Maybe he likes them, maybe he doesn’t. But regardless, he is probably trying to make you jealous.
While this might sound like a compliment, it really isn’t. It’s classless and insulting to both you and your friends.
What does this say about his character? That’s up to you to decide. [Read: How to stop obsessing over an ex and free your mind for something new]
27. He’s close and keeps in touch with your family and friends
If you were together for a long time, he’d naturally get close to your friends and family. And if he spent a lot of time with them, then he might miss them in his life just as he misses you.
Even if he doesn’t miss them specifically, maybe he is keeping in touch with them because he wants to hear about how you are doing. He doesn’t want to seem desperate by contacting you directly, so he thinks that talking to them will keep him connected to you.
Missing your ex is natural – to a degree
The reality is if you went through a lot together. He is naturally going to miss you. [Read: When your ex wants you back – 20 steps to decide what’s best for YOU]
Depending on how things ended, if things were ugly or tame, there are going to be parts of him that will miss the good times that you shared.
Even if, at the time of the break, the bad ones outweighed them. Time and distance make us see things in a different light.
The past gives us a perspective we didn’t have in the heat of the battle. If you were once in love, there is always going to be some part of him that loves and misses the “you and him” you used to be. [Read: Should I block my ex? 17 signs to help you decide what’s best for YOU]
If that is enough to make him come back or not, we can’t tell you. But we just know that as much as you miss him, he probably equally misses you.
You see the signs, what should you do if your ex-boyfriend misses you?
You’ve seen many of the ‘does he miss me’ yes signs. So, what should you do? Basically, that’s up to you. Should you try and approach him? Only you can answer that.
What you need to remember is that sometimes, reviving the past doesn’t always go the way we want it to. [Read: 15 signs an ex is confused about their wants and feelings and what to do]
Has the reason you split up been resolved? Or maybe there is work to be done. Can it even be overcome?
Maybe it’s best to simply hold the memories in your mind and move on with a smile on your face. He may miss you, for sure. But unless there’s a solid reason to try and work things out, sometimes things are best left in the past.
[Read: Dating your ex again – How to know where you went wrong and whether it’s worth a second shot]
If you are wondering, “does he miss me,” stop waiting to hear it from him and look around. The signs can be much more powerful.