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23 BIG Signs Your Boyfriend’s Friends Don’t Like You & What to Do About It

You met your man’s friends, but… something felt off. Well, here are the signs your boyfriend’s friends don’t like you and what you should do about that.

signs your boyfriend's friends don't like you

Our friends play an important part in our lives. In some cases, they have a huge say in what you do and the people you invite into your circle. So, if you have a feeling, or you’ve seen the signs that your boyfriend’s friends don’t like you, that could spell trouble ahead.

A guy’s friends may not be able to tell him what to do and who to see, but they do have a certain amount of influence over him.

So, if you’re noticing signs your boyfriend’s friends don’t like you all that much, there is a slight amount of concern you should feel.

Of course, we shouldn’t give your boyfriend zero credit here, because he has a mind of his own. However, doesn’t it make life easier when your partner and your friends get along well? [Read: How to make people like you – 35 tips to charm absolutely anyone]

Why it matters if your boyfriend’s friends don’t like you

A monogamous relationship is between two people. And as much as we’d like to say that anyone outside of the relationship doesn’t have any say, that’s just not true.

Family, friends, even strangers, are going to have an opinion on the relationship, and those opinions can influence the relationship itself.

Obviously, if a stranger approached you and said, “Your partner is ugly, dump them,” you’re not going to do anything except laugh it off.

But if your best friend pulled you aside and told you, “Your partner isn’t treating you right and I’m worried about you,” that’s going to get you thinking differently about your relationship.

That’s the power that friends can have over our relationships. So, if your boyfriend’s friends don’t like you, that’s not exactly something to just brush off your shoulder. Especially if they don’t like you for no good reason.

They could act like the devil in your man’s ear, whispering things about you and the relationship just to make it end.

And what for, because they wanted more time for boys’ nights or because they didn’t like you on first impressions? Yeah, you should definitely take it seriously if his friends don’t like you! [Read: What to do when your guy’s friends are a bad influence]

The most obvious signs your boyfriend’s friends don’t like you

Can you turn it around if you think your guy’s friends are not loving your new place in his life? You can, but first impressions are pretty powerful. All you can do is be yourself. Allow your natural charm to shine through.

What are the signs you need to be looking for? What red flags tell you you’re noticing signs that your boyfriend’s friends don’t like you? Well, let’s explore them! [Read: How to accept your boyfriend’s friends and get them to accept you]

1. They don’t even try and have a conversation with you

You’re regularly left on the fringes when you all meet up and sit there listening to everyone else. If no one attempts to bring you into the circle, that’s a pretty sure sign that something’s wrong.

Generally, when you like someone, you encourage them to be a part of things. If that’s not happening, it’s possibly one of the signs your boyfriend’s friends don’t like you. [Read: How to be nice – 20 easy ways to make everyone love being around you]

2. Their partners don’t tend to spend time with you

Normally, a guy’s friends will encourage their partners to spend time with their friend’s partners. But if that’s not happening, something is going on.

It could be that they’ve not told their partners about you at all, or it could be that they’ve mentioned they’re not your biggest fan. That opinion has influenced their decision not to include you in group activities.

3. They don’t invite you to group get-togethers

It’s possible that from time to time, the guys will meet up and bring their partners in a big group setting.

If you’re not being invited to those, it’s possible your boyfriend’s friends don’t like you and made it clear to your boyfriend.

4. They’re pretty sarcastic whenever you’re around

Sarcasm is one of the lowest forms of conversation and wit, and we reserve it for people we’re not that fond of.

If you’re seeing constant sarcastic remarks coming your way, it’s a pretty clear sign that your boyfriend’s friends don’t like you. [Read: Your guy’s annoying friends and how to deal with them]

5. They don’t really acknowledge your presence

If you’re not being greeted in a friendly way when you arrive, you’ve never asked about it, and nobody bothers to find out anything about you, it means they’re simply not interested. Unfair, true, but it’s a sign.

6. They talk over you

How annoying is it when you’re talking and everyone just ignores you and talks over the top of you? It’s not only annoying but extremely rude. It’s also one of the signs your boyfriend’s friends don’t like you and show you zero respect.

7. They pretend they don’t remember your name

It’s another seriously rude thing to do. If they act like they can’t remember your name, they’re basically telling you that you have no place in their group. [Read: Why are people rude and mean to nice people and ways to deal with them]

8. They talk about his exes

Nobody wants to mention ex-relationships when they’re seeing someone new.

So, if your guy’s friends are bringing up his exes in front of you, they’re basically telling you that they don’t see you sticking around for long. They preferred his ex over you.

9. They always disagree with you

You could be totally right about everything and they would always disagree with you. Even if it means contradicting themselves!

They just can’t bring themselves to agree with you about anything, because they don´t like you.

10. They criticize your looks

Maybe they insult you under the guise of banter. You know, “Don’t take it seriously, it’s just banter.” [Read: Witty banter – what it is and 15 secrets to talk witty and make people laugh]

If that’s the only sign they show, maybe they do have a harsh sense of humor. But if this is accompanied by a few other signs on this list, that could mean that they’re not really joking at all.

11. They seem uninterested in you

You could tell your boyfriend’s friends the most exciting news, yet the most response you’ll get out of them is a yawn.

If that’s the case, they definitely don’t like you. They’ve already written you off as a person they’re uninterested in, so they won’t bother to feign interest.

12. They encourage your boyfriend to date other girls

When your mate is single, it’s perfectly fine to point out a hot girl at the bar and tell them to go and talk to her.

But when that friend has a girlfriend, and you’re sitting right there, that’s not okay.

This isn’t even a joke. This is disrespectful to you, and a sign that they want their friend, your boyfriend, to replace you. That’s hurtful!

13. They don’t laugh at your jokes

Not many things are worse than telling a joke to a group and being met with complete silence. Not even one courtesy chuckle. Y

our boyfriend’s friends know that, and they’re purposely staying silent about your jokes to try and drive you away. They don’t like you. Sorry to say it. [Read: 23 signs of a mean person, why they’re bitter & how to deal with them]

14. They tell you the complaints your boyfriend has about you

This sign can be confusing because it might look like a sign of friendship. If your boyfriend’s friends tell you all the things he says about you, it might look like they’re looking out for you.

However, if they also show any of the other signs on this list, then it’s actually a sign that they don’t like you.

Above all else, they are your boyfriend’s friends, not yours. So they’re not trying to rat on their friend and help you realize what you deserve. Instead, they’re trying to make you feel bad, and they’re trying to push you away.

For whatever reason, they don’t want you dating their friend, and this is them trying to put a stop to it. [Read: Why does everyone hate me? 69 things you do that people probably don’t like!]

15. Your boyfriend doesn’t want to leave you alone with them

Your boyfriend should have no worries about leaving you with any of his friends for a quick bathroom break or to grab a drink. However, if he seems glued to your side whenever his friends are around, it’s a sign they don’t like you.

He hears what they have to say about you when you’re not around. And he’s afraid of what mean things they could say when he’s not there to mediate the conversation.

16. They make a big deal about your mistakes

And we mean the smallest mistakes. Spill a drink on your way over to them? You’re the clumsiest person they’ve ever met and you’ve ruined their evening. Stuttered or misspoke? They’ll hound you for it and make fun of you for the rest of the day.

They just can’t let your mistakes go unnoticed or forgiven. They’re trying to bully you out of their lives.

17. They undermine your achievements

Remember what we said about them seeming uninterested in you? Well, sometimes they can take that a step further to completely undermine you.

If you tell them about a promotion, they’ll try and pretend as if that isn’t a marker of success. If you run a marathon, they won’t be impressed.

Whatever it is, they will adamantly refuse to acknowledge you for your achievements. Instead, they will act like they’re nothing because they don’t like you.

18. They heavily scrutinize and judge you

If you feel like hawks are staring down at you every time you’re around your boyfriend’s friends, that’s a sign that they don’t like you.

You almost feel like they’re waiting for you to slip up so that they can pick you apart for it. “Why did you do that?” “Why didn’t you do something else?” “If I were you, I would’ve…”

It’s their covert, not-so-covert way of saying they don’t like you. And by this point, they might not ever like you. [Read: Lessons to deal with judgemental people]

What to do about it

Being in a situation where you know people don’t like you can make you feel hopeless. After all, they’ve already made up their mind about you, right?

But there are still many things you can try. It all depends on what approach you want to go with.

1. Tell your boyfriend

If you suspect that your man’s friends don’t like you and are actively trying to push you out or even break up the relationship, you have to tell him that!

He doesn’t want you to feel disliked or picked on by his friends, so he’ll likely have a word with them about how they treat you. [Read: 33 emotional needs in a relationship, signs it’s unmet, and how to meet them]

2. Involve yourself

This can feel incredibly hard to do, especially when you feel like you’re up against multiple forces that are trying to push you out. But you’re a part of your man’s life and you’re not going anywhere!

If they try to push you out of a conversation, chime in every once in a while. If they try to make plans without you, make it known that you’re available and up for anything.

Unfortunately, your boyfriend’s friends aren’t putting in the work to get to know you and accept you into their lives. But if you make the effort to be involved, eventually they’ll see how great you are!

3. Be the bigger person

When people act petty because they think they don’t like you based on first impressions, it can be tempting to bite back harder *or pettier*. But seriously, nothing will feel as good as being the bigger person.

If you’ve done nothing wrong and there’s no real reason for them not to like you, why should you struggle? [Read: How to deal with your boyfriend’s friends when they’re annoying]

4. Ignore their pettiness

Pettiness can be absolutely exhausting to deal with, so this option will take a lot of strength.

But whenever they do something childish, like talk over you or pretend to forget your name, act like the adult that you are. Wait for them to quiet down to say something like, “As I was saying…”.

If you ignore their childish behavior, they’ll eventually have to learn that it won’t work on you. After a while, they’ll have to respect you. It’s not easy, but it’s worth it. [Read: Petty Percy – 18 signs of a petty person that make them so annoying]

5. Give up

This sounds harsh. But, if you’ve really exhausted all other options, there’s really nothing else you can do. Tell your boyfriend that for whatever reason, you and his friends just don’t get along, so you think it’s best if you don’t see them anymore.

It’s perfectly doable for your boyfriend to keep dating you and to keep seeing his friends. So if you think that your relationships with his friends won’t improve, don’t be afraid to set some boundaries.

[Read: 20 non-negotiables in a relationship you shouldn’t ever compromise on]

These signs your boyfriend’s friends don’t like you are surprisingly common. But, when you’re faced with them, just continue to be yourself. Discuss gently with your boyfriend if the situation causes you distress. The rest? Their problem!

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Vinod Srinivas Serai
Vin Serai
Vin Serai is the founder of LovePanky.com, and has delved deep into the working of love and relationships for almost two decades. Having dipped his feet in almo...