If you have a UTI, but your libido is on fire, what do you do? Is it safe to have sex with a UTI? Read on to find the answers to all your burning questions!
Having a urinary tract infection *UTI* is a huge thorn in your sex life, not to mention the fact that it’s painful in many other ways. Let’s say you get a checkup, go on antibiotics, and finally feel your painful symptoms subside. Now you’re feeling fresh and ready to get frisky, but is it safe to have any kind of sex with a UTI? Can it affect your partner or cause your UTI to come back with a vengeance?
Here’s what you need to know about UTIs before slipping back between the sheets. [Read: Peeing after sex and other confusing myths about the vagina]
What is a UTI?
A UTI refers to any infection that reaches your urinary tract system. This system is made up of your urethra, bladder, ureters, and kidneys.
Basically, a UTI is an internal infection that leads to agonizing pain. Sounds like a good time, right?
Even more agonizing is the fact that UTIs aren’t simple. While UTIs are generally caused by bacteria entering the urinary tract system through the urethra and just spreading to the bladder, causing severe annoyance and uncomfortable pain, it can be a little more complicated than that.
On occasion, UTIs can lead to serious health issues, especially if the infection decides to spread to your kidneys rather than keeping itself contained to the bladder.
How do you get UTIs?
When unwanted bacteria enter your urinary tract, they just might begin to multiply. If they do, you’ll end up with a full-on UTI.
While men can get a UTI, it’s significantly less common. Men have a longer urethra, which means that the bacterium has farther to travel and is easier to flush out with urine.
Unfortunately, women are far more susceptible to UTIs because they have a much shorter urethra, and bacteria can travel quickly with a painful fury! [Read: Why sex hurts for women – all the causes of painful sex]
1. Combining sugar and sex
Sex and sugar just do not mix.
Spraying whipped cream across your vagina or letting your boyfriend eat a chocolate bar out of your vagina may sound sexy in your drunken stupor, but it’s definitely a disaster waiting to happen.
In general, too much sugar can cause a UTI, even if the sugar doesn’t directly contact your intimate parts. This is because the bacteria that cause UTIs absolutely love sugar. Sugar causes your urine’s acidity to heighten, which creates the perfect environment for bacteria to thrive.
2. Diabetes
Diabetics are more likely to suffer from UTIs because of a diabetic’s higher-than-normal glucose levels.
Because sugar is a huge cause of getting a UTI, the sugar in a diabetic’s urine creates a breeding ground for a giant bacterial infection party. [Read: STDs 101 – the most common types and their symptoms]
3. Improper wiping
Women are told from their potty-training debuts to wipe from front to back. That means to start your wipe near the top of your vagina and wipe down toward your butt. This will prevent any backdoor bacteria, such as E. coli, from being pushed up to your vaginal opening.
4. Sex
As unfortunate as it sounds, if you’re having sex, you’re more likely to get a UTI.
This is because you’re introducing potentially harmful bacteria every time you get it on. You can prevent this by making sure the penis is always clean and clad with a condom, always using proper lubrication, and avoiding switching holes during sex.
Going from butt to vagina may sound hot, but you’re pretty much begging for infection unless there’s a wipe-down and condom change in between. [Read: How to prepare for anal sex and avoid infections]
Always remember that sex and cleanliness go together like peanut butter and jelly.
If you’re being fingered or using a sex toy, make sure that whatever’s going in has been thoroughly washed. Bacteria can build up on previously used sex toys and may be present on unwashed hands or under fingernails.
5. STIs
Urinary tract infections can be caused by sexually transmitted infections. In this case, you may pass on an infection to your partner.
This is a pretty confusing matter because the symptoms of UTIs and STIs are often similar, so it’s hard to tell which one you’re suffering from. Even so, having certain STIs can definitely cause UTIs, which means that having both at once is a possibility. [Read: Surviving an STD scare in a relationship – things to know]
Signs you have a UTI
Women are more likely than men to get a UTI, but that doesn’t mean men are exempt from this little gem. In the same sense, being sexually active makes you more prone to getting UTIs, but it doesn’t mean that UTIs discriminate against virgins.
If you’re starting to feel funny down south, you may have an infection that’s making things more than just a little uncomfortable. Pay attention to your body, and be mindful of these most common symptoms:
1. Burning sensation during urination
2. Pain in the lower back, genitals, or abdomen
3. Unusual smelling urine
4. Urine that contains blood or appears dark and cloudy
5. Frequent urge to urinate
6. Little to no urine is expelled despite an intense urge to do so
7. Itching or burning pain during sexual intercourse
When treated properly, UTIs rarely lead to more serious complications. However, if you believe that you might have a UTI and let it go on for too long without seeking antibiotics, your infection may spread to your kidneys.
This can be pretty detrimental to your body, causing things like permanent kidney damage or sepsis. Watch out for the more severe signs that your infection has spread:
1. Chills
2. Fatigue
3. Shakes
4. Fever
5. Nausea
6. Vomiting
7. Intense lower back pain
What to do about a UTI
Sex with a UTI is probably the last thing you should be worrying about!
If you think you have a UTI, schedule an appointment with your doctor as soon as possible. Be as honest and thorough as you can when you’re describing your symptoms and talking about what may have caused your infection. [Read: Problems down there you should never ever ignore]
If your doctor thinks that a UTI is a possibility, they’ll likely ask for a urine sample.
This sample is tested to look for white and red blood cells as well as bacteria. A urine culture can also be performed on the sample to let your doctor know what type of bacteria caused the infection, which will help them decide which medications would be the most effective. Typically, antibiotics are the first course of action.
Are UTIs contagious?
If you are committed to the idea of having sex with a UTI, you might be wondering if this uncomfortable infection can be transferred to your partner.
The definitive answer is that UTIs are not contagious. [Read: 110 MUST-KNOW interesting sex facts, myths, & strange secrets about sex!]
While you might not be able to contract or give a UTI, it doesn’t mean that you won’t get a UTI from traveling bacteria.
Can you have sex with a UTI?
Is it safe to have sex with a UTI? Yes, technically, but it definitely doesn’t mean that you should!
Sex might cause further inflammation or worsen your infection.
You’re trying to heal! Sex usually involves something repeatedly entering your vagina, which pushes that bacteria around and stirs up the irritation by throwing in new bacteria. Even if you’re on antibiotics at the time, you’re putting yourself at risk.
Oral isn’t great, either. Seeing as how the mouth contains hundreds of bacterial species, it probably isn’t the best idea for it to make contact with your inflamed vagina.
On top of that, it literally stinks. Since a UTI is a buildup of bacteria, you’re probably going to smell a little funky down there until you’re treated and UTI-free. Sadly, not even a good cleansing right before the act can help the odor. [Read: 16 ways to get rid of vaginal odor and beat the sniff test]
How long should you wait to have sex?
While there’s no hard and fast rule for how long you have to wait to have sex after a UTI, there are some general guidelines that won’t hurt to follow.
You can consider yourself safe after you’ve completed your round of antibiotics and your symptoms have subsided. [Read: How to have safe sex in every possible way]
Just be sure that everything is clean and sterile before you engage in intercourse again.
Avoid jack-rabbit sex because it can cause tears and introduce new bacteria and infection back into your vagina. Furthermore, make sure you are properly lubricated before going at it.
What can happen if you have sex with a UTI?
The fact that UTIs aren’t spread from one partner to another doesn’t mean that there are absolutely no side effects that come from having sex with a UTI.
On the contrary, there are plenty of things that can go wrong if you choose to irritate an already irritated area.
1. Pain and discomfort
UTIs are typically pretty painful and uncomfortable on their own.
They cause a decent amount of inflammation to the sensitive tissue in and around your urinary tract system. Having something thrust inside of you will definitely put added pressure on your irritated organs and increase and prolong the discomfort you’re already feeling. [Read: Painful sex – health reasons why sex is painful for men]
2. New bacteria
Sex is a common way to introduce bacteria to your urinary tract. There’s almost a guarantee that your partner’s fingers, his penis, or your sex toys have bacteria on them.
If the bacterium is new or being further pushed into your body by way of penetration, it’s likely to cause a problem. It can cause a new infection or prolong your current recovery time.
3. STDs or STIs
While UTIs aren’t contagious and able to be passed from one partner to another, you can definitely pass along the bacteria from the infection. If the UTI is a side effect of an STI, that bacteria can carry the STI to your partner. [Read: How to avoid getting STDs]
If you do decide to have sex with a UTI
Sometimes, you feel like you just can’t wait.
We get it. However, there are plenty of precautions you should consider if you’re dead set on having sex with a UTI despite the potential negative effects.
1. Heed your symptoms
Pay attention to your body and its signals.
One of the symptoms of a UTI is the frequent feeling of needing to urinate. Don’t ignore that. Even if you’re in the middle of a big bang, go to the bathroom if you feel that you need to.
2. Pee before and after sex
Maybe it’s a sure way to kill the mood, but you should always relieve yourself before and immediately after sex.
This really helps to flush out any bacteria that may have found their way into your urethra. It’s not absolutely preventative, but it definitely helps. [Read: Emoji sexting – 30 fun emojis to make any text seem extra flirty & naughty!]
3. Wash after sex
Washing after sex has the same purpose as peeing after sex. We’re really into the idea of getting rid of as many bacteria as possible.
Since it’s incredibly easy for bacteria to travel during sex, a good cleansing is always in order afterward.
4. Don’t swap holes
If you insist on having sex while you’re recovering from a UTI, do yourself a favor and stick to one hole.
Don’t move between the vagina, anus, or mouth. Switching back and forth is a certain way to collect all kinds of bacteria and spread them all throughout your body.
5. Anal sex
Given the fact that the anus isn’t connected to your urinary tract system, having anal sex with protection is a pretty safe bet.
If you really feel like you have to have sex during your recovery time, talk to your partner about this option. [Read: 17 benefits of anal sex that’ll make you & your bum wanna bend over]
6. No oral sex without a dental dam
If you have a UTI and your partner goes down on you, you risk spreading the bacteria to their mouth. Not only would this not be great for them, but it could also be harmful to you if the bacteria is transferred to your mouth and causes a secondary infection.
7. Talk to your doctor
If you feel like you still have questions about the risks of having sex with a UTI, talk to your doctor.
They’ll be able to give you all the answers you need.
Some of us just can’t help ourselves when it comes to sex, but you should definitely be aware of the risks that come from having sex with a UTI before you decide to do it.