If you have itty bitty titties, don’t feel like you’re less of a woman compared to women with big boobs. There are a lot of reasons to love them!
A lot of women want bigger boobs, especially when they are young. Maybe all of your friends were sprouting Baywatch-esque breasts while yours stayed the same size as they were when you were 13.
As the years go on, maybe their friends were actually jealous of you and your small boobs. Once guys get past their initial loving-big-boobs phase, they tend to enjoy all types of boobs – even those tiny ones.
Small boobs are so special that they even get their own type of intimate wear. It’s called petite lingerie. The average small boob size can range anywhere from a petite 32AAA to a 34B.
Breast size is something that a lot of women aren’t comfortable with, especially in their early teen years. A lot of girls ask their moms when the hell they will be sporting voluptuous and drool-worthy breasts, only to be sorely disappointed by age 18.
Size doesn’t matter unless we are talking about hearts. If you can’t love your body parts, how are you going to love somebody else’s body parts? Regardless, common talk articulates the idea of men preferring big boobs.
Since they were babies, men were taught that true happiness lies in bottles and breasts. A man’s relationship with breasts starts the day he is born, and it’s a relationship full of both trust and neediness.
Breasts literally give life. Rumor has it that most men are megalomaniacs *they are into the cult of grandeur – they buy big TV screens, big phones, big cars, etc.*. Even if that’s true, you should not obsess over their obsessions. The most important thing is to feel comfortable in your own body. [Read: Fun fascinating facts about breasts]
Breasts are breasts, and however big or small they are, you shouldn’t validate your authentic self based on the size of your body parts. If your special someone is going to evaluate you based solely on that, then he is not that special.
Young girls who were not visited by the boob fairy are fighting a battle for their self-confidence. They think that their breasts are not large enough to attract potential partners, which often leads to putting tissues in bras or having sex without taking the top off.
If you were or still are among these women, you shouldn’t let your supposed inferiority play the main role in the romantic movie of your life. You have to step up your game and own your body, piece by piece. [Read: Boob talk – yes, your breasts are perfectly normal!]
If you’re part of the tiny tittie committee and don’t plan on ballooning your boobs to breastfeed anytime soon, never fear. There are so many reasons to love your small boobs!
What does it mean to have small breasts?
You might be wondering why you have itty bitty titties while some women have giant, voluptuous ones. What made them that way? Well, there are a few factors.
1. Family history
Our DNA and genes help determine a lot about how we look from hair and eye color to height and – you guessed it – the size of women’s breasts.
A woman is more likely to have big breasts if her mother and other women in her family have them. The same is true of itty bitty titties. [Read: Why do guys like feeling breasts? The reasons why guys love boobs]
2. Your weight
Breasts are complex and consist of milk glands, connective tissue, and fat. How much of each that a woman has is unique to each individual.
Some people have more supportive tissue than fat and vice versa. If someone has a higher concentration of fatty tissue, then they could see a difference in boob size when they gain or lose weight.
3. Working out
If a woman starts lifting weights, she might notice that her boobs seem perkier. Doing pectoral exercises can strengthen those muscles. There are four major muscles that sit behind the breast tissue. If your muscles grow, this can cause your boos to push out a little more than usual.
4. Your period
Some women’s breasts get bigger around their period. The menstrual cycle can bring changes to breast size, texture, and shape.
During the second half of the cycle, a woman’s body produces progesterone, which stimulates the formation of milk glands. This can make breasts swell, which makes them feel temporarily bigger. [Read: How to delay your period – 16 effective ways to put off the flow]
5. Birth control
Birth control methods like the pill, the shot, or an IUD can impact the size of a woman’s breasts. Because estrogen and progesterone in hormonal birth control can cause water retention, it’s usually most noticeable when a woman starts birth control.
Learning to have confidence and love yourself first is key
If you have a real issue with the size of your boobs, it usually has more to do with how you feel about yourself as a whole than it does your actual breasts. Those who are confident in themselves love everything about themselves – even stuff they once hated.
You can still dislike something and even want to change it, but having confidence lets you ignore the stuff you don’t like. You won’t focus on it, and you’ll actually find things to love about those little annoyances. [Read: How to build self-confidence and realize your worth]
Why itty bitty titties are the best and even men know it
There was a trend of big breasts being the best thing ever, but that’s just not reality anymore. More guys are starting to find the advantages of small boobs, and you can, too. Here’s why your tiny tits are actually pretty amazing.
1. They won’t really sag
Have you ever wondered about the fate of your tiny titties’ perfectly perky shape and posture? No need! While the rest of the girls you know with big, bouncing tits end up with them sagging down to their belly buttons, yours will remain perky.
Large breasts tend to sag due to aging and ligament stretching. You don’t have as much mass for gravity to weigh down, and that means your tits will stay in great shape even as you age. Since your breasts are small, they really have nowhere to go! [Read: 15 super simple ways to keep yourself sexy at any age]
2. It’s easier to look elegant
You can wear slutty clothes without looking like a slut. This is probably the best part. All of those low-cut, revealing tops that your friends can’t wear without looking like a hoochie? They’re perfect for you! In fact, they make you look sexy without looking trashy.
Small boobs, nice flannel, no accidental unbuttoning. Even when you decide to unbutton it a little bit, it won’t seem like an intro to a hardcore porn movie, and men will still be hungry for a bite of your tasteful cleavage.
To keep your style polished, you can wear shirts and dresses without straps. Imagine pulling off a fierce outfit and thinking to yourself, “Oh my God, why do I have to put on these ugly see-thru straps?” Luckily, you don’t have to. [Read: The real reason why men are so crazy about small boobs and all kinds of boobs]
3. You can go braless
Who needs bras when you have nothing to hold up? Even without wearing bras, you still won’t sag as much because of your itty bitty titties.
That means you can forgo the uncomfortable straps, the weird lines, and the expense. All great things.
This is such a big advantage. We all know how summer can be difficult and uncomfortable, especially when it’s hotter than the latest pics of Zac Efron’s naked torso. [Read: Why going braless and freeing the boob is better]
You are barely wearing your soul, so just imagine if you also had to wear a tight bra. Plus, your boyfriend will get so turned on when he sees you being so casual and uninhibited.
4. You don’t have to try on shirts
This is especially useful for online shopping. You can easily order a shirt in the size you need and you know it’ll fit well. You don’t have to worry about your boobs ruining the print or size of it.
5. You look great in t-shirts
Just another thing guys will love about your small boobs. Big boobs have a tendency to stretch out shirts and ruin the design. [Read: The clothes that make the girl – 15 tips to get you looking your best]
They’re meant to lay flat and that’s what they do on you. This means you can rock a t-shirt better than big-boobed women.
6. They’re more sensitive
According to one study in Italy and another by the University of Vienna, smaller breasts are actually more sensitive to sexy play than larger ones.
In fact, one study suggested that bigger boobs are 24% less sensitive than their smaller counterparts. That means sex is a lot better when there’s nipple play going on. [Read: Ways to feel the pleasure of the elusive nipple orgasm]
This is another reason that guys love small boobs. If what he does feels better for you than it does for another woman, he’ll be happier with you.
The next time you’re between the sheets with your lover, have them lick, kiss, and pinch your nipples and enjoy every single sensation. Why? Because you can! [Read: Fun sex games to play with your boyfriend in bed]
7. Working out is much easier
Who needs a heavily padded, tight sports bra? You can go work out at the last minute even if you forgot one.
While you may want some sort of support while running, you really don’t need much of anything fancy when you have small boobs.
Exercising is a100 times easier. [Read: How to get motivated to exercise – 28 tips to try]
One of the only times a tiny-boobed girl will cease her breast envy of bigger-chested ladies is most definitely at the gym.
Not only does running with a giant rack seem like the equivalent of carrying eight extra dumbbells strapped around your neck, but it can also be uncomfortable to find the right sports bra that will actually contain them.
Rejoice with your flat chest because you can easily rock a sports bra and never have to worry about holding your breasts down while you’re on the elliptical. [Read: 25 inspirational tips to get motivated and work out]
8. You maintain better posture
Without those heavy things hunching you forward, you’re able to maintain a much better posture. That means you’ll have fewer back problems and can be healthier all around. Your posture affects many things in your body, so having it stay aligned is a big deal.
9. You never have to worry about them popping out
No nip slips for you!
Have you ever noticed that when your big-breasted BFFs are sporting low-cut tops, you’re practically biting your lip with cringe-worthy anticipation that one of their nips is about to pop out at any moment? [Read: 15 signs you’re a high-maintenance woman]
Rejoice because this big boob problem is not for you! With your small boobs, you can wear the most plunge-worthy red carpet top and never have to worry about too much cleavage, random nipple appearances, or scandalous side boob. Forward to fashion – your little boobs demand it!
Many women with larger breasts end up worrying about wearing certain things or doing certain activities for fear of their girls making an unscheduled appearance. For you, that’s just not a problem. Freedom is really liberating. [Read: Positive lessons we can all learn from slutty girls]
10. No back pain for you!
Thank God for you that you don’t have any horrific boobie-inspired back pain.
Women sporting a giant pair of boobs may actually be at a greater risk for back injury. Our big-chested friends can attest to the almost literal backbreaking pain one can feel just by carrying those figurative jugs around all day long.
This pain can even be chronic and spread to the neck, chest, and back. That being said, you can hang back and go braless for all you care. Back-related physical therapy and medication are so not in your tiny-tittie future.
11. They make you look younger
Because your boobs are strapped to your chest and the skin covering them is connected to your neck, girls with larger breasts end up with more wrinkles on their chest and neck.
If you have smaller boobs, you naturally look younger. It’s like a built-in anti-aging product.
12. Sexist men stay away
Guys who think all girls should have large breasts are completely sexist, which means that you’ll never have to deal with sexist idiots. [Read: 16 types of guys to not date and avoid like the plague]
They’ll stay far away from you, and your life is better because of it.
13. Less of a chance of getting breast cancer
Smaller-chested women have a much smaller chance of developing breast cancer than women with big boobs. Because there’s less breast tissue there, the odds are much lower. Be sure to get regular check-ups, anyway, because it won’t completely prevent it.
It’s also easier to detect breast cancer. Smaller breasts have fewer layers of tissue in front of them, which means that any potential lumps may be easier to detect.
14. More freedom
Overall, you just have more freedom. You can wear more clothes, do more things, and enjoy a lot of stuff that big-chested women can’t. You might have itty bitty titties, but you have a very large amount of freedom because of them. [Read: Why small boobs are way better]
15. They’re in style right now
Small boobs are all the rage at the moment, and while that might not remain true forever, it’s true right now. You might as well bask in the incredible feeling of being on trend.
16. They are so cute
They really are. When revealed, small breasts look like cherries, and who doesn’t love a cherry on top? Neat, petite, and ready to nibble.
17. They are solid
You don’t have to worry about your boob not listening to your body language, shaking like jelly, or peeking out of your bra. You can count on your breasts. They also make you look more svelte and sleek. [Read: The biggest ups and downs of having big boobs]
18. Men always look you in the eyes
You won’t appear vulgar in people’s eyes, and there is a greater chance for eye contact than eye-to-boob contact. Small breasts are known as “politically correct breasts,” making a woman less objectified.
On the other hand, bias towards women with large size breasts is saturated with stereotypes about their past, their sexual preferences, and promiscuity. The effect of big breasts might be favorable in a job interview, but if you go on a first date and the guy connected only with your two gals, it would certainly be annoying.
All of this saves you from tons of frustration. Bonus points: construction workers won’t whistle at you on the street! [Read: Sneaky ways to get your boobs noticed without appearing trashy]
19. Small breasts are great for self-confidence training
Self-esteem is the mirror of mental health. Looking in the mirror and loving your naked boobs is going to reflect on your relationships as well.
Overcoming your insecurities will make your current and future relationships more honest, substantial, and fulfilling. When someone is hitting on you, the reason better be that he likes the whole you and not just some of your parts. [Read: Steps to get your body confidence back in the bedroom]
20. Itty bitty titties are an armor from awkward conversations
People won’t ask your permission to touch them or ask redundant questions such as, “Are they real?” or, “Are those watermelons?” [Read: Ways to know if a girl’s boobs are fake]
21. You can go to the beach with your family
You can just chill while tanning and not be super conscious of your father feeling uncomfortable when every single dude is salivating over your bikini boobs.
22. They are not susceptible to stria
When you gain a few pounds, your tissue instantly updates a new aesthetic feature – stria. Since you do not own a lot of extra skin or fat in your chest area, it won’t have stria.
You won’t have to bother with putting on balms and creams and covering up at the beach, thanks to your stria-free twins! [Read: Well-endowed women – the biggest ups and downs of jiggling jugs]
23. You can spoon your boyfriend without their majesty in between
In the modern times of progressive gender equality, gender roles are more flexible within a relationship. Instead of lamenting over balloons you’ve never had, use your physical dispositions to challenge traditional sleeping positions and be the big spoon every once in a while.
24. You can enjoy hugs to the maximum
Especially super strong ones that can crush all the disappointment you have in your boobs.
25. Bra shopping got that much sexier
Bra shopping with small boobs is just about the most diverse and fun intimate shopping experience you can have. Why? With small breasts, you’ll be able to enjoy a wide variety of push-up bras that will hike even the smallest breasts up to your chin. [Read: How to be a seductress without being obvious]
Victoria’s Secret, here you come! What’s more, since your breasts are already small and perfectly perky, you don’t actually “need” all that support. This makes trendy bandeaus and bralettes look that much sexier on your boobies.
26. You have officially time-traveled… sort of
Small breasts are sexy and we all know it. Do you know who else had a firm grasp on the fabulousness of smaller boobs? The flapper era.
The 1920s saw a change in style and fashion. The once curvaceous shape of Victorian clothing matured into slender women with flat chests and shift dresses.
Shift dresses have come back into style, and these usually take on an almost formless A-line fit. In fact, small busts were so popular in the 20s that big-chested women would actually tape their breasts down just to follow fashion! [Read: Why do guys like breasts like crazy?]
27. Men love them
It doesn’t have to be a tiny boob fetish for men to take an interest. In fact, it doesn’t really matter what size your breasts are. Men *and women* are gonna stare. Boobs are boobs are boobs, and small breasts are no exception.
As long as you have two nipples on your chest, your fella’s going to love them. [Read: A man’s confession – 15 reasons why small boobs are the best thing ever!]
28. There are numerous other perks to having little breasts!
Your ass can get more attention. You can sleep on your stomach. Your back doesn’t hurt. You should be happy you never picked up this baggage from the genetic terminal.
The word she starts with a shhh for a reason – the female manifestation was created with a sensual whisper. Whether she has a big ass, a big nose, a small waist, or small boobs, a woman is a magical creature. Be proud of your womanly figure, whatever size or shape it may be!
Cons of small boobs
As with anything in life, there are some cons to having small boobs, too. While the pros definitely outweigh the cons, here are some of them that might plague you. [Read: Feeling booby-trapped? Here’s how to make your boobs grow]
1. Wearing padded bras
If you want to look bigger, then you probably have to rely on padded bras. That’s not necessarily a problem in and of itself, but what about when you go on dates?
Maybe your date thinks you have B or C cups because of your bra when you actually only have an A cup. They could be disappointed by the deception of your bra.
2. Sports bras make your boobs disappear
Any woman with itty bitty titties knows that they virtually disappear when they put on a sports bra. It smooshes them down so much that they can end up looking like a little boy at the gym, and maybe that won’t get a hot guy’s attention.
3. No cleavage
Unlike your big-boobed friends who don’t even have to try to get any cleavage going, you have to push those titties up as high as you can. Even then, they might not come close to touching each other.
They might not be as visually interesting to some men. [Read: How to show off your boobs and get them noticed without looking trashy]
4. Less “womanly” looking
Because you can’t really create any cleavage, you might appear less “womanly” than women with larger breasts. Small boobs give the visual impression of a young girl who isn’t fully developed yet, so they give a more youthful appearance.
5. They might not get bigger if you gain weight
Everyone gains weight differently. Maybe you only gain weight in your butt, stomach, face, arms, or legs and not your boobs. If your boobs don’t match the size of your body, it could cause your body to look a bit disproportionate.
How to rock your itty bitty titties
You might think that women with big boobs look better in clothes, but that’s not always true. There are a lot of fashion tips you can use to rock those itty bitty titties. [Read: Sexy girlfriend – 20 ways to be the girl of your man’s dreams]
1. Go strapless
You’re lucky that you don’t need to wear a bra. It means that you can wear strapless tops and dresses without worrying about your breasts popping out of your outfit. Big-breasted women can’t really pull it off as well. High-fashion dresses and tops were made for small-breasted women.
2. Wear backless dresses and shirts
Since you have itty bitty titties, you don’t have to have a supportive bra that would be exposed in something backless. You can just enjoy the freedom of an open-back dress. It’s sexy to see, and it can make you look really sophisticated and feminine.
3. Wear a bandeau top
Bandeau tops are made for small-chested women because they bring out your bust without focusing on your cleavage. They also give you good support and are bold, daring, and look very attractive.
Not only can you wear it to the beach, but you can also put a jacket over it and wear it out on the town. [Read: How to make your boobs bigger & perkier – 15 magic hacks that work]
4. Don’t wear baggy clothes
If you have itty bitty titties, you are probably quite thin. Why hide your great body in baggy clothes? They don’t really flatter anyone’s body, especially women with small breasts.
Your breasts will look even smaller and get lost beneath all that bagginess. Stick with a slim fit in your clothes because it accentuates your breasts.
5. Try sheer and see-through clothes
This is not for a woman who is shy to show off her body, but it can be quite sexy, chic, and graceful. Women with small breasts can pull this look off way better than women with big ones. [Read: Easy ways to love your body no matter its size]
Celebrity members of the itty bitty tittie committee
If you are part of the itty bitty tittie committee, you are not alone. There are a lot of famous celebrities that are part of the club, too. Here is a list of them to make yourself feel special.
– Cameron Diaz
– Jennifer Aniston
– Kate Hudson
– Gwyneth Paltrow
– Emma Watson
– Kate Moss
– Charlize Theron
– Olivia Wilde
– Katie Holmes
– Kendall Jenner
– Natalie Portman
– Nicole Kidman
– Sienna Miller
– Keira Knightly
– Miley Cyrus
– Kristen Stewart
– Emma Stone
[Read: How to dress sexy – 29 subtle and classy ways to make them lust for you]
Now that you’ve realized that there are a lot of aesthetic, personal, physical, social, and pragmatic benefits of itty bitty titties, go ahead and gratify yourself with a daily mental reminder – being flat is flattering. After all, there are no small breasts, only hands that are too big.