Want to know how to satisfy a man in bed? Try these 25 tips for a memorable romp in the sack! And make your guy want you even more.
Let’s be honest, we all want to be thought of as good in the sack, and with a little time and effort there are many ways we can improve! If you want to come up with new and inventive ways for how to satisfy a man in bed and impress him, then we have got some great tips for you.
How to satisfy a man in bed and leave him wanting
Of course, keeping a man satisfied in bed isn’t all about bending yourself into eye-watering poses and showing off with some impressive bedroom acrobatics. There is actually a lot more to it than that.
When it comes to sex, whether in relationships or a hot one night stand, it is important that they are fulfilling and fun. No one wants to walk away from a session in the sack feeling like it wasn’t great. Having the confidence and the know-how to make your partner satisfied as well as to relax and enjoy it yourself is what it is all about.
So, if you want to impress your man and show him a really good time, why not try the following?
1. Do it with the lights on
He wants to see your body and gets aroused by watching you two getting down and dirty together Don’t hide under blankets or switch the lights down low. Instead, be brave and keep them on. He’ll find your confidence a real turn on too! [Read: The things men crave in bed above all else]
2. Do a strip tease
It might seem daunting, but if you dare then doing a slow and sensual strip tease for him is sure to get him going. You don’t have to go overboard, just remember to wear some nice lingerie and take it slow. [Read: How to strip for your man like a pro]
3. Use a sex toy
There are a plethora of sex toys out there for you to have fun with as a couple. From vibrators to handcuffs to spanking toys and blindfolds, whatever you are into, it is sure to be catered to. Take a trip to the shops together and come back with a bagful of sexy goodies to enjoy!
4. Try some role play
Sometimes it can be good to escape from reality for a while and inject some spice back into your relationship.
Role playing can be erotic and sexy for both of you, so why not give it a go? Even if you feel a little awkward at first, you’ll soon get the hang of it!
5. Have phone sex
Sex doesn’t have to be just physical. Next time he is away for the night why not surprise him with a sexy phone call and see where it goes? [Read: How to have phone sex like a flirty, sassy minx]
6. Send sexy texts
Sexy texts or rather ‘sexting’ is all the rage. It is a great way to start the foreplay before you are even in the same room together.
Really get his blood pumping by going from flirty to sexy to downright filthy, and he is sure to want to tear your clothes off as soon as he gets home. [Read: How to start sexting with your lover when you’ve never done it before]
7. Invest in hot lingerie
Being sexy is about looking and feeling the part. Wearing the same old granny panties day in and day out is going to do little to stir his loins! Get some seriously sexy underwear on, and you’ll feel more confident. Plus, he is sure to appreciate it too!
8. Change positions
The secret to satisfying sex is variation. Make sure you don’t get into the same old routine and mix it up by changing position lots.
9. Get a copy of the kama sutra
Talking of new positions, why not invest in this classic sex book and see how many of them you can master?!
10. Head into the great outdoors
It can be so easy just to get into the routine of always doing it in your bedroom. Remember, there is a whole world out there, people!
Head outside and see what new, inventive, and risqué places you find to do it in! [Read: 41 wild and naughty places to have sex outside of the bedroom]
11. Be confident
At the end of the day, when it comes to learning how to satisfy a man in bed, no amount of fantastic sex moves do the trick if you don’t feel confident about them.
Know that you are hot, that he thinks you’re totally sexy, and your confidence will be obvious—and a huge turn-on for him.
12. Know what you like
Want to satisfy your man? Let him in on the fun too. Sex is a two-way street and he won’t be satisfied unless he knows he has done a good job too. So, tell him what you like in no uncertain terms.
13. Communicate
Sex is all about good communication. Don’t be afraid to have open and honest conversations about it—that way you are far more likely to satisfy one another.
14. Have a laugh
It’s really important to remember that sex, above all else, should be fun. Sometimes things get awkward or go wrong and that’s really okay.
If you laugh and have fun with it, you are more likely to find the experience deeply satisfying on every level. [Read: 8 little habits that bring couples closer together]
15. Be spontaneous
Routine is a passion killer, so keeping things fresh and exciting makes sure sex doesn’t go stale.
16. Touch yourself
Guys love it when a woman has the confidence to touch herself in bed. If you want to turn him on, then don’t be afraid to do this.
17. Get loud
There is nothing more off-putting than sex so quiet you could hear a pin drop. Don’t be afraid to be a little vocal. Sometimes it’s great just to really let rip and get in touch with your inner wild side too! [Read: How to moan in bed without sounding unattractive]
18. Slow down
Sex doesn’t always have to be about breaking furniture! Sometimes slowing down, especially right at the end, delivers a more powerful and intense orgasm to your man. Something he is sure to be super grateful for!
19. Be dominating
It can be nice for a guy to be taken control of once in a while. Make sure you get in touch with your inner dominatrix and just go for it! [Read: 14 ways to become a dominatrix goddess]
20. Tease
One of the biggest secrets to learning how to satisfy a man in bed is to be a real tease. Teasing builds up sexual tension making it all the more delicious when it finally happens!
21. Be dominated
Letting your guy take control can also be a massive turn on for him, so don’t forget to let him have the upper hand once in a while.
22. Share your fantasies
Whatever his deepest and wildest fantasy is, get him to tell you it, and then act it out!
23. Experiment
Remember just keep things fresh and be open to new things. Not everything is going to work for you as a couple but experimenting is half the fun!
24. Watch porn
Porn is an easy and reliable way to get you both in a mood and gives your sex life an added boost! [Read: Why watching porn together might save your relationship]
25. Be loving
Guys love intimate and loving sex just as much as girls do. Sex between two people that’s slow, loving, and romantic—that can be the most satisfying and memorable sex of all!
[Read: 20 sexy things that turn guys on every time]
So there you have it. If you want to know how to satisfy a man in bed then try the above. Not all the tips will work for you, but simply by exploring, feeling confident, and having fun, you’ll have some serious game. He will adore you all the more for it!