The age-old question of whether or not you should spit or swallow is finally being answered. If you want to know what to do, here are the answers.
Let’s be real for a second: everyone is different. Not everybody is going to want to spit, and not everyone will want to swallow. But there’s more to the debate of whether or not you should spit or swallow.
Much like we all have our own favorite cake flavor, girls and guys have their own unique take on spitting and swallowing, too. And if you’re someone who hasn’t quite made up your mind yet, don’t worry—we’re here to give you the ultimate spit or swallow 101 to help you decide what works best for you. [Read: Male sexual fantasies: Top dirty desires every guy has in mind]
Why Blowjobs are Something Special For Men
Many people might be wondering why you even have to consider either option. What about if you don’t even give blowjobs? If you don’t, that shouldn’t be an issue. After all, sex is a two-way act. Although admittedly, there’s something more intimate about a blowjob than even sex.
Sure, sex is the furthest they could take it, but when you decide to use your mouth instead, it’s more meaningful. And that’s because you’re not really getting anything out of it. You’re solely focusing on their pleasure and that means a lot to guys.
So now that you know how important blowjobs are in a relationship, and if it’s something that you do *or now consider doing,* the next question would be whether you should spit or swallow. [Read: 49 blowjob techniques, positions & tips to give good head & make him gasp!]
Everything About Semen
They say you are what you eat, so you might want to know first exactly what you’re putting in your mouth before making the choice whether to spit or swallow.
Semen is an amazing and surprisingly complex substance created by the male reproductive system, but its primary job is simple: to deliver sperm for reproduction.
That said, sperm is really only a small part of the story. Sperm makes up just about 10% of semen. The rest is a mix of fluids, nutrients, and compounds designed to protect those little swimmers and help them get where they need to go.
The largest part of semen comes from the seminal vesicles, which produce about 60-70% of the total volume. This fluid is loaded with fructose *a type of sugar* to give the sperm energy, so they’re not swimming on an empty stomach.
Next up is prostate fluid, which makes up about 20-30% of the mix. This part comes from the prostate gland and includes enzymes, zinc, and citric acid—all of which help sperm survive longer once they’re out in the world *or inside someone else.*
Along for the ride are some proteins and enzymes that help the sperm move more effectively, as well as minerals like zinc, magnesium, and calcium. Finally, there’s even a touch of testosterone and other hormones in the mix, though these are present in tiny amounts. [Read: 40 signs of high testosterone, what it means, causes & ways to increase it]
On average, semen adds up to about a teaspoon per ejaculation, though this can vary depending on factors like how often someone ejaculates, how hydrated they are, and their overall health.
And yes, its taste and texture can vary too, but more on that later. For now, just know that semen is basically a carefully crafted smoothie for sperm—but with far fewer calories than your morning shake.
What Affects the Taste and Consistency of Semen?
Have you noticed that semen doesn’t always taste the same? It’s because its flavor can be influenced by a number of factors. While the basic composition stays the same, small changes in diet and lifestyle can affect its taste and even consistency.
1. Diet
The old saying that “you are what you eat” rings true here. Foods like fruits *pineapple, mango, and citrus* and naturally sweet foods may make semen taste slightly sweeter. On the flip side, strong-smelling foods like garlic, onions, and asparagus can give it a bitter or metallic taste.
2. Hydration Levels
Drinking plenty of water can help dilute semen and make it taste milder, while dehydration can make it thicker and more concentrated.
3. Alcohol and Smoking
Both can affect taste negatively, often giving semen a bitter or unpleasant flavor. [Read: Smoking and sex: Horrible ways smoking can ruin your sex life]
4. Health Conditions
Certain health conditions and medications can alter the taste, consistency, and even volume of semen. For example, men with diabetes may produce semen that tastes sweeter due to high blood sugar levels, while certain medications like antibiotics or antidepressants can cause a bitter or metallic flavor.
5. Frequency of Ejaculation
Semen that’s been stored longer can sometimes have a thicker consistency or stronger taste.
Why Should You Swallow?
The truth is that it completely depends on your preferences and even what your man likes best. However, if you really want a definitive answer, the truth is that you should swallow, and here’s why.
1. It’s Polite
If you think about it, swallowing is just polite. How would you like it if someone ran to the bathroom to wash their mouth out after going down on you? It’s rude. And it makes them feel bad. So if you’re not sure whether to spit or swallow, just think about how you would feel.
2. It Makes Him Feel Special
This is one of the main reasons to swallow. When you take all of that in, it makes the guy feel special. You’re swallowing something that’s actually very intimate to him. It makes him feel accepted and loved. [Read: How to make a guy feel needed and wanted: Secrets to happy love]
3. It’s Actually Good For Your Brain
There are known to be antidepressant properties in sperm. One study showed that women who swallowed instead of spit had far fewer symptoms of depression. Not only that, but it also helps you sleep, which can also alleviate depression symptoms. Pretty unexpected, right?
4. It Builds Intimacy
There’s something very intimate about swallowing a man’s ejaculation. Not only does he feel a fondness for you, but you’re building a stronger bond. This creates a better sex life and a better relationship in general.
5. Some Women Find it Arousing
Swallowing something so intimate and special to a man is downright sexy as hell. Some women find the control and the fact that the man likes it so much to be a huge turn-on. [Read: Amazing facts you didn’t know about semen]
6. Men Find It Hot
The men also find it extremely sexy. There’s something special about a woman taking all of that in and swallowing it. She just spent her time pleasing him and only him and now she’s going to go all the way and swallow? Men find it sexy.
7. It Makes Women Feel in Control
When women swallow, it’s often because they enjoy being in complete control of their partner’s pleasure, owning the moment entirely. And what’s hotter than a woman who knows what she wants and likes to take charge?
8. It’s an Easy Cleanup
Truthfully, if you’re deciding whether to spit or swallow, one practical factor to consider is the cleanup. Spitting can sometimes feel like a race against time—scrambling to grab a towel, tissue, or even a nearby piece of clothing before things start dripping down or getting everywhere.
It can interrupt the flow of the moment, especially if you’re in a situation where cleanup supplies aren’t readily available. Swallowing, on the other hand, is quicker, easier, and leaves virtually no mess behind.
For many, it feels like the cleaner and more seamless option, allowing you to stay in the moment without worrying about sticky aftermath or rushing to tidy up. Plus, some consider it the sexier choice since it avoids any awkward fumbling for tissues mid-act.
9. Swallowing Avoids the Taste
This might not sound like it makes sense, but hear us out. If you choose to swallow, it’s in your mouth for only a second or so.
If you spit, you have to hold it in your mouth until you find somewhere to spit it out. That makes you taste it for much longer than if you just swallowed it. [Read: What does cum taste like? The true taste of semen from women & science]
Why Women Choose to Spit
Even though swallowing is more pleasurable for men, some women just don’t like to do that. Here are some reasons women opt to spit instead of swallow.
1 They Don’t Like the Taste
Some semen has no taste while others have foul tastes. Women who are with a man whose semen doesn’t taste the best prefer to spit instead of swallow. And that’s just so they don’t have to taste it for as long – though spitting doesn’t really help with that, as explained above. [Read: How to improve the taste of semen and 15 other ways to enjoy giving head]
2. It’s Sometimes Hotter to Spit
Some men and women like to spit for the visual. This usually isn’t when women spit into the sink and brush their teeth. This is like if a women lets it run out of her mouth and down her chin. That visual can be arousing to some people.
3. They Don’t Think It’s “Clean”
Some women just think semen is gross. They don’t like it because they don’t think it’s very clean. This doesn’t really have any science backing it.
There are just people out there who aren’t turned on by swallowing. In fact, swallowing can turn them off simply because they find it unclean. [Read: Turn offs for guys: 72 physical, dating & sexual put offs all men notice & dislike]
4. The Consistency is Undesirable
Truth be told, sperm is not a very common consistency. Some women actually just can’t stand it. It may have nothing to do with the flavor at all. There are just certain consistencies that make women want to gag and semen can be like that for some.
5. It Doesn’t Sit Well With Their Stomach
In some cases, women just don’t feel good after swallowing. There’s something about semen that makes them feel sick. Obviously, you wouldn’t consume something that makes you sick just to please someone else. So there are women out there who spit for this specific reason.
6. Health Concerns
Fear of sexually transmitted infections *STIs* being transmitted through oral sex or contact with semen might lead some women to spit as a precaution, especially if there’s uncertainty about their partner’s sexual health. [Read: STDs 101: The most common types and their symptoms]
7. Allergic Reactions
Though rare, some women experience a condition called human seminal plasma hypersensitivity, which can cause itching, swelling, or discomfort when exposed to semen.
Yup, this is true. Your body can actually treat semen like an allergen, leading to unpleasant symptoms that can range from mild irritation to more severe reactions like hives or difficulty breathing.
In these cases, spitting is often the best option to avoid direct contact or ingestion, and using condoms during oral sex can help reduce exposure altogether.
8. Cultural or Religious Beliefs
Certain cultural or religious norms may make swallowing semen feel inappropriate or unacceptable to some women.
9. Anxiety or Discomfort About Oral Sex
Women who are new to oral sex or feel anxious about it might find spitting to be less overwhelming, especially if they’re still exploring their comfort zones. Thus, their reason for avoiding it, at least until they’re more experienced. [Read: Why does sex hurt: 31 causes of painful sex & ways to deal with them]
10. Control Over the Act
For some, spitting gives a sense of control over what happens during intimacy, especially in situations where swallowing might feel like too much pressure or expectation.
Pretty much like how she’s in control of her man’s pleasure when she swallows, choosing to spit is also empowering because it’s a clear statement that she’s doing what she feels comfortable with, not what she feels obligated to do.
11. Previous Negative Experiences
If a woman has had an unpleasant experience *such as gagging, nausea, or an unexpected taste or texture* in the past, she may choose to spit to avoid a repeat.
12. They Simply Don’t Want To
No reason is sometimes the best reason. Some women might spit simply because they feel like it—it’s their choice, and that’s valid without needing any justification. [Read: 24 bad girl sex tricks to try in bed & seduce and leave a guy obsessed!]
Spit or Swallow: How Do You Decide?
If you’re still at a crossroads trying to decide whether to spit or swallow, it’s important to take your time, weigh your preferences, and feel confident in whatever choice you make. Below are some tips to guide you in making the decision that feels right for you.
1. Understand Your Comfort Level
The first step is being honest with yourself about how you feel. Ask yourself if swallowing semen is something you’re genuinely curious about or comfortable with, or if the idea makes you uneasy.
Your boundaries matter, and you should never feel pressured into doing something that doesn’t align with them. Remember, whether you choose to spit or swallow, it should always feel like your decision. Take some time to reflect on what works for you emotionally and physically. [Read: 25 ways to emotionally connect with someone & instantly feel closer]
2. Communicate with Your Partner
Have an open conversation with your partner about the spit or swallow dilemma. You might be surprised at how understanding and supportive they are.
Share your thoughts, ask about their preferences, and find common ground. It’s also a good time to discuss overall sexual health and safety concerns. Clear communication can make the experience more enjoyable for both of you, no matter what you choose.
3. Think About Your Health
Before you make a decision, prioritize your health. Semen is generally safe to swallow, but it can carry sexually transmitted infections *STIs.
If you or your partner haven’t been tested recently, it’s worth addressing this first. Using protection during oral sex, such as flavored condoms, can also reduce any risks. Knowing you’re healthy can make your decision to spit or swallow feel more confident and stress-free.
4. Experiment Slowly
If you’re undecided, try taking baby steps. There’s no need to dive in all at once—experiment at your own pace. For example, you might choose to spit the first few times and see how you feel. [Read: 31 new things to try in bed at least once with your lover]
Over time, you can reevaluate and decide if swallowing feels more comfortable or appealing. Taking it slow ensures that you stay in control of the situation and can better gauge your feelings.
5. Use Flavor Tricks
One of the most common concerns about swallowing is the taste of semen. If this is a dealbreaker for you, consider experimenting with ways to make the experience more pleasant.
Some swear by having a mint in their mouth beforehand, while others recommend flavored lubricants or even consuming something sweet like pineapple juice before the act. Consider trying them and see what works for you.
6. Focus on the Moment, Not the Outcome
Sometimes, overthinking the decision to spit or swallow can add unnecessary pressure to an intimate moment. Instead of worrying about what you’ll do at the end, focus on enjoying the experience as it unfolds. [Read: Secrets to relax during sex, free your mind & enjoy a blissful orgasm]
If you’re debating about whether you’re going to spit or swallow once he cums, you’re not really in the moment, and he’ll feel that, too. More than you spitting or swallowing his load, it’s more about the intimate act of you giving him a blowjob, which is already hot in itself. Let your instincts guide you and decide naturally in the moment.
7. Take Note of Your Partner’s Diet
As we talked about earlier, your partner’s diet can play a significant role in your decision to spit or swallow. If their semen consistently tastes unpleasant, gently suggest dietary changes that might improve its flavor—like eating more fruits and less alcohol or garlic. This can make swallowing a more appealing option, though it may take a few days for dietary changes to take effect.
8. Consider Hygiene Preferences
For some, swallowing might feel cleaner and simpler, especially if the idea of dealing with cleanup isn’t appealing. On the other hand, if you feel more comfortable spitting into a tissue or towel, that’s perfectly fine too.
Your comfort level with hygiene will play a big role in which option feels better for you, so think about what makes you feel the most at ease during and after intimacy. [Read: Problems “down there” that you shouldn’t ignore]
9. Don’t Feel Pressured by Porn or Pop Culture
Ah, yes. Pornography and social norms and their depiction of swallowing as the “expected” or “hotter” choice, but it’s important to remind yourself that those portrayals are scripted and not reflective of real life.
Spitting is just as valid a choice as swallowing, and you shouldn’t feel pressured to conform to an ideal that doesn’t align with your feelings.
10. Be Open to Changing Your Mind
It’s okay to change your mind. You might choose to spit today and then swallow tomorrow, or vice versa—and that’s perfectly fine.
In fact, that flexibility can add to the thrill and excitement of intimacy, as you explore what feels right in different moments. Preferences can evolve as you grow more comfortable with your partner or as your relationship dynamics shift.
Common Semen Myths
Let’s clear up some of the most common misconceptions surrounding semen so you can make a fact-based decision to spit or swallow:
1. Myth: Semen is packed with nutrients like a superfood
While semen sure contains some nutrients like fructose, zinc, and proteins, the amounts are so small that they don’t provide any significant nutritional value. Swallowing semen is not going to give you a health boost.
2. Myth: Diet changes its taste overnight
While diet can influence taste, the effects aren’t immediate. It can take a few days of consistent dietary changes to notice a difference, not right after he consumes his food or drink. [Read: Nom-nom no-nos: Foods to avoid before having sex]
3. Myth: Semen is always safe to swallow
While semen itself is not harmful, it can carry sexually transmitted infections *STIs* like gonorrhea, chlamydia, or HIV. If there’s a risk of infection, swallowing semen is not recommended unless both partners are tested and clear.
4. Myth: Semen contains a lot of calories
Actually, it’s quite the opposite. A typical ejaculation contains about 5 to 25 calories.
So, Do You Like to Spit or Swallow?
Sometimes, you might feel the pressure to impress your partner when giving him a blowjob, but what will truly stand out is your confidence in taking charge and doing what feels right for you.
[Read: Steps to get back your body confidence in the bedroom]
At the end of the day, the choice to spit or swallow is deeply personal, and there’s no one-size-fits-all answer. The key is to listen to your own preferences, communicate openly with your partner, and prioritize your health and well-being. Whatever you decide, know that owning your choice is what makes the experience truly empowering.