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9 Tips for Having Steamy Skype Sex with Your Guy

Just because you’re in a long distance relationship, doesn’t mean you can’t indulge in a hot webcam session with your partner!

skype sex

If you’ve engaged in sexting and/or phone sex, I’m pretty sure you are going to ditch those two for something that is WAAAAY better – Skype sex. If you’re in a long distance relationship, this will definitely work for you, and if not, you can do this as well if you and your lover are too busy to meet up every day.

Skype sex helps release tension, even if you and your man are not physically together, plus you don’t have to just rely on sounds to get wet or get a hard-on.

But let’s be clear with one thing: don’t ever have Skype sex with someone you do not trust. If you do it with your man, then you’re giving him the right to screengrab scenes of you naked or probably even record it. But for now, let’s just pretend we live in a world where there is no such thing as leaked nudes and private videos. [Read: Long distance relationship: 46 LDR tips to make it work & not screw up]

How to Have the Best Cybersex Experience

If it’s your first time to try Skype sex, these tips will help you make your session a steamy one.

1. Check Your Connection and Settings

Make sure your internet connection isn’t going to act up in the middle of your Skype session. Okay, let’s be real – you won’t really have full control over your internet connection, but you can ensure that all wires are in place and that the settings on your phone/tablet/laptop are set up properly.

No one wants to deal with technical difficulties while doing the deed via Skype. It will totally ruin the mood! [Read: Things to know before stripping for your webcam]

2. Select a Sexytime Playlist

Ideally, you can go for old school sexy RnB classics such as Bump ‘n’ Grind, Grind on Me, and any songs by Silk, or if you’re more into modern artists – there are always Chris Brown and Mario to put you and your man in the mood. Music should be louder at the beginning of every session, as things will heat up later on. [Read: 25 BDSM songs: The best music with a sexy dungeon theme]

3. Put on Your Sexiest Lingerie

You will only need this at the beginning because you will have to remove it after a while. If you happen to have sexy costume lingerie such as a nurse, doctor, military woman, or superhero outfits, the better. You could even try role-playing if you put on a sexy costume.

4. Do a Strip Tease

Now that you’ve flirted with your costume/lingerie, it’s time to remove all of it. Let it drop to the floor *or bed*, but please remember to do it slowly while you dirty talk with your man. Men are very visual beings, definitely more visual than women, so this will surely give them a hard-on.

5. Dirty Talk

A basic need in Skype sex. Tell your man whatever it is you plan to do to him. You can make use of tools or toys while talking to him to make the whole thing more visual for your man.

Skype sex is no different from sexting and phone sex, there’s just the addition of the thrilling live performance. [Read: 74 sexy & dirty things to say to your boyfriend + art of dirty talk over text]

6. Touch Yourself and Let Go

It might feel a little strange at first, knowing that your lover is pretty much watching a solo masturbation porn video of you, which happens to be live, but just pretend that he’s the one touching you and let all your inhibitions go.

Now is the perfect time to be dirty, wild, seductive, and extremely sexual. Perhaps you can even use sex toys if you have a few, or lick a lollipop while telling him that this is how you would lick him if he were there with you.

7. Moan

Moaning while touching yourself adds more spice to the whole Skype sex thing. It makes “the sex” more realistic. Perhaps you can caress/squeeze/cup your breasts while moaning and calling out your lover’s name. Men get so aroused when women moan. [Read: 30 sexy ways to tease your man & make him want to f you right there]

8. Make Eye Contact

Your man wants to see you getting down and dirty on the webcam, not just close-ups of your boobs and genitals. Make sure to look straight into the webcam, so you can make him feel like he’s really interacting with you. If you don’t, your sexy routine will be no different from the thousands of porn videos out there.

9. Enjoy the Moment

Just bask in the moment of how glorious it is to be enjoying each other, even when you’re not actually together in person. This is one of the moments where you can actually say that technology has made life more amazing.

Keep in mind that Skype sex is meant to be fun. Don’t take it too seriously. If things get too tense, just laugh things off. I would also suggest not having Skype sex every day if possible, as it will get boring fast if you exhaust the excitement that it brings.

[Read: Long distance relationship: 46 LDR tips to make it work & not screw up]

For now, it’s time for you to change into a sexy outfit because you have a naughty Skype sex date tonight. Make use of these tips, and your man will be excited for your next online session!

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Jorella Valino
Jorella Valino is a freelance writer, human resources manager, and animal rights advocate. She maintains a cruelty-free and vegan blog dedicated solely to raisi...
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