20 Subtle Signs A Woman Wants Your Attention & Wants You to Notice Her

If a girl is showing you the signs she wants you to notice her, it’s time to sit up and do something about it. She won’t warn you twice! 

signs she wants you to notice her and get your attention

You may really like a girl, but you don’t know how she feels about you. She may be acting a certain way, but you’re unsure if that’s just her or if she’s putting on some sort of act in front of you. Regardless, it’s always good to clear this up in your head. That way, you know her intentions and you can then figure out what you’re going to do *if anything*. If you’re not 100% sure, here are some important signs she wants you to notice her.

As a man, you may not know when a woman wants your attention. Is she playing hard to get or really isn’t interested?

Whether you are interested in a woman and want to know if she likes you back, or are just clueless, you’ll want to know the signs a woman wants your attention.

Does she want you to flirt with her playfully or pay attention to something important she wants to share? Is your girlfriend silently begging for you to pay attention to her? Is a stranger across the bar sending you signals?

To know the answers to all of these, and recognize a girl who wants your attention, there are always subtle signs and clues. All you need to do is remember them and keep an eye. [Read: How to read a girl’s mixed signals and interpret them]

Why women subtly show signs they want your attention

With all the women making the first move when dating, it is still nice to have a man notice you. Women want you to realize they are there and approach them.

Men don’t always know if a woman is smiling at them to be friendly or if she is instigating a flirtation. But, why do women send signals instead of saying outright that they are interested? 

Well, women do a lot of prep work to get a man’s attention. The least a man could do is approach her! [Read: 26 subtle, flirty signs a girl wants you to make a move and ask her out]

To prepare for a night out, women may do their hair, makeup, get a new outfit, wear uncomfortable shoes, and more. If a woman is stepping out with the intention of meeting a man, you need to understand that she’d probably prep for a man’s gaze.

It doesn’t boost her confidence or let her know you’re truly interested if she is the one approaching you. That is why she sends subtle signs she wants you to notice her and tries to get your attention.

She is hoping that her signs will be enough to hook you and draw you in. When she doesn’t have to be crystal clear with her intent, it shows you are observant. You are willing to take a risk to come and talk to her.

What she wants is for you to let go of the fear of rejection. Go for it because she is worth it. [Read: How to approach a girl you don’t know and casually impress her]

What if you miss the signs she wants your attention?

If you regularly miss the signs she wants you to notice her, she is going to think that you just don’t care for her. If she’s trying to get your attention because she wants to go out on a date, she’s going to pass the chance over and decide you’re not worth waiting for. 

On the other hand, if you’re already dating and she’s giving you the signs she wants your attention, you need to sit up and take notice for sure. If not, she’s going to get mighty annoyed and you can look forward to a pretty big fight sometime soon!

Basically, you need to be aware of what she’s trying to tell you. Without that knowledge, you’re missing your chance and potentially heading into a problem. 

How to read the subtle signs she wants you to notice her

If you’re not paying attention, you’ll miss the signs she wants you to notice her! So, to help you avoid that terrible fate, let’s arm you with a little knowledge of what to look for. [Read: Does she like me? 32 subtle signs she sees you as more than a friend already]

1. She’s just always there

She manages to always be around you in some shape or form. Maybe she doesn’t know you, but she seems to never be far away.

Now, this doesn’t mean she’s into you, maybe she has the same classes or work break as you, but is she looking at you often? If so, she’s trying to make you notice her. [Read: How to tell if a shy girl likes you – 22 signs and ways to open her up]

2. Eye contact

Listen, women will not subject themselves to prolonged eye contact unless they’re either a) indicating they need help or b) showing you that they like you.

You have literally two options to choose from. Okay, you also have the option that you’re doing something that she finds unusual, hence why she’s staring at you, but let’s ignore that.

If she’s looking at you, really looking at you, then that’s a sign that she may be trying to get your attention. Try to smile back and see what happens. [Read: 13 subtle eye contact flirting moves to catch a girl’s eye from afar]

3. She actually spends time with you

At the end of the day, everyone has time to see someone. It just depends on whether or not they actually want to see them. You have girls that will tell you how busy they are and they don’t have time, however, it’s bullshit.

If she is taking the time to see you and hang out with you, it’s probably because she’s attracted to you. [Read: 16 signs a woman is secretly attracted to you and is waiting for you to make a move]

4. She amps up her style

If you’re used to seeing her wearing sweatpants every day, but recently, she’s been wearing makeup and dressing a little nicer, it could be because of you.

But you’ll have to look closely at this one because it could also be that she met someone else! However, if you just met her and now she’s spending more time on her appearance, she wants you to notice her *as long as you see the other signs on the list as well*.

5. She’s touchy feely

We don’t touch people that we’re not interested in. Now, this doesn’t mean she wants to be with you, she may be flirty with you and not have the intention of acting upon it. But she’s feeling something for you.

If you’re looking for really obvious signs she wants you to notice her, you need to keep in mind that physical contact is a huge sign of someone being attracted to you. If she doesn’t come close to you, then she’s not into you. [Read: How to flirt with a girl – 25 secrets to really leave a good impression]

6. Playing with her hair

We know this sounds a little lame and girly, but believe us, most girls play with their hair in front of a guy they like. It’s just an automatic move.

This is basically the equivalent of your leg shaking when you’re nervous. It’s completely subconscious and shows that they’re nervous. [Read: 27 signs a woman is attracted to you sexually and wants to get closer to you]

7. She shows it through body language

If there’s one thing that doesn’t lie, it’s body language. Non-verbal communication is a huge indicator of whether or not a woman is trying to get your attention.

If she wants you to notice her, she’ll open herself up more towards you, move her hair out of her face, expose her neck or legs, caress her body while talking to you. These things are meant to get your eyes on her.

8. She’s energetic

When she’s around you, she’s ready for anything. Skydiving? Sure. Go for a run? She has her runners in the car.

She wants you to notice her as an option for a partner. Her energy levels will be right up there with you, regardless of what you want to do. By focusing her energy on you, she wants you to notice her. [Read: How girls flirt – 22 signs she’s flirting way more than just being nice]

9. She talks to you

But not just a “hey” or “what’s up” every now and then. Whether you’re in a social place like a bar or if you’re at work, she takes the time to really talk to you.

Sure, if she’s a little reserved and only answers with one word, then, maybe she’s not someone you should focus on. But if she’s responding and engaging with you in conversation, she wants you to notice her.

10. The way she dances

So, maybe you’re at the bar and you see her dancing. Every woman can dance, it doesn’t mean she likes you.

But if she wants you to notice her, she may look at you for a few seconds while she’s dancing and then ignore you for a minute, and then look at you again, waiting for you to connect through eye contact. [Read: Eye- f*cking and how to master the art of intense sexual eye contact]

11. She doesn’t want other women around you

She wants you to notice her, right? So why would she want other women around you? Exactly.

If she could have it her way, there wouldn’t be a woman within 50 feet of you at any given time. You may catch her talking about some other girl in a negative way, warning you about them. But this is because she wants your eyes on only her. [Read: The right way to make your move when you know a girl likes you]

12. She always finds a way to talk to you

Where there’s a will, there’s a way. She’s trying every trick in the book to contact you. She needs to borrow your notes from class, her car broke down and she needs a ride, she needs to ask you a question for work.

Whatever it is, she’s always finding a reason to start a conversation with you. And the conversation doesn’t end with you answering her question, she continues it and talks to you about other things that aren’t related. [Read: 15 body language cues a girl gives away if she actually likes you]

13. She’s never far away

A woman who is showing signs that she wants your attention and wants you to notice her will always be within your grasp. She will sit closer to you at the bar, make a point to walk by your desk at work, even if it’s out of her way.

She will be sure to be in your sightline at parties or somewhere you can easily find her. If she wants your attention, even the most subtle sign will be within your sight.

14. She shows an interest in your hobbies

If she never seems interested in baseball until she realized you were a fan, she’s trying to find common ground with you.

She may want you to think she shares a hobby with you, so you have an easy in to talk to her. [Read: How to talk to a girl – The secrets to impress and smooth talk girls]

15. She smiles sincerely from across the room

This is one of the most subtle signs a woman wants your attention and wants you to notice her, but it is also very common. You need good intuition to be sure about this though! Not every across-the-room smile means she wants your attention.

A fake or forced smile could be due to awkwardness because you made involuntary eye contact. But, a sincere, excited or mildly embarrassed smile with a touch of blushing probably means she wants your attention. [Read: 27 signs to tell if a woman is checking you out and what you should do next]

16. She’s active on your social media

A woman who wants you to reach out to you will make herself available and stay at the forefront of your mind. Not only will she hang around physically, but digitally as well.

She will be sure to like your latest photos. She may send you memes or comment on your posts. She might not make it clear she is romantically interested but will show subtle signs she is there.

17. She remembers details about you

Did you quickly mention in passing that you were trying a new restaurant this weekend or going to visit your great aunt?

She pays attention to those details. And she will remember those small things you said that most people would forget.

She will ask you on Monday how your family is or how that new restaurant was. She will remember where your hometown is and that you said you like her hair down. [Read: How to make girls chase you – 20 secrets to win any girl’s heart and mind]

18. She asks you for help

Women are very capable of most things. And women often don’t like to ask for help, especially from men and especially in the workplace.

But, if she asks for your help at work, she may just want to spend more time with you. Then, she can send off more signals that she wants your attention.

If you realize she is asking for your help with something she is easily able to do herself, save yourselves some time. Ask her out so she can get her work done alone more efficiently.

19. She opens up to you

Although women are stereotypically believed to be emotional and share too much, that isn’t exactly true. Many women won’t share their personal lives with just anyone.

So, if she is confiding in you about her family or her past, it may be because she wants you to listen and interact with her more closely and intimately. [Read: How to get a girl to have sex with you by arousing her very subtly]

20. She asks about you

A woman giving you signs that she wants you to notice her and wants your attention will not only share about herself but ask about you as well.

She will want to get to know you better. She wants you to open up and feel comfortable with her. That way you will seek her out more often.

[Read: The signs she is hiding her feelings for you even though she likes you]

See, the signs she wants your attention and wants you to notice her can always be seen. All you need to do is pay attention. So… does she want your attention? And what are you going to do next?

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Preeti Tewari Serai
Preeti Serai
Preeti, the founder of LovePanky, is an eternal optimist and believer in the beauty of love and life. With an exhaustive experience in love, relationships, and ...