A daddy’s girl was not only the apple of her dad’s eye, he was everything to her. Beware if you date her, you have your work cut out for you!
I was lucky enough to be the second daughter in my family. Do you know what that translates into for a girl? Second best. I am sorry to say it, but rarely does a woman shine in a guy’s eyes more than his first prodigy, his first “love.” Daddy’s girl.
That poses problems not just for women of daddies who favored the chosen one which wasn’t her, but especially for the guys who put up with the chosen’s nonsense for a lifetime. If you date a daddy’s girl, beware. It is going to be a bumpy ride.
25 signs you are dating a daddy’s girl
Daddy’s girls don’t get that they aren’t the center of the universe. Since their father is such an adoring fan, they think every man in their world thinks they are just as awesome. Self-absorbed and highly inflated, they demand everyone treat them just like the princess that daddy told them they are.
1. She still calls her dad daddy, at 3 or 50
There comes a time when a girl stops calling her daddy, daddy. Usually before puberty. Daddy is a term of endearment, sure, but it is usually reserved for the daddy’s girl who has no reality about what a daughter/father relationship is.
That also includes talking about her dad like he is the universal dad. Instead of saying “My dad,” she begins the sentence like “daddy says,” as if he is the end all be all. [Read: 11 types of girls you should avoid falling for at all costs]
2. She calls him before she calls you
You will never be as smart, worldly, or intelligent as the big man in her eyes. If there is something she has a question about or needs clarification on, it doesn’t matter if you are the leading specialist in the world on the subject, she still defers to dear old daddy.
3. She cares more about what he thinks than you do
If you catch her cheating or doing something wrong, she will be more worried about you telling her dad or him finding out, than what you think or feel about it.
4. She can’t be pleased
A daddy’s girl can’t ever be pleased. They are used to getting everything they want and then some. Surprises are standard, overspending is the norm, and there isn’t a want that hasn’t been given to her. That leads to always looking for happiness from the outside. [Read: 6 practical ways to *put up* deal with difficult in-laws]
5. She is used to being spoiled
She has always gotten everything she wants. Whether it is all of your time, all of your money, or anything really, she not only expects it, she certainly won’t ever appreciate it.
6. She holds her breath for what she wants
Like a two-year-old, if she doesn’t get what she wants, she carries on, makes it a huge deal, loses her shit, or just stops talking to you. There is no behavior too infantile or unacceptable for a daddy’s girl. She gets what she wants at all costs.
7. She thinks everything she does is adorable
Talking in her baby voice, rubbing up against you, or calling you stupid nicknames might not be cute to you, but she thinks everything she does is absolutely adorable because to daddy it always has been. [Read: 10 flirty moves girls think are cute buy guys totally hate]
8. All eyes on me
A daddy’s girl likes being the center of attention, and if she doesn’t hold the prominent space, she does whatever she can to get it. Hitting on your best friend or entering the wet t-shirt contest, it makes no difference. She does what she must to be adored by everyone around her to feed the internal beast.
9. Her daddy always outdoes you
Whatever you do and whoever you are will never be as great as the man, the legend, daddy.
10. Her daddy always has the final say
You might say “no,” so guess what, she goes and asks daddy. We all know what he is going to say. If you don’t want the house or the car that she does, it won’t matter, if daddy says “yes” it is on.
11. Her mom is bitchy as all getup, if she is still around
A daddy’s girl is the only girl in a man’s eyes, which makes a lot of trouble at home. As a woman, there is nothing worse than playing second fiddle to your daughter, always being overridden or dealing with the spoiled brat he created. If the mom is still around, she is often aloof and detached with reason.
12. She thinks her bullshit will work on you
She is shocked why all of her old manipulative tricks won’t work on you, they always worked on daddy! [Read: Manipulative behavior: 10 devious signs you should never ignore]
13. She has an inflated sense of self
She thinks she is every man’s dream girl. After all, she grew up as a princess in her castle believing that one day her Prince Charming would come, but he still wouldn’t be as good as daddy.
14. Top of the line, baby
If you date a daddy’s girl, be ready to hand over your wallet. Nothing is too good for a daddy’s girl. But the biggest problem? Nothing is ever good enough.
15. She expects every guy to treat her just like daddy did
You best be on your best behavior and pull out all the charm. A daddy’s girl wants affirmation constantly about how awesome she is, how she does no wrong, and how lucky you are to have her. [Read: 15 types of bad girlfriends who’ll make your life feel like hell]
16. She can’t ever be wrong
Don’t ever try to pin something on the daddy’s girl, she won’t be having it. Her daddy spent a lifetime making sure she is shielded from responsibility or taking responsibility for any of her actions.
17. There is no such word in her vocabulary as “no.”
Don’t even try it, it won’t work.
18. Forget about making major life decisions, she’s got it
She is the boss at home. If you decide to marry a daddy’s girl, be ready to be in a female-led relationship, because that is where you are headed. [Read: 50 signs you’re in a female led relationship and don’t know it]
19. When she goes to that dark place… she stays inconsolable waiting for prince charming, aka daddy
If she pouts, there ain’t nothing that brings her out besides the charm of dear old daddy. But, you won’t ever be as charming, so you probably have to call him up from the ranks.
20. Nothing is ever her fault
21. She’s never home, even after she moves away
A daddy’s girl might leave home, but she never truly leaves her father’s home. She will eternally have her heart in her father’s house.
22. He won’t ever let you pay, which at first seems like a good thing, until you realize he owns you too
Daddy is just as protective of his role in her life as she is of keeping him in that role. Don’t mess with either of them. His paying for things, picking up tabs, and offerings, seem genuine and great at first, but you soon find it is all about maintaining control. [Read: 14 things a woman does or says that emasculates any man]
23. She only likes you if daddy does
If you date a daddy’s girl, get him to like you quick or it might be all over before you can say “daddy.”
24. You best think her birthday is a national holiday…
The best day in the whole wide world. [Read: 7 things to avoid gifting your girl for her birthday]
25. She walks around making a mess and expects everyone to clean up after her both figuratively and literally
A daddy’s girl never had to do a thing for herself, clean up her own mess, or really take care of anything.
[Read: Father-daughter relationship: 10 daddy issues it can lead to]
So, if you ever date a daddy’s girl, get used to taking care of her, ‘cause once she leaves daddy, she is going to be all your problem.