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22 Naughty, Flirty Ways to Tease a Girl & Make Her Think of You Fondly

Teasing is a fun way to get a person to laugh and like you. So, if you know how to tease a girl the right way, your dating life will be more successful.

how to tease a girl

Guys talk a lot about how they love teasing girls they like, thinking it turns women on. Though not entirely wrong, most men have no idea how to tease a girl the right way. They say they tease women, but is it really innocent teasing or full-on bullying?

Sometimes you don’t know where the line is, and that’s where the problems come into play. You may be attractive and have a beautiful smile, but if your teasing is on the degrading side, you won’t win over many chicks. If you don’t know how to tease a woman the right way, you’re missing out on a boatload of opportunities. We’re serious here!

Maybe you just got used to women calling you an asshole or a jerk. If you hear this word a little too often, it’s probably because you are. [Read: How to be a gentleman and win her over]

How to tease a girl: The art of doing it right 

Just so you know, women never forget the rude things you say while teasing them! She may tell you that she has forgotten what you said to her, but she never forgets. This needs to be drilled into your head about how important it is to master the subtle art of knowing how to tease a woman.

A guy might actually say something on a date like, “yeah, you’re a little chubby, but I like my girls with some meat.” If he is attempting to tease the girl, he failed miserably. It will hurt the girl and she will be offended. And then, she’ll quickly grow to dislike him. See? He could have been the man of her dreams, but the point is, he could have had a chance.

Learn how to tease a girl, but the right way. And win her heart.

1. Why does teasing work? 

Teasing is fun – at least for most people. If you tease someone the right way, you come across as light-hearted and cheeky. Women like a challenge, as we all know.

And teasing shows her that she’s going to need to be on her toes. Plus, it makes the atmosphere less serious and more about enjoying the company. [Read: How to tease her, make her laugh and fall for you]

2. Test the waters

You may love to dive straight into things, but when it comes to teasing people, don’t be so fast when you tease a girl. You don’t know this person. You don’t know her sense of humor, what things bother her, and where her boundaries are.

So, before you tease her about her hair or outfit, stop and test the waters. You’ll definitely be happy you did.

3. Stay away from her looks

You don’t know her that well. If you did, you’d be successfully teasing her. But you’re not. So, we’re going to assume you’re getting to know her.

With that being said, stay away from topics that feel like an attack or judgment. This means you don’t talk about her physical features, family, or fashion. [Read: 10 things men do on dates that annoy all women]

4. Be expressive

If you’re going to tease her, make it obvious you’re teasing her. If not, you’ll come off as a jerk.

When you’re teasing her make sure you smile, use gesticulations, and flirtatiously nudge her shoulder. Make sure your body language shows her you’re teasing her. Most of our communication is done non-verbally.

5. Don’t jump to sex talk

Teasing is a flirtatious move, but don’t use it in a sexual manner right away. You need to build trust between you two before you start talking about sex.

Plus, you don’t even know if she’s into you, if you use sexual innuendos too fast, she’ll think that’s all you want. [Read: How to subtly seduce a girl by teasing her right]

6. Self-deprecation can work

But don’t go too crazy with it. Of course, women like a light-hearted man who can laugh at himself. But if you’re always putting yourself down, it will come off as a red flag. Showing her your imperfections is good, just don’t overdo it.

7. Did you just hit on me? 

Ah, yes, the class “did you just hit on me” move. The funny thing is it works pretty well. Most women don’t hit on men, so she’s going to be surprised when she hears it. But if she likes you, she’ll see the opportunity to tease and flirt with you back.

8. Don’t put her down

It’s called teasing, not put-me-in-therapy. If you’re teasing women but it’s not giving you success, make sure you’re not putting women down.

You certainly won’t get her to fall for you, you’ll just end up in a situation with her disliking who she is. Don’t be that guy, no woman wants a man that’ll put her down. [Read: How to flirt with a woman and not turn her off]

9. Challenge her

We all love a challenge, both men and women. Now, we’re not talking about challenging her to climb Mount Everest. We’re talking about fun, playful challenges.

You can challenge her to a dance battle, arm wrestle, or thumb war. It’s soft and sweet, and who says no to a challenge? Come on. Challenges are the best!

10. Have an actual conversation

When you’re teasing her, remember to talk to her. She’s a person, you know. The problem with many men is that they focus too much on teasing.

The entire date or interaction ends up with her just being teased. That’s not fun. Keep the conversation flowing and tease her every now and then for a flirtatious atmosphere. [Read: 15 courteous ways to be a gentleman and keep a woman happy] 

11. Timing is key

You don’t know her life story, but that’s why you’re dating her, so you can find out. If you’re teasing her, it has to be done at the right moment.

If she just told you she had a bad day at work, don’t tease her. Instead, ask her what happened. You don’t always have to be cracking jokes. [Read: How to tease a girl over text and get her to flirt back with you]

12. If you’re going to tease, focus on the positive

The problem with teasing is how we can easily get carried away with our words. If teasing her, make sure the teasing is done on a positive note and the topic is positive. If she’s confiding to you about something traumatic, don’t tease her about it.

13. Mock or mimic her

When you mock or mimic a woman, you are trying to get her to laugh. You do this by making fun of her by copying her behaviors.

It could be how she speaks or how she plays with her hair. It doesn’t matter what you do. But the point is to get her to laugh – not only at her but at herself because you are pointing out something she might not even know she does. [Read: How to be funny – The real art of knowing how to make people laugh and love you]

14. Treat her like a kid

Now, you’re not trying to be demeaning here. All you’re trying to do is to put yourself in a humorous power position to her by treating her like a little kid.

You can say things like, “Somebody missed out on her nap today!” or “Do you need a timeout?” or “Young lady, are you old enough to be drinking that?” This is another attempt at humor to get her to laugh along with you. [Read: 39 flirty signs to know if a girl is into you and interested in dating you]

15. Give her a funny nickname

Another great way to tease a girl is to give her a funny name. Nicknames are somewhat emotionally intimate. Think about it. You don’t call your teachers or doctor a pet name, right? But you do your girlfriend and best friends.

So, you can call her a little brat/punk or babe/sweetie/honey. If she laughs a lot, you can call her Giggly Girl – something along those lines. This demonstrates that you have affection for her. [Read: How to pick a cute and unique pet name for her that she’ll absolutely love]

16. Point out something nerdy or embarrassing about her

Similar to mocking her, when you point out something nerdy or embarrassing, you are trying to tell her that you notice everything about her. But make sure it’s not insulting.

You can say things like “Your freckles are soooo cute!” or if she spills something on her shirt say, “You can dress the girl up, but you can’t take her out because she’s a Messy Marvin!” Make sure it’s something she can laugh about too.

17. Spontaneous role play

You can “invent” a little story in your head about the two of you and start talking like it’s true. For example, you can say, “Do you remember how great our first date was?” or “That’s it, I’m breaking up with you!”

Now, these only work on girls who you aren’t dating, of course. But this is a fun little way to create a little fantasy for the two of you. [Read: Is she flirting with me or not? 17 quickest signs to read her mind]

18. Playfully stereotype her

Let’s say that she’s a lawyer. Everyone loves lawyer jokes because they have a very obvious stereotype. So, you can say, “Uh oh… you’re a lawyer? I better watch what I say around you!” Or if she grew up on a farm, you can say, “Oh wow, you must only listen to songs about tractors and rodeos!”

Stereotyping can be a playful way to tease her without her getting offended.

19. Joke about how you wouldn’t get along with her

If you are interested in dating this girl, then teasing her about how you could never date or be friends with her is funny.

You can say things like, “I can’t believe you like the movie Fifty Shades of Grey… I guess we can’t date!” or “You’re so sweet… I think I would need to corrupt you before I would ever ask you out.”

20. Disagree with her

You can playfully try to act like you are mad or purposefully disagree with something she said. After she says she doesn’t like something, tell her that you do like it or vice versa. Say that she’s rude or shallow for having a particular opinion.

For example, if she doesn’t like a certain type of music, you can say, “WHAT?!? How can you even think that? XX kind of music is awesome!” [Read: Prolonged eye contact when flirting – What it means and how to do it]

21. Tell her to get her mind out of the gutter

If you say something that can be interpreted in a somewhat sexual way, then you can call her out by telling her to get her mind out of the gutter.

Then you can go on to say things like, “What do you think I am, a piece of meat?” or “Stop those nasty thoughts that you’re having, you bad, bad girl!” 

22. Physical teasing

Another good way to tease a girl is to incorporate physical things into it. You can try to play “keep away” if you have something she likes, such as a drink that you just bought for her.

Give it to her, but before she actually grabs it, move it away from her hands. Tell her she’s going to have to “work for it” before you give it to her. You can also do this with presents or one of her own personal items. Another variation is to tickle or poke her in a teasing way to get a reaction out of her.

Final tips

Now that you know how to tease a girl and get her to bring out her flirty side, you should also know what not to do, because you don’t want to turn her off. [Read: 5 Types of flirting and how to pick the one that works best for you]

First, you need to respect her boundaries. Read her body language, and if she’s starting to get annoyed or frustrated, then you should stop. If you do take it too far and offend her, then just simply apologize and explain that you were just teasing her.

If your attempts to tease a woman don’t work, then don’t get too worried about it. Not everyone has the same sense of humor, so this won’t work for everyone.

You also want to make everything you tease her about appropriate. You can’t tease a new person the same way you’ve teased a girl you dated for five years. So, don’t be vulgar or make her uncomfortable. You don’t want her to think you’re a jerk.

Finally, don’t critique her. You don’t want her to feel judged when you tease her about something. Try to stay away from teasing her about something that she is really passionate about because she might not take it too well.

[Read: What makes you a real catch in the eyes of a woman]

You know how to tease a girl now—congratulations! Not every man knows the truth, but you do. So, use these tips the next time you’re flirting with a woman. 

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Preeti Tewari Serai
Preeti Serai
Preeti, the founder of LovePanky, is an eternal optimist and believer in the beauty of love and life. With an exhaustive experience in love, relationships, and ...