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How to Subtly Let a Girl Know You’re Interested & Like Her Without Words

You like a girl, but you’re afraid to tell her how you feel. So, if you want to know how to let a girl know you like her, here’s how to do it right.

how to let a girl know you like her

The idea behind knowing how to let a girl know you like her feels like it should be an outdated thought. But even in the modern age, gender-specific expectations continue to persist. One of those is the burden of “making the move” that lies on the shoulders of men.

Sure, women pursue and woo men in their own way. But in the end, almost always, the guys are expected to admit their feelings first. Then, the grueling wait for a girl’s response. Will she say yes?

However, there is a way to do this, and every guy who pines for a girl should know how to confess his feelings the right way, at the right time.

[Read: How to make a girl want you, desire you and think of you sexually]

Is it a good idea to just tell a girl you like her? 

If you really like a girl, but haven’t been on a date or even kissed her, should you tell her how you feel? Will telling her this makes her want to begin a relationship with you? Those are probably some questions you want to be answered.

Well, it depends on a couple of things. [Read: How to tell a girl you like her and not come across creepy]

First, whether or not you tell a girl you like her prior to dating her depends on how you say it. If you’re overly sensitive when you express your feelings, she might be turned off by it.

A lot of girls prefer it when guys are more direct and just say that they like them. So, you shouldn’t be all sensitive and emotional about your feelings.

Next, before you tell a girl you like her, try to make sure that she has sexual feelings for you. If a girl isn’t attracted to you, then telling her that you like her isn’t going to suddenly make her find you sexually attractive.

If you tell her and she doesn’t feel the same way, she might just say things like, “I don’t want to ruin our friendship” or “You’re such a nice guy, but I don’t really see you that way.”

You see, if she doesn’t have sexual feelings for you, then it’s just friendship. You have to make her feel sexually attracted to you first, and then she will care if you like her. 

How to let a girl know you like her: Starting from scratch

Confessing your feelings can be done in that reckless cavalier fashion where you stride into her presence, take her by the waist, and tell the whole world that you like her.

As interesting as that seems, it may not turn out how you expect. If you want a favorable outcome or at least make her take you seriously, consider several things. [Read: What girls find attractive – 20 traits that make you irresistible]

Ask yourself: How close are you to her? Are you longtime friends? Or have you just met? Liking a person doesn’t really require a long friendly relationship if you want to be romantically involved.

However, shared experiences play a big role if you’re expecting the clichéd outcome where she admits that she likes you too. But in the real world, the closer that you’ve become, the more your chances of winning. [Read: How to introduce yourself to a girl and leave her yearning]

1. Tell her upfront

The simplest route is to tell her those three words– I like you. Though this may catch her by surprise, you may get a chance to see her blush or break into a smile.

Plus, there are a lot of girls who appreciate the manly guts and honesty you showed when you told her upfront that you liked her. Nevertheless, there are potential catches to this:

*Telling her upfront doesn’t equal happily ever after. It all depends on the groundwork you laid, the experiences you shared, and of course, her personal preferences. [Read: 31 secrets to get a girl to like you and desire you even before you ever confess your feelings]

*Have no expectations. The best mindset when spilling your heart out is no expectations. If you like her, you should like her regardless if she likes you as a friend only or if she’s willing to take it further. Having expectations only dampens your relationship when the untoward happens. [Read: How to confess your love to a girl and not get rejected]

2. Give her a handwritten letter

This is a cute way to let a girl know you like her. If you’re the old soul type who’s good with words but lacks the courage to say it personally, that’s fine. Handwritten letters may sound corny and quaint, but it does have a romantic appeal to them.

Writing a letter gives you ample time to prepare and choose your words, and the freedom to say anything you want. She definitely appreciates the effort you put in conveying your message in an almost dying craft. [Read: How to ask a girl to be your girlfriend – And impress her]

Telling her without words

As the saying goes, actions speak louder than words. What better way to convey your affection than by making her feel loved?

There are moments some simple gestures serve as a more tangible testament that you like her instead of saying it out loud.

3. Give her attention

Say hi, smile, and be warm. Genuine acts of affection stand out from the way you give attention to others hinting she’s special in your eyes. However, give her attention in a way that will be taken as friendly and affectionate, not pestering and creepy.

4. Spend time with her

Spending time with her sends a hint that you enjoy her presence, and ultimately this also endears her to you. This is as simple as asking for help for a personal errand.

Accompanying her if she asks for help for her own errands, and by hanging out together for a casual lunch or coffee. [Read: 25 ways to avoid the friend zone and build the sexual attraction from the start]

5. Be nice, and treat her with respect

Before you put her on a pedestal as the woman you like above all, treat her as an equal and as a human being first.

This includes acknowledging her strong points, giving fair and unassuming advice, and being honest. That is a great way to let a girl know you like her.

6. Show genuine concern for her well-being

In other words, be there when she needs you, offer help when she needs it, and most of all, be there as a friend.

This is the ultimate way to show her that you like her. Simple friendly gestures help too, and they also show you pay attention to little details of what’s going on in her life.

7. Make her laugh

Showing your sense of humor is a good way to wear a girl’s defenses down and make her fall for you. Making her laugh is also a way to show your affection, especially in times when she’s down and depressed. [Read: How to make a girl laugh, smile, and like you instantly]

8. Tease her

There are two types of teasing: the first type is the one that seeks to annoy, and the other is the playful kind that seeks to endear. Teasing is common in close friends and couples.

When done right, it could be taken as a sign that you feel comfortable and close enough to be able to drop formal social interaction into a more intimate and friendly one. Be careful, you may not want to overdo it.

9. Half-meant jokes

Akin to teasing, half-meant jokes are in a way a form of subliminal messages to implant the idea you genuinely like her. It is also therapeutic for you since it serves as a practice for actually saying to her face that you really like her.

Gauge her comfort level with these kinds of jokes first and then go about treating her like a pseudo girlfriend when the two of you are alone. Give her pet names. If she reacts, play dumb and dismiss it as a joke. [Read: What to say to a girl you like – 51 ways to make her think of you fondly]

10. Dare to touch 

Touching can be tricky. But if done right, it is a very obvious message of affection. We assume since you like her, you are open to the idea of touching her in lots of imaginative ways.

However, it is best to play it safe and touch her according to your relationship level. [Read: How to kiss a friend accidentally and get away with it]

If you’re close friends, go for the usual high fives, friendly hugs, and shoulder hugs. If the moment demands it, take it further by going for more suggestive forms of touches such as getting close and whispering to her, fixing hair that strayed on her face, offering your arm when walking, and slight touches on her hand.

How to let a girl know you like her over text

Before you go this route, you should think about the pros and cons of telling her you like her over text. You should think of the worst-case scenario when you are making this decision.

What would happen if you sent her a text saying you like her, but she doesn’t feel the same way. How would that complicate your life? How would it make it better?

So, if you decide to go ahead and tell her you like her over text, then here are some ways to do it. [Read: How to tell a girl you like her over text and not be pushy]

11. Tell her you find her cute

You could text a casual “hello” out of the blue, and that will keep her wondering why you chose to message her when you did. Then, tell her that you find her cute.

This will start to conversation on a good note. Don’t compliment her too much because you don’t want to seem fake. Be genuine. [Read: 20 ways to win a girl’s heart and make her want you even before you ask her out]

12. Text her a night

Nighttime is when people are done with work and are winding down their day. They are in a relaxed state of mind. So, if you text her at this time, you can get her complete attention.

Ask her questions and try to get her to open up to you. Engage her in a conversation showing that you have an interest in her and her life.

13. Flirt a little

You should have a good balance between normal conversation and flirting. Compliment her and say nice things about how great she is.

She’ll eventually pick up on all the nice things you say about her and then will realize that you like her. [Read: How to flirt over text and type your way into someone’s heart]

14. Use emojis

Another good way to let a girl know you like her is to use emojis. Emojis are expressions of feelings when you text. Because we can’t see someone in person, we rely on these emojis to get the real feeling of emotions.

So, if you send a smiley face with hearts for eyes, a kissy face, or hearts, she will be able to tell that you have feelings of affection for her. Along with the emojis, you can say things like you think she’s funny, you miss her, or that she makes you smile.

15. Don’t get too sexual

A lot of guys think that girls like it when they start talking about sexual things over text. But most girls don’t like it. So, stay away from saying things like “you have a great body.” You don’t want her to get a bad impression of you and think that you only want sex.

So, if you do compliment her physical appearance, make it sweet, not sexual, like telling her she has beautiful eyes. [Read: 44 tips and examples to flirt with a girl over text and leave her smiling]

16. Try to be humorous

Girls love it when you make them laugh. So, try to mix in some humor and be funny and witty if you can. This will keep her amused and interested.

Your humor should warm her up – and crack her up – especially if she’s had a hard day. She’ll appreciate the effort you’re making and it will get across the idea that you like her.

17. Tell her what you like about her

Girls love to hear what others think and feel about them. So, tell her how you love her nature, her attitude, smile, or anything else you love about her. When you tell her all those things, she will definitely see that you do actually like her.

[Read: How to ask a girl out casually without making it a big deal]

Letting a girl know that you like her can be done in a different number of ways, each with varying results. The important thing is that you get it through loud and clear and that you are sincere.

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Preeti Tewari Serai
Preeti Serai
Preeti, the founder of LovePanky, is an eternal optimist and believer in the beauty of love and life. With an exhaustive experience in love, relationships, and ...