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72 Bromandments: The Bro Code Rules Every Guy Must Know & Follow

The bro code rules must be followed at all times. If anyone breaks a rule, there’s trouble! Learn the common guy code rules and clue yourself up. 

bro code rules bromandments

Some call it “bromance” or “bro-hood,” but only men understand the bond they share with their other Y-chromosomed brethren. It’s not the kind of relationship they have with girls or even with their own biological brother, but that unspoken and totally platonic kind of love between “bros.” Is it really a surprise there are bro code rules only guys know?

Brohood is a kind of bond that explains how bros get away with trading insults as a form of a greeting. How they get along despite all the dangerous and embarrassing pranks they pull on each other, and how they still share a beer and laugh immediately after a fist fight.

Girls have a strict girl code that all female friends must follow if they want zero drama and for their friendships to last the test of time. Guys are no different, except some of the bro code rules tend to be a little difficult to understand for those outside the inner circle! [Read: Male bonding vs female bonding: What are the main differences?]

What is a bro?

A bro is many things, but a bro is not an ordinary guy friend. Bros do a lot of things for and with their bros: good, bad, funny, or stupid. It’s more than just a friendship, it’s a close bond that is likely to survive a huge amount that life can throw at it.

Bros can be childhood friends that grow up together or they can meet and instantly click. Unlike the female squad, however, bros don’t tend to be cast away from the group very easily.

Bros tend to put up with a little more in some ways, but that could be down to the large amount of bro code rules that participants have to live by! [Read: Queerplatonic relationship – What it is & 25 signs you’re in one]

What makes the guy code rules so sacred?

The guy code rules give you a proper idea on how to maintain guy friendships with your bros. There are certain lines you can cross, and lines you can’t. In a sense, this is the guys’ definition of setting firm boundaries.

Whether it’s getting together with your friend’s ex or something as silly as bets, it’s important to observe all the rules. Your ability to maintain friendships for the rest of eternity relies on keeping sticking to these bro code rules.

If you break one, you can expect all your friends to either be mad at you, resent you, or even hate you. Yes, it’s that crucial. [Read: The male best friend – A guide for men and women]

So, what are the bro code rules?

There is no contract that is handed to bros when they realize that they are indeed in the middle of a bro situation. It’s something that’s unsaid but extremely sacred to the deep friendship they share.

Let’s call them bromandments, the bro code rules that all bros must follow. [Read: Why do men need male friends?]

1. Bros before … girls

This rule is the founding principle of being a bro and is said to have preceded even the concept of the bro code. This rule states that guys should put his bros in priority over the pursuit of the opposite sex. [Read: What if you and your friend are into the same woman?]

2. A bro must have another bro’s back no matter what

A bro must be there for his bro in times of need, be it financial difficulty, the pursuit of girls, fistfights, and drunken shenanigans. Nothing else must get in the way of this and he should ask no questions.

3. Immediate female family members of other bros are completely off limits

This means a bro shall never lay hands on another bro’s sister or hot mother. However, he can comment on their level of attractiveness. Stepmoms and stepsisters are an exception but this is a gray area as some bros may not enjoy non-blood relatives being commented upon. Proceed with caution! [Read: 13 Signs your friends are ruining your relationship]

4. A bro’s girlfriend and any ex is also off limits

Meaning no bro can sleep, flirt, or make lewd comments about their bro’s current girlfriend or exes. To do this is a huge breakage of the bro code rules and could result in fights and casting out of the circle.

5. A bro shall not cock block another bro

Also the rule of “dibs.” If a bro liked a girl first, you serve as his wingman and don’t ruin his chances, whether you really like her or not. [Read: What is a cock block and 11 reasons why they do it]

6. Girls can be bros too

Bros must acknowledge girls with bro-like qualities. When a girl acts like a bro and follows the code, she is accorded equal protection and respect. Which means …

7. Girl bros are off-limits too

A bro is not to make sexual and romantic advances to a girl bro unless to tease her. She is to be seen as one of the bros and not sexual or attractive in any way.

8. If you catch a bro’s wife/girlfriend cheating, you inform him every time

Regardless of the consequences, you must inform him immediately. Your bro comes before everything else, and even though you know he will be angry, you must do your duty. [Read: Women who cheat: 10 Surprising reasons they’re unfaithful]

9. When a bro finds another bro’s girlfriend annoying, he must stay silent until they break up

Always respect your bro’s choices. Even if it doesn’t suit your preferences. However, when the relationship is over, feel free to tell him how you feel.

10. When a bro’s wife/girlfriend asks you where he is, you have no idea

Because rule number two. Even if you know where he is, even if he’s standing right next to you, you have no idea. You haven’t seen him. You have no clue. [Read: How to make guy friends – 16 hard reasons and ways to avoid hooking up]

11. You must greet your bro appropriately

A hug cannot come before a handshake, it must be accompanied by a pat on the back. If you observe guy friendships in movies, there’s a reason why there are always handshakes or a pat on the back.

12. You must inform a bro if he is dressed horribly

If your friend is wearing a neon green polo with pink shoes, one of the bro code rules is that you are obligated to tell him he looks horrible. Honesty is the best policy in cases of his attire.

Especially when his dating life depends on it, tell him when he’s dressing horribly. Unless you’re also wearing the same outfit, then rock it together. [Read: How to dress to impress a girl & get more than just a second glance]

13. Avoid uncomfortable urinal confrontations

A man shall not take the urinal beside another man. You must leave at least one empty urinal in between each other. Even if you’re both men, respect your personal space and boundaries with one another.

14. Unless your friend murdered someone, you bail them out of jail

You go to the bank, collect all your pennies, and hand them over to the police. He’ll pay you back, don’t worry. One of the things about guy code rules is that your friendship is ride-or-die. If something happens to them, you need to have their back at all costs.

15. If your drunk bro is about to cheat on his girlfriend, you must follow through with one intervention

Make him aware of the choice he is about to make. If he replies with “f*ck you,” then the bro code rules exempt you from any responsibility from that time onward.

The burden is no longer on your shoulders or the consequences of him cheating on his girlfriend. You’re also not obligated to listen to his rants about his choices on that matter. [Read: To cheat or not to cheat? A guide to make up your mind]

16. Never speak about it again rule

If you accidentally graze or touch another man below the waist, it’s already agreed upon as an accident and there will be no mention of it ever.

There’s no need to make it a big deal so it’s best to not mention what happened again *unless you want to make things even more awkward*. [Read: 10 things to do to become manlier, but not aggressive]

17. A bet is a bet

If a bet is made, no matter what, the loser must follow through with his obligations to carry out his side of the bet. Don’t be a lame friend in this aspect, but follow through with the bet.

This includes embarrassing acts or monetary compensation. If he refuses to pay or carry out the duties, you must settle upon an agreement.

18. Wingman duties

If you have a girlfriend and go out to the club with your friends, you are automatically given the job as wingman. Do your best to support them in finding a girl. Whether that’s introducing them to other girls, using the smoothest lines to introduce them, or something along those lines.

From there on out, you must support your friends until they achieve their ultimate goal, whatever that may be *as long as it’s consensual*. [Read: How to choose the perfect wingman while meeting women]

19. Speedos are out

Unless you are an Olympic swimmer, you are prohibited from wearing Speedos. You probably don’t live under a rock to know that this isn’t the most attractive thing, especially for the ladies. We’re in the 2020s, and Speedos are definitely not a thing anymore.

20. Respect another man’s boundaries

Every guy has his own personal line. Understand where their line is and don’t pass that line. Boundaries are everything when following these guy code rules.

Everything in this list is all about boundaries, so respect them with everything you’ve got. [Read: How to set personal boundaries & guide other people to respect it]

21. Act as your bro’s Internet buffer

If something tragic happens to your friend, one of the first things you must do is delete their browser history. Protect their privacy at all costs – that’s what friendship means in the world of guy codes.

22. Bros don’t brag about how many girls they’ve slept with

This might come as a shock to some of you, but the basis of guy friendships isn’t about boasting about how many girls you’ve slept with. Sure, it’s probably an impressive number, but no one cares and you look like an a-hole.

Don’t be that a-hole. You don’t need to shoot off your ego when talking to your guy friends. [Read: Curious minds want answers – How many sexual partners is too many?]

23. Pranking your fellow bros is seen as bonding

If you decide to engage in pranking, make sure these three things will not happen: Result in a trip to the ER, with you stealing their phone, or in you or him being in financial debt.

Pranks are always fun, but there’s a fine line in knowing when to stop. One of the big bro code rules is to make sure it doesn’t cost their health, finances, or anything significant. [Read: 17 bad friends you should weed out of your life]

24. Bros don’t let bros drive home wasted

Dish out the money for a cab, and hand him the receipt the next morning. Safety should be your priority when you’re dealing with a drunk bro.

If he’s intoxicated, don’t let him drive no matter what, even if he insists on doing so. If something terrible happens to him while driving, that burden’s on you.

25. Back up your friend

If your friend gets into a fight and you’re unable to calm the situation, back your friend. Even if he’s wrong and an idiot, he’s your idiot.

Loyalty is an integral part of the bro code rules, so you need to always have their back. If you don’t, maybe you shouldn’t be hanging out with this person in the first place. [Read: How to be a good friend – 49 traits and friend codes that define a real pal]

26. Don’t give another man advice on working out unless he asks you

He realizes he has small arms, he has a mirror. Giving out unsolicited advice makes you sound like an a-hole. You’re entitled to have your own opinions and comments, but ultimately, it’s their body. If they’re happy with the way they look or don’t care about working out, let them.

27. Best man, best stripper

If given the title of best man at your friend’s wedding, you’re entitled with the duty of preparing the bachelor party.

Regardless of what he insists *assuming that his values and beliefs don’t contradict*, it is your duty to provide him with the best stripper, or the wildest act of the night. [Read: How to politely decline being the best man]

28. You must own at least one suit

This can be worn to weddings, funerals, graduations, and special dates. Plus, you’ll look smart. If you don’t own even a single suit in your wardrobe, then you’re completely missing out!

29. Bros never make their friends feel ashamed

No matter what sexual activity he participated in, even if he made out with someone unusual or he did something you’d never personally do, you shouldn’t ever judge or criticize him for it. Don’t make him feel ashamed for doing it, whether drunk or sober. [Read: The grossest sex acts you probably didn’t know existed]

30. Bros pitch in for beer when cash is short

If a friend is lacking in cash in the middle of a round of drinks, you shouldn’t hesitate to cover for him. Money is just money, but you can’t have another iconic experience with the guys. Don’t hesitate to pitch in when a friend is in need, as they should for you too.

Bro code rules regarding daily bro-to-bro activities

We’ve covered some of the big bro code rules, but what about the small daily life rules that remain unspoken but are still hugely important?

31. A bro must not gaze at a naked bro’s body. [Read: Here’s how you can be masculine without being a jerk]

32. Bros do not give each other birthday cards.

33. Bros do not accompany each other with clothes shopping.

34. Bros are honor-bound to help another bro who is moving house or making DIY repairs.

35. Bros must never ever share dessert.

36. If a bro volunteers to do a food or alcohol run, he is entitled to claim the leftover change.

37. A bro doesn’t let a bro marry if he is younger than 30 years of age. [Read: 20 questions to ask each other before getting married]

38. A bro never rents a chick flick to watch alone. This must be done in the presence of his other bros.

39. Bros never cry. Except when a family member or another bro dies or if they get “dirt” in their eyes. [Read: When a woman is crying – The gentleman’s dos and don’ts]

40. A bro shall not apply sunscreen to another bro.

41. A bro must never reveal how many women another bro has slept with.

42. A bro is not required to remember another bro’s birthday. *Nor does he fuss when his birthday was forgotten*.

43. A bro must provide a condom to another bro in need.

44. A bro must return the favor when another bro buys a round of drinks.

45. A bro always leaves the toilet seat up for another bro. [Read: The man code – The 10 most important rules of a gentleman]

46. When a bro tells another bro a secret, he is obliged to take that secret to the grave.

47. When a bro was not invited or was not able to attend another bro’s wedding, they don’t make a fuss about it.

48. A bro must always order enough pizza for all his bros.

49. A bro must not fuss when another bro doesn’t reply to his texts, calls, or emails.

50. A bro doesn’t sulk and give another bro the silent treatment.

51. Bros don’t shake one off in front of other bros.

52. A bro doesn’t unfriend another bro on Facebook.

53. Bros don’t wax their body hair.

54. A bro doesn’t need to notice or compliment another bro’s haircut.

55. A bro doesn’t ask another bro to accompany him to the bathroom.

56. Bros don’t pout for selfies. [Read: 30 alpha male characteristics that make him a real alpha]

57. Bros don’t need umbrellas. Unless to offer shelter to a chick in need.

58. Bros don’t choose their own nicknames. Their other bros will be the ones to give it to him.

59. Bros take care of fellow bros who’ve had too much to drink. Only after they draw on his face with Sharpies and take photos of him covered up with a lot of empty beer bottles.

60. A bro of a bro is my bro—bros don’t get “bad vibes” with their kind like women do.

61. When a bro has a kid, all his bros become honorary uncles.

62. A bro never keeps a photo of another bro in his wallet. [Read: 13 rules of etiquette for the modern gentleman]

63. Bros don’t make eye contact when eating a banana. [Read: Where are the men? Feminizing men kills our society]

64. A bro doesn’t let his broken-hearted bro drink alone.

65. A bro never tickles other bros.

66. Bros don’t giggle.

67. If bros share a house or an apartment, you are obligated to stay away when a bro brings a date home.

68. Bros don’t touch each other’s hair.

69. Bros don’t smell each other on purpose.

70. A bro’s nuts are off limits to pranks, assaults, or even fistfights. [Read: The bond between wingmen and lead players]

71. Bros don’t share drinks or feed another bro with his own spoon.

72. Once a bro, always a bro. The bro title is one you carry to the very end.

Many rules, but a life-long connection

You might read this list of 72 bromandments and think that being a bro sounds pretty exhausting. Well, yes, but the rules speak for themselves. If you want to have a connection with a friend that lasts forever, the bro code protects it.

Bros don’t give up on one another. They don’t argue over petty things and let the issue cause a rift. Bros have no problem with dropping everything for another bro. In the end, bros are solid friends. In fact, they’re more than friends, they’re family.

[Read: Relationship advice for men – 22 tips to make you a better partner]

True card-carrying bros are expected to abide by these unspoken rules that define what it is to be a true bro. Regardless, breaking the bro code rules doesn’t make you less of a bro if you’re true to your guy friends. After all, bros don’t let bros do stupid things alone.

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Vinod Srinivas Serai
Vin Serai
Vin Serai is the founder of LovePanky.com, and has delved deep into the working of love and relationships for almost two decades. Having dipped his feet in almo...