Have you ever asked yourself what do girls like in guys? Is it his charisma, his smile, or his humor? Maybe it’s something more than these attributes.
If you’re wondering what do girls like in guys, it doesn’t always have to do with physical appearances. More often than not, girls fall for what’s within. While they can initially get attracted to how a guy looks, that’s not what makes their attraction stay.
Women care about much deeper qualities than others assume; they aren’t always interested in how tall he is or how gorgeous his eyes are. Most guys are pretty confused about what girls like in a guy, and what a guy can do to make a girl like him. [Read: How to keep a girl interested: 22 ways to make her want more of you]
What do girls like in guys?
Each girl is different, so what applies to one woman doesn’t apply to all of them. Each girl may have her own views about this, but there are a few traits that can give you the high and the low with girls and what they want in a guy.
Girls might seem like complex individuals, but the way to attract them is actually effortless and straightforward. The moment you understand their needs and wants, it should be pretty smooth sailing from there. [Read: 16 things nice guys do wrong and how to fix them ASAP]
15 qualities that girls like in guys
If you want to know the most desirable traits and qualities that girls like in a guy, start with this!
1. Confidence
It doesn’t matter what anyone else says – confidence will always be sexy. So if you’re wondering what do girls like in guys, it’s a man who knows his abilities and skills.
If you want to impress a girl, then be confident *not arrogant, not boastful, but confident.* [Read: How to build self-confidence: 16 ways to realize you’re worth it]
2. Sense of humor
If you can make a girl laugh, her heart is basically yours. A sense of humor is very attractive to a girl, so this is your chance to use those funny pick-up lines you’ve always wanted to say.
Don’t be afraid to look goofy as she might find it adorable on you! [Read: How to make a girl laugh, smile and like you instantly]
3. Intelligence
There’s just something about intelligence that girls love. They love it when you make them think deeply about topics beyond the usual. Don’t go for small talk but instead, enlighten her with substantial topics.
Ask her how you think the universe works, or tell her the science behind things. She’ll love that and keep asking you for more *it’s also a great conversation for a coffee date!* [Read: Intellectual questions: 43 cues to spark smart talk with anyone]
4. Support
Girls need to feel your support as the world is already negative enough. There’s no reason to add to that negativity, after all. Giving her the support she needs is adequate to grab her attention.
5. Sensitivity
Most men are the opposite of sensitive as they assume it comes with a negative notion. However, sensitivity isn’t entirely bad. If you show your vulnerability, it gives her a reason to trust you and rely on you.
If you want to attract her somehow, let down your walls and be open to her. Make her feel like you can approach her. [Read: What does it mean to be vulnerable? 13 ways you can open up more]
6. Self-worth
It’s attractive to know when a man is sure of his self-worth, even without validation from an external source. If you know what you can bring to the table even without validation, then you’ll attract girls naturally with this kind of security.
7. Focused goals
There’s nothing attractive about a lack of ambition and drive. It’s always sexy for the ladies to find a man who knows exactly what he wants and how he plans to achieve them. Complacency isn’t an attractive trait on anyone. [Read: The need for purpose in life – 5 things it can do for you]
8. Great imagination
Who says you can’t attract girls with your wild and great imagination? This is also a reflection of your creativity so feel free to show this around her *you can even use this in the bedroom!*
9. Independence
If you’re wondering what do girls like in guys, it’s their independence. You need to be someone capable of standing on your own feet rather than relying on someone else to do things for you.
On another note, you shouldn’t be afraid to be alone or do things alone either. [Read: How to be independent even if you’re in a relationship]
10. Passionate and desirous
Want to impress her? Be someone with passion and desire. No, this doesn’t always have something to do with the bedroom. But be passionate about everything in life – your goals, relationships, friendships.
Your passion will be so evident that she can’t help but be drawn by your passion. [Read: How to find your passion: 13 secrets to seek it in simple things]
11. Bravery and courage
If you’re brave enough to do anything in life, it gives her the impression you can overcome and accomplish anything. It’s often an overlooked trait, but bravery can get you places in getting the girl.
Your courage will result in many risks that’ll lead you to some of the best decisions of your life. [Read: How to be fearless: 13 ways to set aside fear and live your life]
12. Compassion
Having compassion is a big must for most girls. If you don’t have compassion, then you’re also bound to have no kindness. Girls are emotional individuals, so they won’t be attracted to someone mean, heartless, and cold. [Read: How to develop empathy and master the art of growing a real heart]
13. Decisiveness
If emotions lead women, men are led by logic. This means that if there’s one thing you can do to impress girls, it’s to make rational and logical decisions. If you can confidently make important decisions, then girls will admire this about you.
14. Dignity and self-respect
You won’t attract any woman if you don’t respect yourself first. Self-respect is an integral thing if you’re wondering what do girls like in guys.
You should also have the dignity to stick to your morals and principles as you’re nothing without them. [Read: How to respect yourself: 14 secrets of self-worth and self-belief]
15. Sense of integrity
We can’t stress this enough, but integrity is everything if you want to impress a girl. If you keep compromising your opinions and values all because people don’t share them, then you’ll lose yourself over and over again. How will a girl fall for you if this is the case?
15 qualities that girls don’t like in guys
Now that you know all the most desirable qualities girls look for in a guy, let’s talk about the biggest turn-offs that can annoy any girl and push her away from you.
1. Lack of self-esteem
Remember how we said confidence is sexy? If you have low self-esteem, women won’t get attracted to you and might not even notice you! Building high-self esteem really is essential if you’re wondering what do girls like in guys. [Read: 10 signs of low self-esteem and 5 ways to increase it]
2. Laziness
Whoever gave the idea that girls like lazy guys? There’s nothing attractive or even close to admirable about this. Yes, you can absolutely rest, but there’s a balance between productivity and laziness. [Read: Stop being lazy: How to confront and overcome your excuses]
3. Lack of humor
Life is already serious enough, so you don’t need to add to that seriousness further. Make her laugh, entertain her, and lift her spirits by cracking a joke.
A lack of humor can make a girl stop talking to you altogether *who wants to date a serious guy, anyway?* [Read: How to make someone laugh when they’re down & lighten their burden]
4. Lack of goals
Ambition and success are sexy things to see on a man so if you don’t have goals, what do you have to show off in impressing her? Figure out what you want and all the things you want to achieve before you go around to impress her.
5. Lack of understanding
Several guys find this hard to believe, but she has a life of her own, and she won’t always accommodate your every need *if you’re dating*.
So if you lack that kind of understanding and patience, this can easily set her off and stop talking with you.
6. Negativity
You don’t need to make the world a darker place for her than it already is. If you’re wondering what do girls like in guys, it’s someone who can bring even just a little positivity and sunshine in their lives.
They need someone who can remind them of having light and hope, not negativity and darkness. [Read: Is your negative thinking ruining your life?]
7. Self-centered behavior
Narcissism? Ego? Arrogance? These things just won’t suffice in making a girl like you. In fact, she automatically sees these as red flags, telling her it’s time to run and walk away *fast.* [Read: 8 helpful ways to stop being a self-centered person]
8. Extreme jealousy
Contrary to what we see in movies, jealousy isn’t always healthy. Even if you’re already dating and you have a valid reason, your jealousy isn’t an excuse to act out and lash out at her without even hearing her side first.
Control your emotions and especially your jealousy if you want a girl to like you. [Read: Why am I so jealous? The reasons why you feel it and ways to fix it]
9. Insecurity
An insecure man will only bring a lot of damage and negativity to the relationship – and every girl knows this. Insecurity is the opposite of confidence, and this isn’t something girls want to tolerate.
If you’re insecure, there’s a huge tendency for things to go downhill from there. [Read: 20 signs of insecurity people can’t hide when they feel insecure]
10. Smothering dependence
Co-dependent relationships will never work, so this will push girls away faster than anything. If you want her to like you, you must not depend on her for everything or the majority of things in your life. [Read: Do you have codependent traits that make you clingy & dependent?]
11. Self-pity
Self-pity can also be counted as a manipulation tactic, which is mainly why girls want nothing to do with this.
If you’re wondering what do girls like in guys, it’s those who don’t need to show self-pity to get what they want or to apologize.
12. Lack of trust
Unless she gave you evidence to prove that she can’t be trusted, you should trust her. It doesn’t matter if you had a terrible past or bad childhood, don’t project your issues onto her. [Read: How to get over trust issues in your relationship and move forward]
13. No ambition
This is similar to the lack of goals mentioned above, but your life also has no direction if you have no ambition. If you want a girl to like you, figure out what you want and take things from there.
14. Lack of tenderness
If you can’t be tender with her, then she won’t be comfortable around you or trust you – simple as that. [Read: How to show affection in a relationship when it doesn’t come naturally]
The guide to becoming a great guy that girls like
You may have a lot of these qualities already, and you may have a few qualities that put girls off too.
You don’t need a story or a fable to explain what girls like in guys. These points are simple and clear. It doesn’t really take money or extravagant gifts to make a girl like you.
All it takes are these little things, and that makes the difference between a great guy who’s desired by girls and envied by other guys.
[Read: How to impress any girl you meet – The 18 secrets you must know to do it right]
Now that you know what do girls like in guys, which aspects of these do you already have, and which ones are you going to change?