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What Are Pheromones? The Scent of Sex & The Role They Play in Love

You’ve no doubt heard about pheromones before and you’ve probably fallen into a spell because of them. But what are pheromones and how can you use them?

What Are Pheromones

Everyone has heard the word, pheromones. But what are pheromones, exactly? Most of us know they’re powerful and play a part in attraction to some degree, but after that? Pretty clueless.

With a little information, you’ll probably become very interested in them. This is a strange subject. One which makes you question how your presence in a room can affect other people. Yes, pheromones are that magical!

You see, love is a mysterious thing. There are so many emotions that can run the gamut, but there’s no denying that electric charge when you meet certain members of the opposite sex.

Science has credited that electrification to pheromones. These are chemicals that our bodies give off to attract the opposite sex. This begs the question, do pheromones work in today’s modern society to attract a partner? [Read: Importance of first impressions – Secrets to help you make a good one]

What are pheromones?

Pheromones are scents that elicit a hormonal sexual response in the brain signaling attraction.

They are the way that our bodies work to attract people of the opposite sex using glands in specific areas such as the genital area, the armpits, and the clear liquid of the belly button. We know that it doesn’t sound very attractive, but it is – apparently.

These areas produce a specific smell that works on the olfactory system, by releasing information into the subconscious areas of the brain.

For evolutionary purposes, pheromones were built into the species to help it procreate and survive. If the scent given off is positive, it tells the person that a potential mate is healthy and that they would make a good mate for procreation. [Read: 15 super simple ways to keep yourself sexy at any age]

Pheromones seem to avoid sense and reasons

Overriding emotions, it is the chemical pull that makes you want to have sex with someone you barely know or have just met. That’s because pheromones trigger the libido to elicit a sexual response that’s responsible for sexual desire, arousal, and attraction.

There is no doubt that some people are more attractive than others. But, there is also no doubt that some men and women just exude sex more than others.

Is it the scent they carry, something about their personality, or their confidence? Likely, there are a lot of various things at play when it comes to being attractive. [Read: 13 physical attraction tips to look way hotter]

Do pheromones work on everyone?

To begin to answer this, we need to first understand how smell is, at least in part, determined by our genetics.

Women smell differently than men. The way that a woman smells when she has her period may not smell desirable to other women, but it does to men.

It’s the body’s way of telling the male species that a woman is able to procreate. In the same respect, men who are sweaty after a workout don’t attract other men the way that they do women. Women smell sweat as a sign of fitness, which can be a very attractive trait to them.

Those who question whether or not the scents that we give off are predetermined should take note of a study in which homosexual and heterosexual men were given samples of sweat. The results showed that homosexual men preferred the scent of other homosexual men’s sweat, while heterosexual men preferred the scent of women.

Also, a study of human odors was used to prove that people involuntarily decipher scents to increase the likelihood that they will choose more genetically compatible mates.

T-shirts with odors worn by men were ranked by women. What they found was that women preferred the odors from men whose DNA was most different from their own. When genetic makeup is most dissimilar in nature, the likelihood that a healthy offspring will be conceived is greatly increased. [Read: How to increase your sex appeal instantly]

Everyone has their favorite scent

While that doesn’t mean every single person is going to find the same smell subconsciously attractive, everyone will have their weakness.

When another person notices your pheromones, subconsciously, they either have no response, or they have a strong response. Everyone has a different ‘like’ when it comes to pheromones and of course, you have no idea what yours is. It’s all a completely subconscious deal, which happens beyond our control.

So, what are pheromones? It seems they are magical chemicals a little like something from Harry Potter’s world! [Read: How to never lose your sex appeal and master the art of je ne sais quoi ]

Aren’t pheromones all about animals?

The first mention of pheromones in the mainstream was within the animal kingdom. We know certain animals release pheromones to attract a mate, breed, and have baby animals of their own.

For instance, sea urchins kick out some pheromones when they feel the need to get down with it, and the water transports this around, until another sea urchin gets a sniff they like. When this happens, they simply follow their nose *or whatever sea urchins have* and pair themselves up.

It seems for the animal kingdom, it is that simple. For humans, not so much! We know the science part, but how it all works in practice can be complicated. [Read: How your body’s chemistry affects love]

The scent of sex

Pheromones are sometimes referred to as the scent of sex. Now, we should point out that pheromones aren’t all about sex. They’re also great for general attraction.

If you’re looking for the partner of your dreams, your pheromones could be doing half the work for you, without you even realizing it. Despite knowing that pheromones are powerful, what exactly are they?

We’ve answered ‘what are pheromones?’ scientifically, but the truth is that nobody is really that sure. Human pheromones are somewhat of an enigma. Because they are so individual, it is hard to pinpoint where they come from and what causes them. [Read: Why are girls going commando? The science of smell and more reasons to ditch your panties]

What are pheromones useful for?

Erm, dating?

If you’re looking for a new partner, then you can let your pheromones do the hard work, and be far less stressed about your quest as a result!

Our pheromones are perceived differently by other people. Just like you might think a certain smell is pleasant, but someone else might think it’s terrible. What one person finds attractive, another may find a complete turn off. It’s the same for pheromones. [Read: The science of attraction and 17 secrets that play a bigger part than physical attraction]

A lot of research and psychological thinking has gone into pheromones and why one person finds them attractive and another doesn’t. It all comes down to the subconscious desire to breed.

Yes, having children might be the last thing on your mind, and you may never actually want children, but your pheromones are picked up by those with whom you would make strong and healthy babies!

Just like the sea urchin kicks out those pheromones when she’s ready to mate, it seems that you’re doing the same for a future child. One you may never even have! [Read: Understanding the psychology behind attraction]

We lose pheromones as we age

When you’re younger, you have more pheromones. That would make sense, as they’re the way that a body tells another that procreation will be successful.

Studies have even shown that older women who wear pheromone perfume are more attractive than those who don’t wear them. The problem is that there is no telling if the reason that they’re more attractive is that, in general, they take better care of themselves or if it’s the pheromones working. [Read: Cougar dating and the rules about dating an older woman]

Do pheromones work to manipulate people of the opposite sex?

Since pheromones were first discovered, there have been many who have insisted that they can be replicated and used to manipulate people of the opposite sex to be attracted to one another.

Many companies claim to have synthetic pheromones built into their products that will drive women or men “crazy” just by smelling them.

The science behind the use of synthetic pheromones is skeptical at best, but there is no doubt that there are scents that make you take a second look.

Anyone who walks into an Abercrombie and Fitch store can tell you that it isn’t just about the scantily-clad models displaying the clothes and waiting on you. The way that they pump their cologne into the air, it smells like prepubescent desire and sexuality. [Read: Sweaty sex and all the animalistic reasons why it’s so dripping hot]

What does the science say about pheromones?

There are some colognes and perfumes that are using more than just theory to prove that their products work. Using scientific research to study whether pheromones work is still a hotbed of debate.

But researchers have found that the effect pheromones seemed to have on how attractive someone is was very minuscule at best. Although pheromones may have a primal, natural side to them, it is not the case that a synthetic pheromone is a magic potion of some sort.

In addition, finding the exact chemistry of pheromones is nearly impossible. To date, scientists have not been able to get to the heart of what exactly makes up pheromones, how they are created, or how to emulate them.

They have found odors that are more attractive than others and may make you want to be around someone, but that is about the extent of what they can do. They can’t convince someone that you are the right one for them, nor can they make you want to have sex immediately. [Read: 13 lusty signs of sexual attraction to keep an eye on]

Do commercial pheromones work?

Good question.

Because the business world never misses a trick, as soon as the idea of pheromones and their power became apparent, a business plan was drawn up.

This means that specific pheromones were tested and manufactured, to be sold to the masses. These commercial pheromones are branded to give you an increase in sexual desire and attractiveness.

When you put it that way, can you blame people for buying them?

The thing is, your personal pheromones are the most powerful, not a set that you buy in a bottle. The idea of someone being attracted to your pheromones, the ones which are secreted by your own body, is that you attract the right person. Whether that person turns out to be right or not we don’t know, but in genetics, that’s what it’s all about. [Read: How to be beautiful – 22 ways to stand apart and shine from within]

When you buy false pheromones, i.e. a bottle containing what is supposed to be a male scent or a female scent, surely this is nothing more than clever marketing via a generic perfume or aftershave?

You could argue that, yes, it is. Of course, the fact that these products claim to boost sexual attractiveness and therefore attract a partner for whatever that person is looking for means these products sell in a big way. The power of marketing is strong for businesses who sell these products, it’s likely to be a big dollar business.

The magic of pheromones

Perhaps it is for this reason that pheromones will always be a somewhat magical and otherworldly kind of subject, until we can actually see them and measure them. Humans like to measure something and have actual solid proof before they believe!

Maybe you’re on the fence about pheromones or maybe you simply wonder what they are. We all have them, we don’t know it, but we do. Your pheromones might be super-attractive to one person, and super-repulsive to another.

You can’t choose who likes your pheromones and who doesn’t, unfortunately. Life isn’t that easy! In return, someone may find your pheromones attractive, but you don’t have the same vibe about theirs. [Read: How to smell good and attract almost anyone you deeply desire]

Final pheromone thoughts

Wouldn’t it be great if we could bottle our own pheromones and do a little testing on them? Find out who is likely to be pulled towards our own brand of magic and who isn’t?

It would save a lot of dating stress and heartache, as well as your time! You could simply whip out the bottle and say ‘sniff this, do you like it?’ And if they do, there you go, instant match!

Despite that idea, dating isn’t supposed to be about subconscious smells. Perhaps it’s better that we don’t have much conscious thought about these magical chemicals in the first place! The fun of dating is all about the ‘do they, don’t they’ excitement of the moment.

[Read: Copulins and the secret smell women release to drive men wild with sexual desire]

What are pheromones? This is a question you hear time and time again. The problem is nobody can actually give a solid answer of what they really are! But trust us, they’re working behind the scene!

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Vinod Srinivas Serai
Vin Serai
Vin Serai is the founder of LovePanky.com, and has delved deep into the working of love and relationships for almost two decades. Having dipped his feet in almo...