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42 Happy & Naughty Ways to Keep a Relationship Exciting, Fun & Fresh

It’s normal for a relationship to go off the boil or become stale. All you need to do is learn how to keep a relationship exciting and put in the effort. 

how to keep a relationship exciting fun and fresh

Contrary to what many people think, knowing how to keep a relationship exciting over the long term is not that easy to do.

Work, kids, mortgages, and life in general tend to put a dampener on the passion, lust, and interesting conversations you had with your partner during the early stages of the relationship.

The honeymoon phase is often the most thrilling and exciting part of a relationship. However, as you surpass more relationship milestones and steps, you become comfortable with one another.

As a result, the relationship settles into something more stale and mundane. This isn’t bad, but it can make you forget the sparks your relationship used to have.

There’s no reason why you shouldn’t incorporate a little more spark and chemistry in your relationship, similar to how you both felt when you were just falling in love and learn to keep a relationship exciting all over again. You simply need to know how to keep a relationship fun and fresh!

[Read: 33 dirty, cute and funny relationship goals all couples must always focus on]

Why do relationships get stale over time?

As you get more familiar with someone, it’s normal for the relationship to become more slow-paced and warm. That doesn’t mean you no longer love one another, but it means you just got used to each other’s company.

In many ways, it’s a more settled and content period of time. [Read: 13 signs the honeymoon period is starting to wane in your eyes]

The initial stage of a relationship, otherwise known as the honeymoon phase, is the most exciting because you’re both putting your best foot forward. You’re entering unfamiliar territory because you’re still getting to know one another, and you’re also in the courting stage. At this point, you’re both showing your best sides.

But as the months and years progress, your relationship settles into something more mundane. There’s no longer the feeling of butterflies in your stomach, you no longer get nervous around them, and there’s no longer a reason to try as hard. [Read: Honeymoon phase – How long before your love fades into nothing?]

Don’t worry, it happens to everyone!

The good news is that there are endless ways to spark joy and life into your relationship, no matter how long you’ve been together, or what unexpected turns you take as a couple. Keep your relationship exciting, fun, and fresh with simple effort and awareness.

How can you keep things interesting after years of being together?

Here are many easy and refreshing ways to keep your long-term relationship exciting, or as many like to say, ‘sex-citing’. Don’t worry, no matter how many years you’ve been together, it doesn’t mean that your relationship has to die down entirely and lose its spark.

1. Do something new together

By embarking on something that neither of you has ever done before, it keeps things interesting and fresh. Whether it’s taking a holiday somewhere new or trying a new restaurant in town, do something new and interesting with your partner.

Life doesn’t stop at the end of your comfort zone, and this applies even to your relationship.

So if you want to know how to keep a relationship exciting, do something new together with your partner. [Read: 25 couples activities that make you feel loved & closer than ever]

2. Date each other

This sounds really cheesy, but date nights are so important in a relationship. In fact, one of the reasons why a relationship can become boring is the lack of date nights. It doesn’t have to turn into a chore, but be sure to really allocate time every now and then.

Clear your schedule, put work on hold, and plan a nice night out. Whether it’s something simple like heading out for a movie or preparing a homemade meal, never cancel on date night.

If you have kids, arrange for a sitter to watch them so you get plenty of alone time with your spouse. [Read: Marriage advice – 20 real-life tips and lessons for a happily ever after]

3. Agree to unexpected requests

Sonja Lyubomirsky, a professor of psychology at the University of California, Riverside said, “The natural human tendency to become “habituated” to positive circumstances — to get so used to things that make us feel good that they no longer do — can be the death knell of marital happiness.”

So don’t be afraid to expand your horizons and do all kinds of things. Whether it is accompanying your wife to the theatre or keeping your husband company on his evening run, agree to something you wouldn’t normally do.

4. Don’t hold back on your love

There is no room for ego in a happy relationship. Never hold back on expressing love and forgiveness, no matter how irritated you are with your partner. Don’t fear that you’re too cheesy or vulnerable in your relationship. [Read: What does it mean to be vulnerable? 15 ways you can open up more]

This is a relationship we’re talking about, and there’s no room for any kind of competition. If you’re serious about learning how to keep a relationship exciting, then you can’t hold back on showing love, especially to your partner.

5. Switch up the routine

One simple way to keep your long-term relationship exciting is to switch up the routine. Instead of going by the same old boring book, flip to a random page and just do it. Frankly, it’s so easy for a relationship to become predictable over the years.

So if you want to keep the sparks alive, change your routine every now and then. Maybe surprise your partner with a date or cook them dinner out of nowhere.

Unplanned things are always great ways to keep the relationship exciting. [Read: 18 happy ways to become more spontaneous and fun in life]

6. Start an open dialogue

If you want to keep a relationship fun and fresh, you need to talk. Communicating freely entails sitting down with your spouse for at least 15 minutes a day and indulging in conversation. It could be discussing the future, helping out with a work issue, and so on. Keep things light and easy.

The goal is to get to know your partner again. You’ll be surprised about the new things you can learn about your partner just by talking to them. You never know, they might surprise you with something! [Read: 12 things happy couples talk about and feel instantly closer]

7. Give it your all

When attempting to keep your long-term relationship exciting, ensure that you give it your all. Behave as though your relationship will end if you cannot fix this, and for most couples, that is probably the case.

The relationship will immediately get boring when you approach it with just half of your effort. So, if you want to keep a relationship fun and fresh, put in the time and effort!

8. What would you have done 20 years ago?

According to Terri Orbuch, Ph.D, psychologist and author of 5 Simple Steps to Take Your Marriage from Good to Great, “The main idea is to mimic your relationship when you first met one another.” Ask yourself what you were like years ago when you met your spouse.

Were you more spontaneous then? More loving? More giving? The only time you should look back into the past is to learn a thing or two.

So, reflect on how you were during your honeymoon stage, and you might apply a few things in your relationship! [Read: 16 common relationship tips that ruin your love life]

9. Socialize together

Being in a relationship should not be all about just the two of you. Both sides need friends, whether mutual or your own group of people. Start socializing more with your friends and throw parties, host dinners, plan a BBQ, or head out for drinks together in a group.

Especially when one *or both of you* are extroverts, it can feel extremely boring when your relationship is stuck in this loop without socializing and going out.

10. Take trips

Sometimes, all you need to do to revitalize your long-term relationship is to plan an escape together. Whether it is a 2-week getaway to the Maldives or a one-night stay at your favorite hotel in the city, take a trip with your partner and treat it like a second honeymoon.

Life isn’t meant to be lived in just one place, so if you really want to know how to keep a relationship exciting, take lots of tips with your partner and have all kinds of adventures! You’ll make lots of new memories together that you’ll cherish forever. [Read: 10 benefits of taking a sex vacation to change your love life for good]

11. Surprise one another

Keep a relationship fun and fresh with surprises. Every expert out there will tell you that giving is very important in a relationship, and they do not just mean time.

Gift giving is a surefire way to make your partner smile. It does not have to be something expensive or extravagant.

If you can surprise them with the gift, even better! Spontaneity is the best way to catch them off guard and bring even just a little excitement to the relationship. [Read: 67 sweet but small romantic gestures that show love in the biggest ways]

12. Accomplish something together

If you want a relationship to stay exciting and fun, set a realistic goal together and work towards it. Examples include attending a samba class, saving up a certain amount of money by the end of the year, running a marathon together, and so on.

Whatever it is, motivate each other and see it through to the end. Accomplishing goals together can feel so satisfying as a couple and gives you a sense of ambition.

13. Sex it up

Everyone knows just how important sex is in a relationship, especially long-term ones. Instead of vanilla sex, try new things like toys, flavored lubes, sexy lingerie, and costumes. There are many ways to keep a relationship fun and fresh in the bedroom.

The physical aspect of your relationship is one of the factors most affected as your relationship progresses. So instead of doing vanilla all the time, try something different. [Read: 19 naughty foreplay sex games to get you in the mood in minutes]

14. Be happy to see one another

No matter how busy you are, make it a point to be happy to see your partner. At the end of the day, instead of greeting your husband or wife with, “Did you remember to buy eggs?” try giving them a kiss and hug before saying anything.

If you really want to learn how to keep a relationship exciting, then put effort into making everything exciting.

15. Argue well

Disagreements and conflict are all a normal part of relationships. However, when you argue frequently and in the wrong way, this will cause your relationship to be dull quickly.

Try not to lash out in anger, and even when you do, censor your words and do not hurt your partner.

Try to listen more than yell. Also, remember that there is nothing wrong with going to bed angry. Treat your relationship like a partnership, and you should be fine! Don’t fight one another but instead, tackle the problem. [Read:How to make things less awkward after a fight and feel closer again]

16. Look good for one another

Just because you’ve been together for a long time doesn’t mean you should neglect your physical appearance and health. So if you want to know how to keep a relationship exciting, keep looking good for yourself and your partner. Start working out and eating right.

It will also be nice if you could shave, wax, put on your makeup, and don a nice outfit every so often to look smoking hot for your loved one.

17. Share the love

If you have been together for a long time and feel that you are brimming with love, then perhaps it is time to share what you have. If you have not already done it, talk about having kids and starting a family, if that’s what you both want.

You need to talk about your relationship goals and plans for the future to give you both a little something to look forward to. If kids aren’t on the horizon, set a different goal. [Read: 11 ways to know if you’re both ready for kids]

18. Appreciate life together

As morbid as this may seem, keep in mind that life is short and that time is precious. Revitalize your relationship by always appreciating life together. With over 7 billion people in the world, it is a wonderful thing that you met your partner and built a life together.

Enjoy every moment together because time is such a fragile thing. You should learn to cherish your partner while they’re still by your side. It doesn’t just keep a relationship fun and fresh, but bonds you together too.

19. Always forgive

Forgiveness is easier said than done and no matter how much we say that you should never hold a grudge, it doesn’t always come naturally to us. But if you want to treasure your relationship, you should always forgive them.

You’re not the only one learning and growing in the relationship. Mistakes will be made and all you can do is forgive them. If it won’t be such a big deal, just let it go. [Read: How to forgive and forget – 24 thoughts to decide on the right step]

20. Spend time apart

We can’t stress this enough, but if you want to know how to keep your relationship exciting and fun, taking space away from your partner is so important. It gives you both time to have your significant alone time and miss each other deeply.

It could be letting your partner go off for a fishing trip with a friend or you spending some time back home with your folks.

Either way, give both sides the chance to miss one another and you will find that when you are finally back together, things will be a little different. Don’t worry, your partner won’t forget you after spending time apart! [Read: How you can give space in a relationship and feel closer than ever before]

21. Put your phone down

Constantly having your phones by your side can cause a strain in your relationship. This is because when you or your partner always use your phones, it leaves little to no time to spend together. You won’t be able to keep a relationship exciting, fun and fresh if you’re glued to your phone.

So even if it’s as simple as putting your phone down during a meal or for 30 minutes in the evening, you can effectively put a little spark and excitement back into your relationship. It makes both of you feel loved, all because you give them more focus and attention. [Read: 15 cell phone rules every couple has to follow to build real trust]

22. Cook them dinner

Cooking is such an underrated act in a relationship, which is all the more reason why you should do it. If you want to know how to keep a relationship exciting, then cook them dinner.

Surprise them with their favorite meal or cook a new recipe and make them try it. We assure you that they’ll appreciate and love you more because of it *especially after a tiring day from work*.

23. Write them a letter

Handwritten letters never go out of style, so if you really want to bring back the sparks in your relationship, having a little romance is the best way to achieve this.

The art of writing someone a handwritten letter will always be a classic because compared to just typing a letter, handwritten letters are raw and more sentimental. So go ahead, write down your thoughts and put your soul into that letter for your partner! [Read: How to write a heartfelt love letter like a true romantic]

24. Play dress up

It may seem like an obvious tip, but believe it or not, so many couples forget about this one. Lingerie isn’t the only way to play dress-up when it comes to making your relationship a bit more exciting and interesting.

If you find yourself feeling a bit bored in the bedroom or just in general, one effortless way to spruce things up is by dressing up for each other.

This can be anything you want it to be: role-playing, foreplay, dressing up to head out, or even something as simple as pulling out your old Halloween costume from last year.

If you’ve never tried role-playing before, this is all the more reason you should try it. You will have loads of fun; just trust us on this one! It’s a sure-fire way to keep a relationship fun and fresh. [Read: Sexy role playing games to try]

25. Scavenger hunt

Another effortless way to make your relationship more exciting is to play games with each other and tease one another. A great example of doing so would be something like creating a scavenger hunt for your spouse to figure out and play.

It could be something as simple as leaving and dropping clues throughout the day that eventually lead them to find the final clue that explains what you’re having for dinner one evening. You could make it even more enticing by teasing them throughout the whole week if you choose to.

Whatever you decide, the more clues you choose to leave, the more exciting the challenge becomes. You could also plan a special surprise for their birthday and have them figure it out by a scavenger hunt! Now, that’s one way to know how to make a relationship more fun. [Read: 15 relationship games for couples to feel more connected]

26. Photoshoot

Okay, who doesn’t love photoshoots? And we’re not just talking about the typical photoshoots, but you can make it fun and extra memorable! For example, maybe you’ve always been a massive fan of Elvis and Priscilla Presley, and if so, do a tribute to them and dress up in throwback 60’s clothes, pretending you are Elvis and Priscilla.

Sure, it may seem silly, but once you get in front of the camera and once you see how great your photos turn out, you won’t hesitate for one second to be proud of your spontaneous shoot!

Bring out your glam and inner fashionista with a photoshoot with your partner, and you’ll have something to keep afterward for the memories.

27. Film yourselves

This one goes very much along with the whole photoshoot idea, except it takes it a few steps further and makes things a bit more intimate.

Depending on your relationship and level of trust, or maybe just your level of confidence, one way to make your relationship much more exciting and fun is to film yourself and your partner being intimate.

We don’t mean necessarily making a sex tape for keeps, but more so along the lines of filming yourself having sex with each other, watching it immediately afterward, basking in all the glory, and then deleting it. It’s always a new experience watching yourselves going at it onscreen! [Read: 30 sexy ways to spice up your sex life]

28. Start over

So many couples tend to forget where the magic started in the first place with their relationships. Sometimes, it’s important and exciting and fun to take it back to where it all started and to “date” all over again.

There is nothing cuter and more fun than reminiscing over your first day together by actually reenacting it with one another.

The honeymoon phase might have passed, but why not go back to the start? Date one another again and remember how it feels like to have the air filled with sparks, passion, and excitement. Call up the restaurant where you two first went out and make a reservation.

Or go to the bar where you two talked for hours over beers. Remind your partner how that one little date changed your life forever. [Read: 25 topics to talk about in a happy relationship]

29. Pets

Pets are indeed an adorable and extraordinary thing that can also help you learn how to make a relationship more fun. It doesn’t matter whether it’s a dog, cat, hamster, or even a rabbit! Getting a pet and being fur parents can bring back some of the joy in your lives that responsibilities and familiarity have replaced.

Also, it’s perfect practice if you’re thinking about marriage or having kids with your partner. Not only is having a pet somewhat similar to having a kid, but it’s also a great way to have an excuse to buy silly outfits for your dog or cat or to splurge on cute little treats from time to time.

It’s also an easy way to develop ideas like working out together or picking out cute pet names together. Having a furry critter to care for will definitely make things more fun! [Read: Fur babies and why so many people are choosing pets over babies these days]

30. Separate

We don’t mean separate as in breakup. What we do mean is that you should put some distance between each other and enjoy doing things yourself without relying on your significant other. Independence is sexy when it comes to keeping a relationship fun and exciting.

Like they say, absence makes the heart grow fonder, so one way to make your relationship more fun is to make your partner miss you so that your reunion will be all the more romantic.

Don’t be afraid to spend some time away from your partner as this is necessary for any healthy relationship. [Read: How to make the absolute most out of your alone time]

31. Start creating the future you both want

If your relationship has gotten to the point of complacency and routine, goals will give both of you a sense of purpose and fulfillment. When you actively seek your goals together, it ignites a spark in your relationship, and it keeps both of you exciting and going forward.

Whether it’s short-term or long-term goals, building goals is an underrated way to learn how to make a relationship more fun.

Maybe it’s the goal of starting a business together or even marriage, but don’t underestimate the ability of goals to make your relationship more worthwhile. [Read: 12 life questions to help you visualize your future]

32. Be the best of friends

You know what they say, treat your lover like your best friend and your relationship will never become boring. Even if it does, you’re sure to turn things around since it’s easier to save a boring relationship when your significant other is also your best friend.

This is one of the best pieces of advice we can give you if you’re serious about making things more fun. If you’ve been stuck in a routine for a while, really ask yourself if your partner really is your best friend. If not, it’s never too late to do something about that. [Read: 33 dirty, cute and funny real relationship goals most couples have no idea about]

33. A spontaneous road trip

You don’t need to book a plane ticket to go someplace new. If you really want to learn how to make a relationship more fun, road trips are the way to go. You can have a beach weekend getaway with your boo, and it would be a weekend you both will never forget!

Think of it like a mini honeymoon where you can ignite the spark in your relationship and spend undivided time and attention with one another.

Not to mention, it’s the perfect opportunity to unwind and pause from all the responsibilities that come from your work and personal lives. [Read: 8 tips to have a great time when you travel as a couple]

34. Create a bucket list

It’s recommended for every couple to have a bucket list. Okay, it doesn’t have to be as intense as parachuting from a plane ride, but it does have to be filled with a bunch of fun activities that both of you have never tried before.

Maybe it’s getting a tattoo, going skinny dipping, or just booking a plane ticket the next day and being spontaneous AF.

We assure you, a bucket list is the best way to make your relationship filled with excitement and adventure like never before. And plus, you get to tell lots of incredible stories to your friends about how you tried a bunch of new things with so many crazy moments! Have great is that?

When it comes to learning how to keep a relationship exciting, fun and fresh, a spontaneous change of scenery will do it every time. [Read: Couples bucket list – 32 must-do things every couple needs to do!]

35. Flirt more

Like showing affection, don’t forget to flirt with your partner, no matter how many years you’ve been together!

Seduce them, flirt with them, make the first move, be a little kinky with them! They’re your partner, and this will definitely spice things up more in the bedroom.

It’ll make for sex you’ll never forget and unlike anything you’ve felt before, which is precisely why you should never hesitate to bring out your A-game in the flirting sense. If getting drunk will help you flirt more, why not give it a go? [Read: 20 sweet and sexy ways to flirt with your boyfriend and make love feel sexy again]

36. Discover each other’s love languages

You’d think that humans all show love and affection the same way, but it’s not true. People have different ways of showing love. Do you know your way?

Learn about the ways to love and figure out where you and your partner stand. Do you both show love the same way? Or are you different? When you understand this, you can easily keep a relationship fun and fresh. [Read: These 20 questions to ask your partner will tell you everything you need to know]

37. Keep the eye contact going

Eye contact is absolutely crucial in a relationship. Usually, we avoid eye contact with people we’re not interested in. But this is your partner; you’re into them. So, don’t hesitate to look into their eyes with passion and love. If it’s something you haven’t done in a while, you should.

This will help reignite your passion and connection – both vital in a long-term relatonship.

38. Go to bed naked

Have you ever gone to bed naked? If not, you should try it. So much ventilation and freedom! But seriously, if you’re looking to keep the relationship exciting and fresh, try sleeping naked. Your partner will probably be pleasantly surprised and will love to feel your skin against them while they go to bed. [Read: The sexy benefits of sleeping naked you had no idea about]

39. Share positive news with each other

When it comes to bad news, most of us can talk about the negative things in our lives for hours. But that doesn’t excite people. It pushes people away.

Of course, there will be hard times in your life, and you should talk to your partner about those moments. But don’t be afraid to share positive news with your partner either because the good news is always exciting!

40. Stay curious about your partner

If you want to keep a relationship fun and fresh, you need to stay curious about your partner. You probably don’t know everything about your partner, and you shouldn’t stop finding out more about them. Ask questions and work on continuing to get to know them. [Read: 30 naughty and sexy questions to keep the sexy spark alive]

41. Try out a new fragrance

Let’s just say most people aren’t fans of stale and stinky scents. For example, most women react positively toward the smell of their partner’s sweat.

Now, we’re not telling you to never shower; that’s not the point. Play around with scents and see which ones arouse your partner. [Read: What are pheromones? The scent of sex and the part they play in love]

42. Send each other naughty texts

You have the advantage of texting your partner, so why not send them naughty texts when they’re at work?

First of all, they probably won’t expect it, and second of all, it’s way better than texting, “Hey, what’s up?” You can even send them a provocative photo – they won’t be able to concentrate at work. [Read: Seductive selfie – 34 best sexy selfie poses and tips to show yourself off]

So, how to keep a relationship exciting?

There are so many ways to bring back the spark and chemistry in your relationship. Just because you’ve been together for years doesn’t mean everything has to be so boring and dull now.

Remember that complacency is a choice, and it doesn’t have to be your choice.

By learning how to keep a relationship fresh, fun and fresh, you’re committing the time and effort to make your union as wonderful as possible.

[Read: 17 most important things that hold a relationship together]

If the love between the two of you is strong, there is no reason why you cannot reignite the flames of passion in your long-term relationship. With these tips, you can learn how to keep a relationship exciting in no time!

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Preeti Tewari Serai
Preeti Serai
Preeti, the founder of LovePanky, is an eternal optimist and believer in the beauty of love and life. With an exhaustive experience in love, relationships, and ...