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25 Signs Your Heart Is Breaking *and How to Get Over It*

It can be horrible to feel as though your heart is breaking. Here are the signs that suggest you are nursing a broken heart—and how to fix it.

heart is breaking

Everyone goes through heartbreak at some point in their lives. At the time, it feels like the very worst thing in the world. The signs of a broken heart are both physical and mental, and some of them really take you by surprise. Knowing your heart is breaking is the first step you need to take in order to mend it again.

The signs your heart is breaking

Let’s look at the signs that indicate your heart is breaking, and how you can start to make things better once more.

1. You can’t stop crying

We’ve all been there. From the moment you wake up, to the moment you go to sleep you can’t stop crying. Every time you think you are about to regain control, something else sets you off again.

Crying is a totally normal part of heartbreak and is a good way of letting the hurt and pain out. [Read: The 7 stages of heartbreak when you become someone’s ex]

2. Your chest hurts

Often people who suffer heartbreak feel as though someone is sitting on their chest, or they get sharp chest pains where their heart is located. This can be very scary. It’s usually just the emotional stress and nothing to worry about.

3. You can’t sleep

Lying awake at night thinking about the person who broke your heart. And the constant replay of your breakup or last conversations to the point where you simply cannot get to sleep is a common sign your heart is breaking. Being tired makes us feel more emotional too.

4. You can’t eat

Going off food when going through a breakup is very common. Lots of people tend to lose weight with the stress and upset of it all.

5. You feel breathless

Often people suffering from heartbreak get so worked up they feel as though they can’t catch their breath. This can be another sign that feels quite worrying, but it will go away once you start to feel better again. [Read: Can you die from a broken heart? 15 answers you didn’t expect]

6. You get distracted easily

Can’t seem to concentrate? If your mind keeps wandering and you can’t focus because of all the thoughts racing around your head, this is due to your heartbreak.

7. You forget what you are saying

You start a sentence and then just totally trail off? This again is simply because you’re thinking so many thoughts and feeling such a rollercoaster of emotions that it is hard to keep your mouth up with your brain!

8. You can’t get that person out of your mind

If you feel your heart is breaking, it is no surprise that most of your thoughts fixate on the person who caused you so much pain.

Slowly but surely, you’ll stop thinking about them so much and find that longer and longer periods of time pass when you don’t think about them at all. [Read: How to get over someone when your heart does not want to]

9. You constantly try to figure out what went wrong

Mulling over all the details of your past relationship is totally normal. You’ll pick apart every sentence, every word, trying to figure out exactly what went wrong.

10. You blame yourself

When feeling heartbroken and upset, it is easy to start losing self-confidence and blaming yourself for the breakup. Try to remember that relationships rarely fail just because of one person’s actions. Besides blaming yourself isn’t going to help anyone.

11. It’s all you talk about

If you’ve got to that point where your friends start to roll their eyes every time you bring up you-know-who, it might be time to make an effort to talk about something else. It’s hard when you are heartbroken, but sometime you have to move on. [Read: How to move on and deal with a break up with a smile]

12. You feel dizzy

Another physical sign of heartbreak is feeling dizzy. If you have a little wobble from time to time, this again is probably just the stress.

13. You feel faint

Feeling like you may faint can be super scary, but if it’s because of heartbreak it shouldn’t be anything to worry about. Just make sure you have eaten enough, even if it’s hard. Drink plenty of water and go easy on yourself!

14. You comfort eat

While some people go off their food, comfort eating can be another classic sign of heartbreak! Carton of ice cream anyone?

15. You have panic attacks

Panic attacks encompass many of the physical symptoms discussed above and many more. Panic attacks are super common when feeling stressed out, so if you experience them try to figure out what your triggers are and take up gentle exercise, meditation, and try and eat healthy. Stay away from the booze too!

#16 You feel sick. Feeling sick is another common side effect when your heart is breaking. This again is to do with the emotional stress, and it will pass when your heart starts to heal. [Read: The pity playlist: 10 songs to help heal your broken heart]

Some tips for the broken-hearted

1. Give it time

Well this one might be obvious, but the absolute best thing for a broken heart is time. The more time that passes, the less pain you’ll feel. Soon you might even wonder what all the fuss was about in the first place!

2. Hang out with friends

Distract yourself by surrounding yourself with all your best friends—they’ll look after you no matter what.

3. Get rid of memories

Hanging onto those keepsakes, messages, and photos is only going to make it harder. Be brave, have a clearing out of all those memories. You’ll feel so much more ready to move on.

4. Focus on yourself

Take time to step back and really think about how you are doing. Make time for yourself, spoil yourself, and above all be kind to yourself. The more you love yourself the better you’ll feel. [Read: Life’s a bitch: 17 feel good ways to make yourself feel better]

5. Get fit

There is nothing like hitting the gym to get those endorphins flowing and putting you in a positive mindset, so what are you waiting for?!

6. Do things that you always wanted to do

Don’t let anything hold you back anymore. Now is your time to do the things you have always wanted to do. You’ve got no one to answer to but yourself. How awesome is that?

7. Do things that scare you

Step outside your comfort zone and challenge yourself. You’ll be surprised at how amazing you feel, and how proud you’ll feel too.

8. Succeed

Make some goals and then go for them hell for leather. Once you achieve them you’ll realize the person who broke your heart was the one stopping you from standing on top of the world. [Read: How to live in the moment: 20 positive ways to live in the now]

9. Meet someone else

When you are back to your confident, butt-kicking best, get out there and find that special someone who knows how to treat you right and make you happier than ever!

[Read: 15 best feel good movies for the brokenhearted]

Nursing a broken heart truly feels like the worst time in your life, but remember, it is incredibly rare to not to get over it. If you suffer from any signs your heart is breaking, try to focus on how to heal a breaking heart and, with time, soon you’ll start to feel better—I promise!

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Bethany Locke
Bethany was born and raised in Scotland and now resides in Brighton where she lives with her partner and rather disobedient cocker spaniel pup. And in her spare...
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