Body language is extremely important when it comes to attracting – and keeping – a partner. But what about lip biting? Here are some tips for you.
When it comes to attracting that hottie at the bar, lip biting is always one of the things many people suggest. It’s pretty common knowledge that this action is really sexy, but have you ever stopped to ask yourself why so many people suggest it?
Why is this really odd, random thing so attractive? The truth is, the science of why goes back many, many years. We’ll need to look at some specifics of human evolution to pinpoint why it’s a very flirty form of body language.
Flirting in general is mostly body language
Sure, lip biting works, and of course, you can flirt with your words and drop a really fun pickup line, but the bulk of your flirting always comes from your body.
The way you stand, how you touch your hair, and even how far you lean into the person you’re talking to are all distinctive ways to actually flirt.
And guess what, they’re not always voluntary. Our bodies speak a language completely foreign to even us.
Thankfully, there are a lot of scientists out there who have dedicated their lives to learning what our bodies mean when they do specific movements, which helps us learn an awful lot about flirting. [Read: 15 signs someone is flirting with you and not just being friendly]
Why body language is important?
When it comes to communication of any kind, believe it or not, body language is the most important aspect. It’s even more important than the words you use. In fact, about 80% of the meaning of a message is contained in the nonverbal part of it.
Some people find this surprising, since we usually focus so much on what we say. But nonverbal and body language are vital when it comes to relationships, whether you are trying to attract a new person or have been with someone for a long time.
Research has found that the ability to send and decode body language is linked to popularity, attractiveness, success, and overall well-being. [Read: How to flirt by touch and use subtle body language to seduce anyone]
Reasons our body language is so important
Just knowing that 80% of the meaning of a message is in the nonverbal part of it makes body language important. But before we go straight into the seduction of lip biting, let’s break it down even further and talk about the specific reasons.
1. It communicates our feelings and attitudes
Think about it. Is it more difficult for you to control your words or your actions?
For most people, it’s easier to control their words. For example, you might say “I love you” or “I like you” but if you don’t really feel that way, you won’t be able to show it through your actions.
In other words, your actions will contradict your words. As the saying goes, “Actions speak louder than words.”
Everything we do with our body language gives cues to other people about how we are feeling and what our attitude is at the moment. Whether you know it or not, you are always giving messages with your nonverbal actions. Our true feelings are always known by looking at our bodies. [Read: Body language of men and 35 tips to instantly know if he’s started to like you]
2. It is more believable
Because our true feelings and attitudes come out in our body, that makes them more believable. As was stated above, if someone’s words and actions don’t match, people will almost always believe their actions.
Because people are mostly unaware of what their actions are, they can’t control them. They happen on the subconscious level. Have you ever had a person say, “Why did you give me that look?” And you responded with “What look? I didn’t give you any look!”
But you did. The other person saw it, and you didn’t even know. You see, people are always making meaning of our nonverbal actions, whether we know it or not. Or whether or not they are actually accurate. [Read: 23 intense signs of unspoken mutual attraction between two people]
3. Plays a major role in relationships
Because most of our communication happens on the nonverbal level, this plays a huge role in all our relationships. For example, if you are looking across the bar at someone who is hot, your eye contact will show your interest. Then, if you go into your lip biting, they will really get the hint.
Whether it’s finding a mate or keeping a mate, nonverbal communication and body language are very important in all human relationships.
4. It is ambiguous
One of the problems with body language, however, is that the messages are ambiguous. Going back to the previous example of “the look” that you didn’t even know you gave someone, both of you could have very different meanings of “the look.” [Read: Types of touches – the 36 physical touches we use and what they mean]
Maybe to you, it was a look of interest, and it showed that you are concentrating on what the person is saying. But maybe to the other person, it looked critical and judgmental.
That’s why body language can get us into trouble. All the signs can be ambiguous and interpreted in many different ways.
5. It’s continuous
You cannot NOT communicate with your body language. It is always continuous and ongoing. Just sitting a certain way in a chair can send a message to someone, just smiling or biting your lip can send a subtle message across. Because we are always sending these messages, it’s a non-stop bombardment of cues coming our way all the time.
6. Can offer cues of lying and deception
There is a lot of research that has been done on how you can tell if someone is lying. This is very important in dating and relationships, because let’s face it – people lie a lot!
If someone isn’t looking you in the eye, they might be lying. If they are talking too fast, they could be lying. And if they put an object between you and them as if they are “protecting” themselves, then that is also a sign that they could not be telling you the truth. [Read: Prolonged eye contact when flirting – what it means and how to do it]
7. Shows level of interest
So, when we are looking at lip biting and how that can play a role in relationships, you can now see that it’s just one of the many things we can do with our body to get across levels of interest to people we know.
We can usually tell how interested someone is in us by their body language. You can tell if someone is bored or turned off. You can tell if they really like you by their eye contact and how close they sit to you. [Read: 5 different types of flirting and how to pick the one that works best for you]
Why is lip biting so damn hot?
Contrary to popular belief, people who bite their lips aren’t only trying to show off how attracted to you they are. Others, however, interpret this form of body language as really sexy and even a turn on. Here are some reasons we find lip biting so erotic.
1. It brings attention to the lips
One of the first things you notice about someone you’re attracted to is their lips. You imagine yourself kissing them and that’s why they’re the center of focus. Our bodies know this. They’re ready to show potential suitors that you’ve got some great smackers.
So lip biting just happens as a way of drawing attention to that spot. When you see someone you might like, you might subconsciously bite down on our bottom lip so their eyes immediately go there. This gets the wheels turning in their head. [Read: Lip biting and 29 other sexy flirting tips for girls]
2. It signifies a desire
Some of the most important things we do in life are with our mouths. For example, you eat and kiss with your mouth. And when you really start to desire something, your lips know it.
Biting down on your lip is not only a sign you want something, it’s also a way of your body suppressing those desires. This is why you see so many quiet or shy people biting down on their lips. They want to hold that desire back.
3. Lips are very reactive
In general, your lips react very quickly to your surroundings and this isn’t just with someone attractive. If you’re stressed, uncomfortable, or unhappy, your lips will harden into a line and fold in on themselves.
Therefore, when someone bites their lips, it’s showing that they have a reaction to you. Your body sees this and immediately recognizes that it’s a good reaction.
And that’s enough to turn us on! [Read: How to tell if a guy is turned on – 22 signs he’s horny AF when you’re around]
4. It shows a suppression of feelings
People who want to hide what they’re thinking or feeling will often bite their lip because lip biting is a form of suppression. When we see this, it immediately makes us more curious as to what they’re hiding.
This curiosity can make someone seem far more appealing than we originally thought. There’s a reason mysterious people are always seen as hotter. Wanting to know more about someone makes them more attractive. [Read: How to be mysterious and leave everyone smitten and craving for more]
5. It makes them look better
Everyone loves supple, rosy lips. Think about it. Would you rather press your lips to red, plump lips or thin, frail lips? Lip biting is a way of making your lips look more inviting.
It brings blood to the surface and shows the other person that you have something to offer. When the other person sees your lips becoming red and supple, they’re immediately more attracted to them and you. [Read: 13 physical attraction tips to look way hotter instantly]
Other ways our bodies show we’re totally into someone
Lip biting isn’t the only thing that our bodies do when we’re attracted to someone. Here are a few other ways we show our attraction without even realizing it. [Read: 20 signs of attraction in the first conversation]
1. Opening our legs toward them
Now, this doesn’t mean that you should go around opening your legs to every person you find attractive. However, if you’re sitting down and someone you like comes near you, you’ll subconsciously open your legs slightly.
This is a form of body language that “opens” you to someone’s advances. Since it’s a more vulnerable stance, your body is basically submitting to them even before you realize it. Other people notice this and subconsciously pick up on it. [Read: I want to have sex with you – 15 ways to seduce someone without a word]
2. Pointing our feet toward someone
When you like someone, you’ll naturally stand and sit facing them. Your entire body wants to see as much of them as possible and the only way to do that is to turn your whole body to face them.
Giving your whole attention to someone is a huge flirting sign you might not try to do. [Read: Body language attraction for touchy feely flirting]
3. Women sway their hips and stick out their chest
This is obviously something that can be controlled but women also do this without even realizing it. When scientists watched the posture of many women, they noticed that, when males were present, women’s hips swayed more and their chests rose.
This is because your body knows what is attractive to men. It will respond according to what will attract them the easiest, and highlighting your finest assets does just that. [Read: Why men love women and find a curvy body irresistible]
4. Fixing our hair
Have you ever seen a super hot person and immediately put a hand to your hair to pat it down and fix it? If so, you’re not alone. You may not do this consciously as a way of looking better, but your body does.
In order to attract a mate, your body knows you need to look attractive. By fixing your hair, you’re doing just that. [Read: How to look sexy, feel sexy and be sexy without even trying!]
5. Your eyes grow bigger
You really will hardly ever notice this unless an extremely attractive person walks by. You’ll realize you’re staring and immediately avert your eyes. But when you were staring, your eyes got a bit wider.
The widening of your eyes is a really big subconscious sign that you find someone attractive. It’s your body’s way of making sure you can view as much of them as possible by opening up your eyes really big.
We don’t need a scientist to tell us just how sexy lip biting is. It’s one of the top things people notice when they’re attracted to someone and quite frankly, how can you blame them?
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