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52 Signs You’re Meant to Be Forever Alone and Single & You Like It That Way!

Are some people just meant to be single? And do you think that you might be one of them? If so, go out there and live your single life unapologetically!

Are Some People Meant to Be Alone & Single

It seems like society is obsessed with dating. Just look at the popularity of reality dating shows, dating apps, and celebrity gossip about who’s shacking up with who—it seems all we talk about is dating! But where is room for the people who want to be single?

Because newsflash—not everyone wants to be swept up by a prince/princess charming! Whether you’re aromantic, asexual, or just like your life the way it is without a significant other in the way, there’s no shame in admitting that you want to be single.

Maybe you’re meant to be single. And maybe you rule because of that. [Read: Love sucks! 36 reasons why we hate it and yet crave for it]

Why am I single?

Well, there are countless reasons why someone might be single.

Maybe you’re divorced and you have kids. Dating takes a lot of time and effort. So, you might not have the time to dedicate to dating since you are busy raising your kids. [Read: Why am I single? The honest answer, 36 reasons, and excuses we use]

Or maybe you’re busy with your career. It’s wonderful if you love your career, but it might not leave a lot of time for dating or a relationship.

But the question that’s important right now isn’t why you’re single, but rather are you happy being single? If you aren’t and you’d like to find that special someone to settle down with, then you don’t have to fill yourself with negative thoughts that you’re meant to be single. You can find your soulmate.

But actually, if you’re happy being single and you don’t want someone to come in and wreck the amazing life you’ve built for yourself, maybe you are meant to be single. But that’s not a bad thing at all—it’s badass.

The signs that you’re your happiest when you’re single

When we hear people say, “I’m going to be alone forever,” or, “maybe I’m just meant to be single,” it’s usually not meant as a good thing. They usually say it teary-eyed after a bad date or a painful breakup.

But since when was singledom a bad thing? And why isn’t it celebrated as much as it should be? Some people aren’t meant to be in relationships, but that’s not a harsh thing to say.

In fact, relationships aren’t for them because being single makes them infinitely happier. [Read: Being single vs. in a relationship – 18 pros, cons, and things you MUST know]

So, what are the signs that you prefer being single so that you can shut your “when are you going to start dating” curious friends up for good?

1. You believe that it is better to be right than happy

It takes most people a lot of time in relationships to realize it is not better to be right than happy. It’s a hard lesson to learn, but a crucial one if you don’t want every argument to risk the end of your relationship.

Sometimes it is better to just keep your “rightness” in your head and acquiesce instead of holding out for the win. [Read: Self-centered people – 40 signs and ways to change yourself or deal with one]

If you worry about being right, then you likely spend a good chunk of your time proving it. What a waste of energy. If you have a stubborn streak that you won’t let go of, you’ll feel more at peace when you’re single.

2. You believe there is no surrender in a battle

Another sign that you might be one of those people who want to be single is if you don’t know how to work through conflicts effectively.

If you are a “fight to the death” type of person, then you aren’t going to be in a stable relationship. If all is fair in love and war in your head, you will constantly wage battles with your supposed lover. 

At some point, your partner will get tired of the cheap shots, anything-to-win attitude, and complete lack of empathy you display.

If you always go in for the kill, you kill any relationship you could potentially have. Relationships are about finding solutions together, not a “me vs. you” mentality, and you’re just not wired for that.

3. You like things a certain way, period

We all like things a certain way. Some people might like to make the bed and then have a shower, put on socks, and make sure that their feet are completely clean when they come back from work. [Read: Controlling people – 32 common traits, signs, and ways to deal with them]

But, if their significant other comes home from a long day of work and doesn’t see the point in your cleaning ritual, that could really agitate you—and for good reason! 

If you always have to have things a certain way, then you are going to be very tiresome to someone who isn’t as into “the right way” as you.

4. What’s yours is ours, what’s mine is mine

If you keep secrets or things to yourself or act selfishly, a relationship is not going to be easy. [Read: Are you selfish in the relationship? 19 signs you’re being a user]

You put your own things aside for the good of a relationship, and if you can’t contribute or share, ever, then you are someone who is best solo.

5. You aren’t willing to compromise, ever

Compromise is the cornerstone of any good relationship. Trust us, if you are a strong-willed person, then compromising is not a thing that comes naturally. But, it should come. [Read: Compromise in relationships and the art of giving without losing]

People never willing to meet someone halfway will always be on the opposite end of a good relationship, which means they might just be meant to stay single.

You have a very clear image in your head of what your life should look like. Imagine how happy you’ll be without someone there trying to change the picture!

6. No one will control you

If you think contributing to a relationship is tantamount to someone “controlling” you, then you might definitely be one of those people who are meant to be alone.

When someone cares about you and your well-being, they make suggestions about how you should live your life, where you should be, or require you to join the team effort. 

If that is equal to control, then don’t let someone control you. But that negates a successful relationship. [Read: The alpha male – 65 traits of a real alpha man and true secrets to be one yourself]

7. You like your “alone” time way more than having any “together” time

If it isn’t just about your belongings, but your finances and time that is all yours, then trust us, you want to be single.

We all enjoy some time alone *at least you should for a healthy sense of self*. 

But, if you enjoy being alone far more than being next to someone, then it is time just to call it and realize that it is okay if you are meant to be single. [Read: Time apart in a relationship – 21 signs, reasons and how to bring it up]

8. You don’t need anyone and prove it

We all like to be independent and figure things out on our own. If you have a chip on your shoulder and don’t need anyone and prove it time and time again, then you just won’t do well in a relationship.

There is no “I” in team, so you’d have to let someone help you once in a while even if you don’t like it for a successful relationship to work. 

Or stay single. Some people prefer to be single, and that is okay and your choice! [Read: 70 true secrets to happiness to have a happy life and enjoy everything you do]

9. Other people’s problems irritate you

If you don’t even want to deal with your own issues, let alone someone else’s, stay single. When you share your life and bed with someone, you share some of yourself, which means being there when they need support or a sounding board.

If you are one of those people who prefer being alone and aren’t interested in being in anyone else’s entanglements, welcome to the club because who does? 

But, unless you want to be in a club of one, then you should care about someone else’s problems every once in a while.

10. You are controlling

If you think you must control every aspect not just of your life but the person you are with too, then you won’t have a successful and happy relationship.

Controlling people are difficult to live with because they are the only people that make decisions. Sooner or later, the person you are with will want to have a say. 

When that day comes, if you don’t give in, they will give up on your union. [Read: 20 glaring signs you have a control freak in you]

11. You are a loner, always have been, and always will be

Before we say anything else, there is nothing wrong with being a ‘loner.’ If you grew up all on your own and that is the way your role models lived too, then it is hard to turn that part of yourself off. Loners don’t need anyone.

But, to be in a successful relationship, you need someone. If not, they don’t feel invested in the relationship. That’s why dating might not be for you and you might want to be single. [Read: Not interested in dating? The reasons and why this is becoming the new normal]

12. You don’t like chaos or company

If the only schedule you want to deal with is your own, then you it’s safe to say you want to be single. When you live with someone, you work around not just their schedule but people important in their lives, too.

That means a lot of chaos and interruption in your schedule. If the slightest thing throws you into a tizzy, then you are better off staying on your own and doing your own thing. [Read: Selfishness in relationships – 15 tips to do the right thing]

13. You’re too scared to date anyone

Some people are just very shy and introverted. They think that they want a relationship, but they also secretly hope that Mr. or Ms. Right will just magically walk up to their house and ring the doorbell. But of course, it doesn’t happen that way.

If you’re shy or very introverted, then it’s probably difficult to put yourself out there and date people. You can’t be in a relationship if you don’t do that. But if you really wanted to find love, you’d overcome your fears to make it happen.

If you feel no desire to break out of your comfort zone, or you don’t think the end result is worth all the struggle of facing your fears, then it’s perfectly fine to say that you want to stay single. [Read: Social anxiety vs. shyness – 37 signs, differences, and ways to overcome them]

14. You don’t like answering to anyone

When people are in a relationship, they have to compromise. If one of them wants to make plans on a Saturday night, they have to check with their partner to make sure it’s okay with them.

When holidays roll around, you have to make sure you see your family and your significant others.

But if you don’t like having to check in with other people or answer to them about what you do, then the single life is the best one for you. [Read: 42 secrets to being happy single and lessons singledom can teach]

You might feel like it’s no one’s business what you do with your life, and you don’t want to ask anyone’s “permission.”

15. You feel tied down in a relationship

There is a reason the phrase “my old ball and chain” was created. For some people, being in a relationship feels like they literally do have a ball and chain on their feet.

They feel smothered and caged in and they want to find a way out. These people definitely prefer being single than in a relationship.

So, if that’s how you feel, then you definitely are meant to be alone. Other people feel comforted and loved in a relationship. But if you feel like you want to push the panic button to get out, then you should stay single. [Read: Fear of commitment – 47 signs, whys, and ways to get over your phobia]

16. Your career is too important to you

Some people love their careers and are workaholics. And that’s okay. It’s wonderful to love your career! [Read: Love or career – how to choose and make sure you’re not left feeling bitter]

And why not? You worked hard to get to where you are, and now you can finally say that you’re happy and feel fulfilled. When your job brings you so much fulfillment, is there really any room for a partner?

They’d take time away from you, distract you from your work, and maybe you don’t want that! There’s nothing wrong with choosing your work life over your love life.

17. You don’t want kids or a family

Not everyone aspires to be married and have kids. In fact, a lot of people don’t even like kids. So, if you look and laugh at all those parents with strollers, diaper bags, and bottles, then you want to stay single.

You have all the time in the world to travel to the places that you want to see, try all the hobbies and experiences that excite you, and meet all the incredible and unique people out there. Why would you want to throw that away for a spouse and children that you don’t even want?

[Read: 15 reasons why you should travel at least once a year]

18. Your friends fulfill your needs

Some people think that in order to feel complete and fulfilled in life, they need to have a “better half.” 

But ideally, people should feel whole and fulfilled with themselves regardless of their relationship status. [Read: How to deal with being the only single friend in your group]

So, maybe you have a lot of friends, and you socialize with them often. They might fulfill your need to be with people. There is no reason for you to have a significant other if you feel that your emotional needs are getting met by friends and family.

19. You feel like no one ever lives up to your standards

Everyone has standards and expectations when it comes to dating. Some are relaxed low, while some are quite high. But there’s nothing wrong with having high standards for yourself.

What’s worse, staying single or settling for someone that doesn’t make you happy just so that other people don’t call you demanding or high-maintenance? Know your worth and don’t settle for anything less!

[Read: 20 ways to make your man realize your worth in the relationship and value you]

20. You enjoy doing your own thing

You have your own hobbies and ways to wind down after a long, stressful day. Maybe they have some really important significance to you, or having a routine makes you feel calm and structured.

Either way, the thought of inviting a partner into your life to disrupt all of that sounds horrible to you.

Some people like to wind down at the end of the day by cuddling on the sofa with their lover and watching TV. But your picture of the perfect evening might be different, and more solitary, than that, and that’s okay.

21. You’re happy with life

A lot of people get into and stay in relationships simply because they are unhappy being single. [Read: 42 signs you’re not ready for a serious relationship and how to let them know]

They think that someone else will “complete them.” But if you’re generally happy with life and don’t feel like anything is missing, then that is great. Embrace the fact that you want to be single and don’t change a thing!

22. You have a lifestyle that is more suited to the single life

If you love traveling, being spontaneous, or doing things that don’t require a lot of planning, then that’s not very conducive to a relationship and/or a family.

It’s easy to travel the world or camp out in the middle of nowhere when you are doing it by yourself.

23. You find your life to be fulfilling

Most of the cultures in the world teach us that marriage and having a family is what everyone should do. But that doesn’t mean it’s true. Sure, most people do. But if you find like fulfilling without a partner or a family, then who cares what anyone else says?

[Read: 33 secrets to be true to yourself and 15 signs you need to unfake your life]

24. Trust issues rule your life

Maybe you’ve experienced some horrible things at the hands of ex friends, lovers, or family members that have resulted in some serious trust issues.

After going through that, it can be so tempting to close yourself off—to never be vulnerable in front of another person again as a means of protecting yourself.

But just know that if this is your only reason to want to be single, and if deep down you think that you would like to be in a romantic relationship, this isn’t the end for you.

There are ways to overcome your trust issues and find people who are deserving of your trust and vulnerability.

[Read: I have trust issues – 18 baby steps to start dating and open your heart to love]

25. You still have feelings for your ex

It’s not uncommon for people to carry a torch for their exes. However, if it’s been years—or even decades —and you’re still pining away for them, then that is a block to finding anyone new. 

You should definitely stay single until you find a way to let go of your ex. It wouldn’t be fair to anyone you date if they can never have your heart. [Read: I miss my ex – why you miss them and 20 ways to forget them for good]

26. You hold your emotions in

In order to be in a healthy romantic relationship, you have to be emotionally available and vulnerable. So, if this is difficult for you and makes you uncomfortable, then maybe dating just isn’t for you.

Sharing your feelings and being vulnerable can be hard. If you’re okay with being single and forgoing the whole being in love and settling down thing, then maybe you don’t have to change your guarded ways. But if you do want love, there are steps you can take.

[Read: 19 reasons why we’re afraid to open up to people and steps to overcome it]

27. Relationships are all about sex to you

Sure, everyone wants to have sex in a romantic relationship. But a partnership is about so much more than just sex. So, if you’re only in relationships so you can have sex and don’t value anything else about it, then you should just stay single.

You can have sex without the emotions and the commitment—maybe that setup is better for you. [Read: Casual sex – how to prepare for it and have a hookup with no regrets]

28. You have a negative view of dating

Let’s face it—most people don’t necessarily like what the dating culture is like these days. [Read: Annoyingly common misconceptions about online dating]

But if you have a negative view of it to the point that you don’t think that there are any good single people left, then it’s time to admit to yourself that you just want to be single. And there’s nothing wrong with that!

29. You’re aromantic

Have you ever felt like you’re the only person you know who has absolutely no desire in dating or relationships? Are you confused when your friends gush and swoon over an attractive person at the bar because you don’t see what the big deal is? Maybe you’re aromantic.

Aromanticism is a romantic *not sexual* orientation where a person just… has no interest in romance! Like how asexuals experience no sexual attraction, maybe you just never feel romantic desire or attraction.

If this sounds like you, then it’s literally part of your identity to want to stay single! [Read: Aromantic asexual – what it is and the traits and challenges of this sexual identity]

Things to do when it feels like you’ll be single forever

So, you’ve read through the list of signs you might be happier single, and you’ve found a few points that you relate to. You might be wondering what happens from here. Well, that entirely depends on you and what you want.

If you’ve recognized that committed, romantic relationships just aren’t for you, there are two ways you can move forward and they all depend on one thing: whether you’re happy the way you are if you want to find love so badly that you are willing to do anything for it.

If you’re a happy singleton and you don’t feel that deep urge to find love, here’s what you can do:

Things to do to be happy with your single destiny

1. Realize you can be happy without someone by your side

Most people grow up thinking they will find Mr. or Ms. Right and fall in love and live happily ever after. [Read: 42 secrets to be happy being single and alone and lessons it can teach you]

But you can still be happy alone. Having a partner doesn’t necessarily make your life better—it can, but it’s not guaranteed. Especially if your life is pretty darn great without someone there.

2. Love and accept yourself

If you think that you’re the type of person who just thrives outside of relationships, then that’s great! But if you’re not looking for love from other people, you need to be darn sure that you’ve got love for yourself.

No matter who you are, you’re deserving of love, so give that to yourself. Besides, the love that you can give to yourself can be more nourishing and fulfilling than the love that anyone else can give you. [Read: 34 life-changing steps to fall in love with yourself all over again]

3. Figure out what you want from life

If you’re too focused on the fact that you’re single, you might miss out on the other good things in life. [Read: What should I do with my life? 22 steps to find a way when you feel lost]

So, figure out what you want out of your life in general. Make some goals and focus on following through on them.

4. Don’t let family or friends pressure you

Family and friends are notorious for pressuring single people into finding “the one” and getting married and having babies. [Read: Black sheep of the family – what it means, 22 signs you’re it, and how to deal]

But don’t listen to them—listen to your own heart. It’s your life, not theirs. Just remember that.

Things to do to change your ways and find love

1. Start loving yourself

If you feel bad about being single and alone, it means that you don’t love yourself enough. Don’t get down on yourself or think that no one wants you. Once you love yourself, you’ll change the energy you put out and will attract the right person.

2. Figure out what you want in a partner

The first step to finding the right person is to figure out what you actually want. This also includes figuring out what you don’t want, too. Write it down and be specific. Then focus on attracting that kind of person.

3. Make sure you’re over your ex-partner

Whether your breakup was last week, last year, or the last decade, you need to make sure you’re over your ex. [Read: Closure after a relationship – 29 signs you don’t have it and ways to move on]

If you’re not, then they are still occupying an emotional space in your heart. You need to clear that before someone else can fill it.

4. Work through any commitment issues or trust issues you might have

If the thought of committing to someone makes you feel suffocated, you need to figure out why. Or if you have a hard time trusting people, you can’t have a happy, healthy relationship until you resolve that too.

If self-reflection isn’t helping you to face and confront these problems, seeking out a therapist can be a great way to deal with these issues that are holding you back for good.

5. Make sure you socialize

Don’t just sit at home and feel sorry for yourself. Your soul mate isn’t going to come knocking on your door! Get out there and socialize. You never know when you might meet the perfect person for you. [Read: 34 secrets to be more social and connect with people if you have no social life]

6. Give up your judgment of dating apps

Almost everyone has a negative attitude toward dating apps these days. But there are actually many people who find their spouses that way.

In fact, according to The Knot, around one in four engaged or married partners in 2022 had met their partner online! So, they do work for some people.

Be positive about it and believe they will work for you too. [Read: Best dating apps for a real relationship – 18 hottest apps to try in 2023]

7. Allow people to get to know you

If you are shy, introverted, or have social anxiety, you might have emotional walls that you build around yourself to protect you. But in order to find a partner, you need to be vulnerable and allow people to get to know you.

8. Don’t be scared of rejection

No one likes rejection—it just doesn’t feel good. [Read: 36 healthy ways to handle rejection and respond positively even if it hurts]

But you can’t be so paralyzed by the possibility of being rejected that you don’t even put yourself out there to meet anyone. Just remember that rejection happens to everyone—even supermodels.

9. Evaluate your standards

Healthy standards are important to have. So, you should think about whether yours are too low, or even too high.

If they’re too low, then you attract the wrong people. If they’re too high, you’ll never meet the “perfect” person since they don’t exist.

10. Don’t let your biological clock pressurize you

Sure, if you’re a woman, it’s difficult to ignore that biological clock ticking. But these days, many women can have babies up into their 40s. And there’s also adoption. If you’re a guy, then you have all the time in the world.

So don’t rush yourself to settle down with the wrong person just so you don’t “miss out” on the opportunity to have children.

11. Don’t be intimated by dating

Dating is all about your attitude. If you’re scared of it, then you will put out negative vibes to your dates.

Instead of thinking, “I hope they like me!” you should think, “I hope I like them!” This makes all the difference in the world. [Read: Dating after divorce – the must-do’s for stress-free dating]

12. Widen your search

If you’re just using dating apps, try something different. Join groups and ask your friends to set you up with their friends. Maybe hire a matchmaker if you have the money to do so. Try different things so you have the best chances to find “the one.”

13. Stay away from one-night stands

You might be really horny, but if you want to find a lasting relationship, one-night stands usually aren’t the way to do it. It might be tempting, but just don’t do it. Hold off on sex and let your intentions be known.

14. Know your red flags

Some people are completely oblivious to even the most giant red flags in potential dates. [Read: 51 warning signs of a bad first date and BIG red flags in the first few dates]

They may see them but ignore them, or they might be so desperate for a partner that they don’t care. But have standards and open your eyes to the red flags. Then you won’t waste time with the wrong people.

15. Surround yourself with other singles

Find a group of single people. If you don’t have any single friends, then join singles groups. Make friends with them. That way, you can put yourself into social situations where you might meet someone who is looking for you. 

16. Stop focusing on looks so much

Almost everyone on the planet is self-conscious about their looks, so you’re not the only one. [Read: The science and rules of attraction and 29 traits that are far sexier than looks]

But there is so much more to looks. Whether you’re the one who is self-conscious or you’re looking to date a supermodel, re-think your feelings about that.

17. Stop serial dating

There are some people who date and just “see where it goes.” This might turn into a lot of short-lived mini “relationships.” But don’t do that. Hold out and don’t commit to anyone that you aren’t really sure about. 

18. Give it time

As the sayings go, “Rome wasn’t built in a day” and “All things come to those who wait.” [Read: 45 secrets to be more positive and fill your mind with positive emotions 24/7]

Nothing happens overnight, including finding a partner. So, you have to be patient, be persistent, and give it time to happen.

19. Keep believing in love

It’s really easy to get all cynical and stop believing in true love. But it really does exist. It isn’t always easy to find, but you can’t give up. Make sure to keep faith in love!

Is it possible to be single forever? 

Yes, it is possible to be one of those people who is meant to be single forever. [Read: Single and ready to mingle – how to let the world know you’re ready]

There are plenty of people in the world who are single most of their lives either because they choose to be or they just don’t put enough effort into trying to find a partner.

So, if you like being single, then great. Just keep doing what you’re doing! But if you don’t and you want to find a life partner, you’re going to have to do something different than you’re doing right now.

How do you accept you’ll be single forever?

While it may not be easy to do, you can accept that you might be single forever. It all starts with loving yourself. [Read: Why it’s awesome being single on Valentine’s Day]

Once you love yourself, you don’t really need someone to love you back. Sure, it would add to your life, but it won’t be necessary for your happiness.

Create a very fulfilling life for yourself. Have hobbies, make some single friends, and keep yourself busy with things you enjoy. 

Focus on the good things that you have by being single, not the negatives. And just know that life is beautiful whether you’re single or in a relationship.

[Read: How to stay single until you’re seriously ready to mingle]

Are some people meant to be alone? Yes, there are definitely some people meant to be single. If that is you, stop thinking it is a bad thing and embrace it!

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Carol Morgan LP
Dr. Carol Morgan
Dr. Carol Morgan has a Ph.D. in communication and is a professor at Wright State University where she loves corrupting young minds. As a relationship and succes...