The 14 Types of Cock Blocks You Could Bump Into!

When you try to impress a girl, there’s a good chance you’d bump into one of these 14 types of cock blocks. Use these signs to recognize them!

what is a cock block

Cock blocks are all around us.

Sometimes, it could be your own friend.

And in most circumstances, it could be an annoying friend of the girl you’re trying to hit on.

Now you could do everything it takes to catch a girl’s eye from far away and impress her.

[Read: 8 classy ways to get a girl to notice you before you even talk to her!]

But if you can’t deal with the cock block, chances are, you’re going to end up ruining your chances of making a great impression in that first conversation with the girl.

How to deal with a cock block

You can try your best to be sweet and charming to a cock blocker, or try to get on their nice side by showering them with compliments or involving them in the conversation.

But no matter what you do or say, a cock blocker’s only intention is to annoy you and make you run away from the girl you’re trying to hit on.

So if you do find yourself in the company of the girl you like and a cock blocker, you can’t really beat the cock block without making yourself look bad or rude.

[Read: Who is a cock blocker and 10 reasons why they want to cock block you!]

So how do you deal with a cock block? Well, the easiest way is try to involve them, and if it doesn’t work in your favor, learn to snub them and ignore them!

Don’t entertain a cock blocker who doesn’t want to warm up to you, because they’re almost always annoying people who either hate the fact that you’re giving attention to someone else *if it’s the girl’s friend*, or hate the fact that they don’t have the balls to smooth talk with the girl *if it’s your friend or another guy who’s been friend zoned by the girl*. [Read: How to avoid a girl’s friend zone and make her want you sexually]

The best way to get away from a cock block

There’s not much you can do, especially if the cock blocker is a good friend of the girl you’re trying to hit on. But here’s the key idea you need to keep in mind. In you’re in the company of a great girl, and you’ve got a cock blocker somewhere around you, either in the form of her friend or yours, the first thing you need to try and do is get rid of the cock blocker.

If it’s your friend, discreetly get him to leave. And on the other hand, if the girl’s friend is trying to behave like an annoying cock blocker, your only option is to win over the girl you like as fast as you can, and ask her if she’d like to come with you to some other place, be it a restaurant or a coffee shop, or any other convenient place you can think of.

The girl may decline your proposition because her friend’s around, and she can’t leave her and get away. But if she realizes her friend’s behaving like a cock blocker and she really likes you too, there is still a chance that she may accompany you and leave her friend behind! [Read: How to talk to more than one girl at once and leave them all swooning over you]

The 14 types of cock blocks you could bump into

Cock blocks can come in many different ways. But you can recognize a cock block and define them using these 14 different types of cock blocks.

If you do come across these cock blocks, try to get the girl’s attention as soon as you can, and distance yourself from the cock block before it’s too late!

#1 Your annoying friend. The guy who walks up to you and says “how’s your girlfriend?” or “how’s your wife?” when you’re talking to a cute girl just to annoy you or make the girl you’re talking to back away because it seems like you’re already taken by another girl. He may do this either to show off just how funny he is and win the girl over, or to anger you and make you look bad so he can talk to the girl instead.

#2 The rescuing cock block. If you’re talking to a girl and giving her all your attention *and she seems to be loving it*, her friend may pull her away from you because she’s just annoyed by the attention you’re giving the pretty girl. Her friend could use any excuse from “we’re late and need to go…”, “we have to meet a friend…” or the less obvious and sneaky one, “we need to use the ladies room…” and drag the girl away even if the girl seems really interested in continuing the conversation with you. [Read: How to keep a conversation going with the opposite sex effortlessly]

#3 The rude cock block. This is usually the girl’s bitchy friend. She may not drag the girl away from you, but her aura of negativity may just depress you. Even as you talk to the girl you like, her friend may sulk, whine, or behave restless the whole while. She may even get rude when you ask her something or try to involve her in the conversation.

#4 The conversation making cock block. This is a sneaky cock block you may not notice for a while, until you start seeing red and it’s too late. The girl’s friend may involve herself in the conversation and pretend to be happy *for a while*. But as the conversation progresses, she may get rude with you or pick arguments with you just to get you to burst out in anger, which would make you look bad in front of the girl you’re trying to impress.

#5 The flirty cock block. This is a naughty and competitive minx we’re talking about. You may be talking to a great girl and having a fun time. And at some point of time, her naughty friend may join the conversation, and try to cut the conversation away from the girl you’re talking to. This cock block may flirt with you, push the other girl away or even drag you and walk away with you just to show her friend that she’s the better girl! [Read: 10 types of toxic friends that are best avoided in life]

#6 The clingy cock block. You’re talking to a girl you want to take home, and her friend just doesn’t want to let go. Her friend sticks to her the whole while, and doesn’t excuse herself even if there are other friends to hang out with!

#7 The bitter girl. When the girl you’re talking to excuses herself for some reason, her friend may speak of the girl in bad light and bitch about it. Or she may even suggest that she’s the better girl who’s more deserving of your attention.

#8 The cock blocking wingman. You take your wingman along to try and talk to a few girls, assuming your friend will support you as you hit on the girl you like. But instead, your wingman turns on you and makes you look bad by making nasty jokes about you and tries his best to make himself look like the better man. [Read: How to be a funny guy and make girls love your company]

#9 The noisy cock block. Have you ever encountered a noisy friend of the girl you’re trying to hit on? You have worked your way into a group of girls. And you may be trying hard to impress the girl you like.

But this friend of hers may be loud, obnoxious and really annoying, and constantly trying to get everyone’s attention towards herself. Even if the girl you’re talking to seems very interested in just talking to you, her annoying friend may keep calling out to her or interrupting both of you just to get attention.

#10 The prick. This kind of a cock block could come in the form of the girl’s friend, and at times, even in the form of your own friend. If you’re trying to impress a girl, her friend may interrupt you with rude lines just to put you off, or hurt your confidence. She may say things like “Is that the best line you could come up with?” or “Okay… so how many girls have you said that to before?!” just to make you feel uncomfortable and force you to walk away with your tail tucked in between your legs. [Read: Are good looking girls really mean or are they just nicer?]

#11 The friend zone cock block. This kind of a cock block comes in the form of her guy friend who likes her, but can’t ever have her. He may be around when you try to hit on the girl, and he may constantly try to say something to demean you or insult you just because he’s closer to her and can get away with saying anything he wants.

#12 The funny cock block. Your own guy friends may do this just to have some fun at your expense. Each time you try to hook up with a girl, they may try to butt in or pull you away, just because they think it’s hilarious! [Read: 10 things you need to say to a girl in a conversation to make her like you]

#13 The back stabbing cock block. You may have spent an entire night talking to a girl and having a great time with her. And just as you exit to get her a drink, your friend may bring himself into the picture and take your place. And if he finds her in a wild and tipsy mood, he may even take her to the dance floor and make out with her! [Read: 6 signs to recognize a girl who wants a hook up and 12 ways to hook up with her]

#14 She’s taken. When the girl you like steps out for some reason, her friend may tell you to back off because she’s taken already and has a boyfriend. The minute you hear that, you’d assume her friend wouldn’t lie, and you may back off, only to find out later that it was her annoying friend who was just playing the part of a cock blocker.

[Read: Sneaky ways to make a girl horny and wet just by sitting next to her!]

So the next time you’re trying to impress a girl and find yourself in an awkward spot, chances are, you’re in the company of a cock blocker. Keep these 14 kinds of cock blocks in mind, and as soon as you see these signs in one of her friends, drag the girl you like and get away from the cock blocker!

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Daniel Lincoln
Daniel Lincoln is a passionate writer, and a bookaholic who loves losing himself in fictional novels....
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